I don't normally support the taking of industrial action but today, I support the firefighters stance on their retirement age absolutely.
Firefighting is an incredibly heavy duty job. That the likes of the Cabinet - sissy boys like Cameron and IDS - think that firefighters just sit around all day doing nothing is self evident in their demand that frontline firefighters should not retire at 55 but should still be expected to scale ladders climb into burning buildings and carry a 12stone dead weight over their shoulders down a ladder in intense heat whilst wearing very heavy fireproof clothing and helmets at the age of 60.
Is it possible that this cynical, morally corrupt government, thinks that by asking firefighters to do this work until they are 60 will mean that, in actuarial terms, many more will die before they are able to draw their pension?
It's an absolute disgrace. Firefighting is a job for young fit men. 55 is an absolute maximum on the front line. Not only does it place the firefighter at risk but also his/her colleagues and the wider public who they do so well to protect.
Perhaps if they more than halved the generous and undeserved package they provide to too many politicians, they may be able to continue to fund firefighters pensions in a correct and sensible way.
A competent firefighter earns &28,481 without including overtime. When he retires he will have an income of £26,000 from his state and work pension. I'm sure many people wish they could retire and still take home 90% of their working wage.
I don't agree with the strike action, but I do agree that no one should reasonably expect someone in the late fifties to carry out a full range of firefighting duties. But there is another way: promotion and a less physically arduous role.
The fact that we get older and age takes it's toll is well recognised in the armed forces. No Soldier, Sailor or Airman is permitted to join up and serve into their fifties at the basic rank. If they get promoted they are offered a contract extension. If they do not progress then their contract is not extended and they leave the forces. Why not do the same for the fire service.
What is the biggest disgrace, is this is a back door way, that this government can do mass sackings. They are saying the fire fighters can not draw a pension until 60.....but most importantly they are introducing a fitness test, and if you fail, they can say you are not fit to work and therefore out of a job. Most fire fighters by the age of 40 plus will be struggling with this test. Those over 50 have no chance, unless you super fit !! They know there are not enough office, paperwork jobs to go round, and so this will simply allow them to sack them, without having to pay any redundancy or compensation payments. If you have been a fire fighter since you were 20 years old.....what other job are you going to be able to do when sacked at 50 !!
prison wardens cannot retire until 68 now. think of that one when a young 20 year old prisoner is kicking the hell out of a warden in his 60's because the government raised the retirement date.
when you think the mp behind this has a inflation busting pension and pay rise its a bit of a joke to expect firefighters to except any reduction or change to an employment they signed up too.
you got to be very fit and keep on top of that fitness level and i cannot see someone in their 60's carrying a grown man or woman down a ladder with flames and smoke everywhere.
this is another attack on life savers and a good body of men and women who put their bodies on the line to save us!
It maybe a dangerous job, but it's no more dangerous than when they took the job. Nobody forced them at gun point and why is it different to other forms of manual labour? farm labourers, machinists all get older and all work with equipment that can kill either them or others. It may seem unfair and I don't disagree but if you want to pay more in tax then the state might be able to afford for firemen to retire and have full pension, if you don't then don't moan!
Don't blame this government alone for this situation, or the last one but every government since the end of the second world war who have fuelled expectations beyond there power to deliver. If we want better public services and the ability for those being paid for by the state to have a nice life whilst serving the public and after they have retired (early) then put 10 pence more tax on every pound you earn! not a vote winner! If you don't and it seems unfair then you are fooling yourself.
Perhaps we could start raiding neighbouring countries and steeling there treasures to sell on the open market to pay for better public services? but please wake up and smell the coffee, no government for over 60 years that has promised jam tomorrow has ever, ever delivered! quite simply, they can't, it's not in there power, it's in ours, we make your choice and vote accordingly.
so exactly how many times in the working year do they actually 'firefight'? 4 days on then 4 days off, not exactly arduous is it? If they're not fit enough, then retire on a reduced pension. There's enough time in the day to keep fit anyway.
And while I'm on the subject, lets move on to the police and their ludicrously generous package. What other person can join an employer, work 30 years and then get a pension for the next 30+ years, index linked, have no need for qualifications (no degree needed, no A levels, just 5 gcse!) Police officers retire at 50, 50% pension index linked for life, and then go out to work again! How's that for a cushy life!
Yes, jealous. I'm a teacher. I have a degree, essential when I joined. Now teachers start teaching with huge debts, work until at least 66, have worse pensions, worse salaries...................
gone on a bit there. sorry.
so exactly how many times in the working year do they actually 'firefight'? 4 days on then 4 days off, not exactly arduous is it? If they're not fit enough, then retire on a reduced pension. There's enough time in the day to keep fit anyway.
And while I'm on the subject, lets move on to the police and their ludicrously generous package. What other person can join an employer, work 30 years and then get a pension for the next 30+ years, index linked, have no need for qualifications (no degree needed, no A levels, just 5 gcse!) Police officers retire at 50, 50% pension index linked for life, and then go out to work again! How's that for a cushy life!
Yes, jealous. I'm a teacher. I have a degree, essential when I joined. Now teachers start teaching with huge debts, work until at least 66, have worse pensions, worse salaries...................
gone on a bit there. ]
and breathe
4x12hr days, 4 off, 4x12hr nights, 4 off.
I believe there have always been many jobs that are physically and emotionally demanding within all sectors. Many of which don't provide pensions. Yet without these jobs being done for us all we wouldn't be able to survive the lifestyle we live today. Some have put their life on the line and died to provide us all. Some even demand being away from home for weeks at a time. These workers also provide taxes to pay all sector workers their pensions.
I think public sector workers are looked after and have it pretty easy in many ways far easier than all those in the private sector.
I believe all are needed to provide services that we all need and use. Why should one sector be treated differently from another?
We all pick our paths in life but we all don't expect to be looked after forever within the paths we choose. Would be very nice if we all were.
I don't want to undermine anyone's role in life. I would like to just see people think about others roles and not to always think of themselves when they have chosen their own path that gets changed by circumstance as often circumstance affects so many other peoples life all of the time when the money isn't there different actions have to take place.