Missed this one earlier this month while we were all arguing about Bradley Wiggins:
A cross-party inquiry into how to get Britain cycling was launched by Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs in Westminster today.
The report is due to be presented to Parliament in April 2013.
My wish list:
Cycle lanes extended to one third of the road width
£60 fine for stopping or parking in a cycle lane
VAT off bicycles & safety gear
Bring it on.....
Price rationing, surely not.
I did read today that they are considering a lifetime driviing ban after 2 drink drive convictions.
Government inquiry into cycling will also look at ways of taxing it.
I don't think it is possible to increase the size of cycle lanes to 1/3 of the road. Cars cannot drive in cycle lanes, leaving all the traffic including buses, lorries and cars 1/3 each of a lane to drive in. Lanes are the width they are cos they have to be. To fit the traffic. Most roads wouldn't be wide enough for 2 vehicles, turning A-roads into single tracks.
Personally I think, where there are cycle lanes, there should be a kerb between them and the proper road to avoid 'drift' accidents.
I do believe cyclist should be protected - but I also feel that drivers need to be protected. None of us want to hit a bike and I have certainly had to endanger myself (with oncoming traffic) to avoid a cylist who is wandering into the car-line at 40 mph slower than I am going (legally) or who shoots out at junctions without a) looking or b) pausing. Cyclists MUST abide by the rules of the road. And many of them don't. Leaving us drivers to save their lives.
Round here they have time-trials on public roads that are in normal use. Do you think these riders signal at roundabouts, stop at Give Ways, stick to the riding line around roundabouts? I'll make it an easy quiz. No they don't - they risk all to get a good time.
They also pass each other without a glance backwards.
It's all very well saying we should all ride bikes. I live 10 miles from work and there is no way on earth anyone would ever persuade me to cycle to work - I simply don't enjoy work enough to risk my life to get there and spend and hour in driving rain when I could drive it in 20 minutes. I also shop on the way home - shall I put 6 carrier bags on my handlebars? Cycling is a fun activity if you are fit and have somewhere to do it safely. But it isn't, never will be and could never be the principal way of getting around.
In Holland I believe half of urban journeys are on bicycle. The wikipedia page is quite informative.
The way you work the 1/3 of a road schemes is to allow motorists to use them but to give absolute right of way to the cyclist.
Although not yet gasping its last rattling breath the private car wont be sustainable for long so I think its pretty wise for society to think ahead.
In terms of average traffic speed at peak times, the UK has some of the slowest. Bristol, Glasgow and London all failing to break 15mph.
Many schemes have been tried foxy.
I was directed to one in Hull recently, at a roundabout, where 'green lanes' had been painted round the entire junction.
It was referred to as suicide alley (or something similar). More cyclists killed and maimed than was the case before the 'tinkering'.
Lets be careful out there as the inimitable Sergeant Esterhaus used to say in Hill Street Blues..