do you live in a area with a large or increasing fox population?
have they been coming in through the cat flap and damaging your property?
or what about that some councils are considering culling seagulls as residents are being attacked by dive bombing mad screaming woman on the news has to wear a collender on her head to stop the gulls beaks hitting her head as she goes out.
also ducks have been getting so fat they cannot fly due to over feeding from locals and when they have stopped being fed started chasing people down streets.
are animals not scared anymore or are we to blame for this as we throw away so much food and attract them to our homes.
i have to admit seagulls are much more in land these days than i can remember.
have you experienced any sort of these reported attacks where you live?
Next doors cat keeps shitting on my drive despite me chasing it away whenever i see it- does that count?
Where I used to live we had a fox living at the end of the street. It was a very groovy fox. I did worry it would come and try and get my rabbits, but I need not have feared, my dog did a great job of that :wary:
interesting this as i had neighbours cats weeing on my motorbike covers.
the smell was awful and in about a week the cover would be melting because of the wee.
i bought a cat sensor thing off ebay which sends out a tone only cats can hear and i have to say it works because the cats circle around it and will not come near. they hate the noise this sonic thing pumps out.
blue your right about a dog as my grandad always had chickens when i was a nipper and his jack russell use to always live in a kennel outside and go for cats,foxes and sometimes me if i came near the run.
people dont seem to keep chickens in gardens
i wanted to keep chickens but my local council refused after neighbours said it would bring rats through their gardens.
shame but it is what it is.
lol, I don't do serious...especially when it comes to ice-cream schlurrp