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forum trolls.......

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Sorry res I read it as implying that folk had changed their minds when he became shaggable, no wonder im still emptying bins.
Based on that understanding I wondered if you meant me. Paranoia is quite widespread.
I do get upset about the troll labels since they are usually directed at newer posters who haven't tuned in to group think and aren't seen to be shaggable. Rarely are they aimed at the serial offenders. The shame of it is that whilst the serial offenders do seem to be doing it to get a rise out of folk the newer faces simply havent realised what a bunch of po faced up our own arse holier than thou'ers we can be--at the best of times.
Res regarding your comment.
" Oddly enough, I'm not actually raising these points because I give a toss. I really don't. I come here for a giggle Mr K, not sex and I'm big enough, old enough and intelligent enough to deal with any petty sniping anyone wishes to make. Brucie can do what he likes and say what he likes. That doesn't bother me. What does bother me is the general feeling that because Brucie is now popular, shaggable and funny, what he says is somehow justifiable and those who did take offence (which if you look at the threads, were more than a few people brave enough to contribute) are the villains of the piece. I just think that is unfair. So I said so. I didn't offend anybody, or slag anybody off, I stated my view as a grown up. I can disagree with people and still love them Mr K ".
I never said I liked him or hated him or thought he was funny, or an idiot.
I hardly read any of his comments and that is the truth. It is only now this thread was started did I have a proper look.
I for one cannot see where the problem is Res. Yes he has said a few oddish things and yes some things may not be justifiable but.....I still do not think he has done too much wrong.
Yes a fat person would be offended if you called them a fat git, or the same would be said about a gay guy or a guy with ginger hair.
Where do we draw the line here? I am all against someone saying something horrid, but to call someone a " fat git " I understand why that would be offensive, but it is not a massive slur. People say joke things about fat people or ginger people all the time. Jeez people were even saying jokes the same day Jade Goody died, now that is tasteless but a lot of people did not find it offensive...just funny.
I guess it is ones interpretation of what is offensive or what is funny, or distasteful.
I have never sucked up to Brucie, or sided with him, I just said how I saw things. I have seen people, myself included say worse.
People need to chill out a bit and maybe stop looking too seriously into what is in all tense and purposes.....poxy words.
I got poked because of the searches for SH Trolls-
Bless (was that enough lmao)
There is a psychological issue here whereby many longstanding forumites are well established and a group mentality unintentionally establishes itself. Whilst maybe never intentionally meaning to, the individuals that make up the herd assume an ownership of the personality of the forum and 'how things should be.'
The reality that this forum is called 'Swinging Heaven' and aside from those who (oddly for some) stay here to socialise and not swing, there is a big percentage of transients looking for sex who will come and go and therefore affect the dynamics and personality of the forum as they depart for whatever reason.
Things change, life goes on and what was cool for you four years ago and is now irritating because of all the changes is now cool for the newcomers. That is how it is in life in general ind its own way this little world is a reflection of the bige wide world outside.
Just cos the newcomer is different and ruffles a few feathers does not necessarily make him a troll. Dislikeable to the long standing maybe, but new blood always replaces the tired and the restless eventually and life moves along relentlessly.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Sorry res I read it as implying that folk had changed their minds when he became shaggable, no wonder im still emptying bins.
Based on that understanding I wondered if you meant me. Paranoia is quite widespread.
I do get upset about the troll labels since they are usually directed at newer posters who haven't tuned in to group think and aren't seen to be shaggable. Rarely are they aimed at the serial offenders. The shame of it is that whilst the serial offenders do seem to be doing it to get a rise out of folk the newer faces simply havent realised what a bunch of po faced up our own arse holier than thou'ers we can be--at the best of times.

