Before I retired, I worked in IT security. Given the amount of money and resource I know the US commits to defending its critical national infrastructure, you'd think they'd be beating a path to this guy's door, with a big bag of cash in return for him showing them how he did it.
I don't condone malicious hacking, however, we live in the real world and it's going to happen. I don't think this guy is malicious, just one of those slightly off kilter obsessives who like to pursue this sort of thing.
Should the home secretary block his extradition?
I do not know the legal implications of " hacking " but this guy surely must have known what he was doing was illegal?
He was clever enough to " hack " and surely that cannot be an easy thing to do for a mere mortal computer buff?
So on that basis he must be quite a clever fecker to have " hacked " into whatever he did?
IF it is illegal to do, then the Yanks have every right to get him extradited to face trial. Even the Home Secretary has not tried to block it, which must show the seriousness of the crime?
I believe that IF he is found guilty, then the sentence should be served in a UK jail, as that is where the crime took place.
A bit of inter talking between both sides will no doubt come to that anyway.
Do the the time. He ain't as silly as he looks.....or is he?
Isn't the fact that he managed to hack into such a sensitive and critical system of huge importance to the USA and the rest of the world. Imagine the complacency that would exist around these systems if we didn't have guys like Mckinnon and the consequential danger of vulnerable systems at that level is unthinkable. He should be slapped on the wrist and employed immediately.
You seem a reasonably clued up geezer.....would YOU know how to hack into anyones computer, let alone the Yanks?
I am pretty computer literate yet I would not even have a clue.
Is it POSSIBLE that despite his " illness " he knew exactly what he was doing?
Are you really telling me that this young lad who has Aspirgers, was not responsible as he did not understand what he was doing, and nobody from this Government have stepped in to try and stop his impending extradition?
If that is the case....something smells very funny.
I am not judging him or his actions, as I do not understand how he even did it, my concern is his illness. I do not know enougn about it, but it seems it did not stop him from hacking into something, that the Americans are taking very seriously indeed.
Nobody here can safely say what all the evidence is they have against him, but certainly enough for the Brits to grant the Yanks his extradition, and on that basis it must be a serious issue.
It does seem very strange though how someone like this guy, has the knowledge and the know how to break into their systems...or are people implying that it is not as serious as is being made out?
Will hold me judgement until ALL the facts are released.
HAHAHA, the amazing 'hacker'. you know how he hacked NASA?, all the was doing was pinging random IP addresses looking for any PC with a password of 'Administrator' and a blank password. (you can download apps to do this for you) then he used remote desktop to log onto any PC he found with that stupid setup.
Nasa security = pitifull.
Gary Mkinnon = not exactly super hacker.
Sorry disability I did not even know what it was.
The question that this all hinges on is....did he KNOW what he was doing and the possible implications IF caught?
Time will tell IF he did or did not, and that is where this case lies on the evidence for me.
As this offense was conducted on the world wide web then his case should be tried in a Neutral international court, in Holland for example.
If he was such a threat to American security how come one of their spooks hasn't 'taken him out' in the last 5 years this has been going on?
I presume that there are different levels of Aspergers?
Or is every sufferer at the same level?
Most if not all disabilities vary greatly from one person to another. We do not know the level of his disability, so to say he should not be tried, could be a tad premature?
" Some researchers and people with Asperger's have advocated a shift in attitudes toward the view that it is a difference, rather than a disability that must be treated or cured ".
Seems people have different attitudes to this than others?
An interesting read if you want to know a bit more about Asperger
maybe, before this chap is shipped off to neverland, he should be given a full 'competance' assessment... by our very own boys and girls, prior to any 'agreement' with the you ess being rubber stamped as a show of legal strength.
should such a chap be used in setting an example?
my fear for the guy is that aspergers sufferers are very literal and faultlisly honest not understanding the concept of dishonesty and the top dollar law folk will twist and turn the poor guy till he won't know which way is up and he won't stand a chance so i for one hope it won't even make it that far
In the intervening years since the incident, Gary hasn't committed any further similar 'crimes'. Which must mean he has learned something. So he's that clever. Did he know what he was doing? Yes he did, he was clever enough to work at it long enough to make it successful.
Can we excuse him for his disability? Up to a point perhaps. But how many other people are being convicted who have unrecognised mental problems. If there are enough diagnoses for all the mental abnormalities, pretty soon we are going to have an excuse for anything and everyone. Then no one will take responsibility.
What is the disgnostic term for people with supposedly sane and well balanced characteristics. If there isn't one, why? Hasn't it been disgnosed yet? If its not recognised; the 'sane' are no better qualified than those with undiagnosed mental disorders. Maybe you can only be diagnosed 'sane' after you have been wrongly accused of being 'insane'.
Does he know he's guilty? Prison is full of people who firmly believe they are innocent.
Anyway the Americans are stupid for hooking a secret computer up to the internet. Their main interest is in finding out what he did and how. That seems fair enough to ask for.
Bang on the money..... a great artical that I wish I could have written.
As I've said before if you have never lived with someone who has Aspergers then you will never understand them and clearly from the newspaper article the writer knows nothing about the disability.