If its supported by Broon, you betcha!
Too simplistic a question.
The money is part of it, power, prestige, pride, envy are all wrapped up in too.
If you've ever spent any time around academics, you'll have noted how some of them are incredibly power/prestige hungry. They love to build empires - there's so much petty personal politicking going on in the higher echelons particularly. This can affect their objectivity in their work, with a fanatical desire to be proved right. the money flows from that - personal gain for the protagonists (grants, funding, salaries etc).
Then there is the bandwagoneering - successive geovernments, who don't really give a shit about the effects of man made emissions on the global environment and climate, now had a revenue raising cause they could use to implement draconian controls and financial burdens on their electorates.
Journalists, authors, film makers have all profited too.
Climatologists in the GW Team, were getting to rule the world - seriously, some scientists have big enough ego's to think that they should!
Hence a huge momentum has developed under the Global warming/Climate change movement, so many people have a lot to lose by the explosion of the myth, that they will do almost anything to prevent the real facts coming out as they now have done.
Are the findings of the CRU and thus the government polices implemented as a result of, totally fallacious, unreliable, and with no basis in scientific fact?
An unequivocal yes!
(read the monckton report, check out climate audit, look at the emails, check the graphs against the real data etc etc)
Yep a con...
Like most things are when you want to raise money....and lots of it!!
anyone that bothers to read reports..and look into details....will accept man made global warming is a fact. question really is what we do about it.....and how do we go about reducing the global warming effect by reducing our carbon emmissions.
For me....I think money should be spent on research into green, re-newable energy sources. for example..solar panels are massively expensive..and the cost on installation would take over 30 years of use..before it showed you saveings. However, if these were cheaper..and we all started to use and install them, then that would cut down on all fuel bills and reduce our carbon emmissions in one easy stroke. This would be mostly be seen to have a great effect in places like China and India.
Its no....con....global warming is here....climate change is an effect..and we need to address it..and not just bury our heads in the sand.
well..think we seem to have two ends of a muddy stick.....today as quoted at the summit in Copenhagen the earth has warmed up 2.5 degress in the last 25 years.....this is more than the previous 200 years.....think I would call that global warming !! We all accept Co2 holds in heat into the atmosphere.....and the level of Co2 has more than trebled in atmoshere in last 100 years. this is due partly to our output of carbon into the atmosphere..and also not helped by de-forestation that is going on..across the world. We ignore this all at our peril. Water levels are riseing as polar caps melt....either slow this trend down....or we all better learn to live on boats !!
the science and declared data supporting the claim of global warming is a pack of manipulated, unequivical lies and total misrepresentations. the actual data of the last 8 to 9 years proves global cooling.
the earth does and the earth has and will, heat up and cool down. mans activity does effect the enviroment and consequently nature, in a marginal way and always has done and always will do. the weather and climate is many, many times more effected by volcanic, sizemic and solar activity and till now, totally unpredictable. always has been and always will be. so what is this climate change fraud all about ? polar bears ? na, the population of polar bears has increased for the last forty years. fact !
binding agreements enforcible in international law to reduce the individuals and nation states carbon footprint will reduce mankinds energy flux density. this will reduce mans ability to harness the power of nature and make 6.7 billion plus people unable to be fed, thereby massively reducing the worlds population through starvation.
Gulson.....well said my man.
Some interesting and *shock* pretty well-balanced points in the above linked article.
al gore recently bought a big fuck off house on the beach in san francisco. he must want to fish pacific lobster in his ground floor cos he says global warming is gona make the the sea rise. he also has shares in goldman sachs carbon tax credit derivitive trading arm. i say again. global warming caused by carbon emissions is a fraud and a scam. the fraud is a lie, the scam is carbon tax credits and forcing poor countries to keep withing carbon emmiting limits will cause mass starvation. if mankind does not at least maintain the present level of energy flux density, billions will starve and thats the intention. carbon trading comes from wall street and the city of london slickers.
Whether they are right or they are wrong, the winners out of all this will be the Worlds Governments.
They will rake in billions of pounds which the taxpayers will fund, and very little of that money raised will actually go to the " cause ". The rest will be swallowed up to accommodate the massive hole in our finances...mark my words.
IF there was conclusive PROOF that climate change was man made, I would obviously change my mind but....not ONE person can prove beyond any doubt that it is man made, if it is happening at all. It is like someone trying to actually prove God exists.
People either believe or they do not, but just like God nobody can prove beyond any doubt it is a fact!
So....if there is not ONE expert that can prove 100% it exists, with all their data and reports and millions spent, then i WILL remain a huge sceptic and say it is no more than a con, and a money making exercise to put money into Governments coffers.
Anyone prove me wrong here? Anyone here can PROVE 100% it is happening?...thought not.