Hiya Ben,
I understand about the paranoia thing (maybe that's a thread in itself!) I get that too. It's largely why I don't post as much now.
I don't like it either when new faces are pounced upon for whatever reason but to be honest, I've not seen it happen much of late, but then again, I've not been around as much. Certainly the threads that I tend to read don't contain anything and I never go onto the "welcome" thread, so I don't know what goes on there.
Toohot - That's very true about group and whatnot, however while there is a good deal of common ground in how members of a group, such as SH, will think. I often find it is those with a differing view, like good old Mr K, Flower, Mr Powers, Splendid, Bloke, your good self, whoever, that provide the most thoughtful, insightful comments and provoke the bigger reactions and will often make me think about how I judge a situation. Sometimes stirring the pot is needed to get things going again, and that's certainly happened.
I do understand what you mean about the fear of entering a "group" on here. When I joined I spent ages thinking about my first posts. It kind of felt like you were gatecrashing a party with its own established codes and rules. I guess new posters must feel the same, so we should welcome them with open arms and in 99% of circumstances I'm sure people would. But some make it much harder for themselves than others, for their own reasons.
Anyway, I'm sure I've bored the toenails off folk already, so I'll shut my cakehole on this and go back to posting daftness elsewhere!
(PS Flower Old Bean, I am a terrible witterer...I type quickly and before I know it there's bloody reams of the stuff...verbal Dai O'Rhea and all that ;-)
Quote by Jas-Tim
I got poked because of the searches for SH Trolls-
Bless (was that enough lmao)

Hello wave
my goodness me, how this thread has grown, and in such a thought provoking and intriguing way.
when i initially posted this, it wasnt aimed at anyone in particular, more an observation on the fact that forum trolls (easier to type than people who deliberately whip up a storm by spouting very contraversial stuff to inflame other members) appear on a hell of a lot of popular chat sites and fora.
my original thoughts were....what makes people act in such an apparent childish and attention seeking manner on an anonymous chat forum?
would they be/are they like that in real life, or are they far more reserved and mature.
does the anonymity give people the security/guts to act more juvenile than they would in the real juvenile im talking about insults, name calling, giving people the cold shoulder, severing friendships, forum spats, he said/she said kind of stuff.
with regards to the fat issue...yes im fat....yes im obese, Im the first one to stand up and say before anyone else gets a dig in....does it/did it hamper my swinging....did it buggery....not with the guys anyways.......did it/does it hamper Mr Bonedigger....damn right it does, but again it all goes down to preferences and the way women and men shag (IMHO)
men tend to shag with their cocks, women tend to shag with their minds.
My weight and how i look no longer bothers me as it once did.....i have a whole host of other 'issues' that bother me far nasty kites and helium balloons, clowns and people who litter!!!
edited to amend the appalling amount of typos i had redface
Isn’t funny that people can complain about name calling etc, I have been told that I am selfish, opinionated, selfish righteous, I have no compassion and heartless and live in an ivory tower, and should live in the real word.
You would not possibly of noticed any of that as most do it sneakily pm’s hide a multiple of things.
I have never met any of you so ill informed judgements can be so misleading; I take them with a pinch of salt and laugh.
What I feel here if you are strong enough to make threads and post a lot, no matter what the subject matter is, there will always be people that will want to knock you down or look for an interior motive as to why you are here, and what is your agenda.
I don’t take any notice of the comments from other, I keep myself to myself and just continue to post. Most of which is based on my own experiences or just for fun.
Quote by Theladyisaminx
Isn’t funny that people can complain about name calling etc, I have been told that I am selfish, opinionated, selfish righteous, I have no compassion and heartless and live in an ivory tower, and should live in the real word.
You would not possibly of noticed any of that as most do it sneakily pm’s hide a multiple of things.
I have never met any of you so ill informed judgements can be so misleading; I take them with a pinch of salt and laugh.
What I feel here if you are strong enough to make threads and post a lot, no matter what the subject matter is, there will always be people that will want to knock you down or look for an interior motive as to why you are here, and what is your agenda.
I don’t take any notice of the comments from other, I keep myself to myself and just continue to post. Most of which is based on my own experiences or just for fun.

im sorry i imagined you looked like angelica houston in the witches....before transformation I might add lol redface
Quote by brucie

And this is what we call a Bump. biggrin:D:D:D:D:D:D
one mans troll is another mans freedom fighter....... rolleyes