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Sex God
Anyone see the Police press conference today (Thursday)?
Did you notice a complete shift in attitudes?
Does the language "a wider public threat" now mean, as the SAS and other security forces have become seemingly involved, that the temporary Chief Constable and the Detective Chief Superintendent are uncomfortable with the external influences being applied and that a "shoot to kill on sight" mandate - against Police guidelines has been issued by a higher command?
Has anyone else noticed the uncanny likeness between the animated TCC Sim and Wallace (of Wallace and Gromit fame)? You can almost hear her saying "cracking toast Gromit" at the morning briefings cool
Fascinating stuff..
A big problem was the press conference to the media at the start. Thet made a big deal about how they would quickly find him. Of course the media ran with this story and the whole world was waiting for the big shot out live on tv.
Problem is, this is one person in a very big area. So of course he was not quickly picked up. This has made the police look alittle, well, a little stuipid. So in normal british way of over reaction we are about to Nuke the whole area.
it won't be long before he gives himself up. certainly by the autumn. he won't be able to survive outdoors for long. not many people could.
he's bound to get sick or give himself food poisoning. bored to death by nettle tea and burnt rabbit.
where's Colonel Troutman when you need him?
What other policy can there be: Shoot-not-to-kill is not a policy, it's a hope.
You do not shoot to wound; with modern firearms the shock of a torso hit is enough to kill.
Anyway, after the latest outrage there will be renewed clamour to routinely arm every police officer.
Sex God
Viewing this news story from afar, we may have missed some things which people may be able to answer ?
1) On the Sunday morning, after the patrol man was shot in his car on the A1/A69 interchange at circa 01:30 (ish), we watched the BBC news at 09:00, where they did a live report from the scene. Here we had a major inter-change shut down and taped off whilst Forensic and Scenes of Crime people were awaited.
Well we know that there is pressure on Police over-time budgets, but some 7 1/2 hrs later and they'd still not arrived ?
2) On the same report, and also later in the day, when the Police had announced that all resources were now involved in the man-hunt, I'm intrigued as to why at least 2 Armed Response units were still guarding the A1/A69 interchange, can any one advise ?
3) Do the Northumbria Police have a tie in with a film company or drama series ?
Because it seems that their teams can't do anything in the way of searching without their being a film camera or several news crews prsent to watch/record them.
4) Now nearly a week after he did his shopping, are the Police only just releasing an accurate (we hope) series of CCTV pictures of what he looks like ?
5) Given the long established links with Rothbury, why did it take so long for the Police to think to look there ?
Any answers welcome
Sex God
a bit sexist I guess....
...but if they had a proper Chief not some dolly bird who must spend hours and a fortune at the coiffure before each press conference, maybe people would take them seriously.
That could explain why each press conference has been delayed so far innocent
If she is an applicant for the job, her chances of getting it must be diminishing as each minute ticks by!
Chief Constables must gain the respect of their force and inspire confidence. They must have the respect of the population they serve. This area I guess is populated by hardened straight talking Jordie farmers and some token female top cop will do nothing to reassure them that the Police know what they are doing.
Quote by Kaznkev
The locals will probably get him first,very protective of their sheep round Rothbury.
He shot at a policeman,i reckon there has been an unofficial shoot to kill policy since then.

No he shot a policeman, there is a difference, the guy is lucky to be alive having been shot in the face and chest, i have my fingers crossed that this madman does not kill himself but is taken out by a sniper who has trained for this as that is justice the right way.
Sex God
Quote by Kaznkev
Jump a lot of the talk round here has been why havnt they got the troops in from albermalne(sorry bout spelling)wat do u think of that as an idea?

Or Otterburn
Or Warcop
both have active ranges and deployments/training
Quote by duncanlondon
it won't be long before he gives himself up. certainly by the autumn. he won't be able to survive outdoors for long. not many people could.
he's bound to get sick or give himself food poisoning. bored to death by nettle tea and burnt rabbit.
where's Colonel Troutman when you need him?

Quote by Kaznkev
The locals will probably get him first,very protective of their sheep round Rothbury.
He shot at a policeman,i reckon there has been an unofficial shoot to kill policy since then.

No he shot a policeman, there is a difference, the guy is lucky to be alive having been shot in the face and chest, i have my fingers crossed that this madman does not kill himself but is taken out by a sniper who has trained for this as that is justice the right way.
Jump a lot of the talk round here has been why havnt they got the troops in from albermalne(sorry bout spelling)wat do u think of that as an idea?
IMO this is a civil matter and the police should deal with it. I wouldn't want a load of squaddies running about.
Quote by Dave__Notts
The locals will probably get him first,very protective of their sheep round Rothbury.
He shot at a policeman,i reckon there has been an unofficial shoot to kill policy since then.

No he shot a policeman, there is a difference, the guy is lucky to be alive having been shot in the face and chest, i have my fingers crossed that this madman does not kill himself but is taken out by a sniper who has trained for this as that is justice the right way.
Jump a lot of the talk round here has been why havnt they got the troops in from albermalne(sorry bout spelling)wat do u think of that as an idea?
IMO this is a civil matter and the police should deal with it. Iwouldn't want a load of squaddies running about.
No but we have specialised army units capable of stepping up to the mark if the police feel they might be needed
Quote by Bluefish2009
The locals will probably get him first,very protective of their sheep round Rothbury.
He shot at a policeman,i reckon there has been an unofficial shoot to kill policy since then.

No he shot a policeman, there is a difference, the guy is lucky to be alive having been shot in the face and chest, i have my fingers crossed that this madman does not kill himself but is taken out by a sniper who has trained for this as that is justice the right way.
Jump a lot of the talk round here has been why havnt they got the troops in from albermalne(sorry bout spelling)wat do u think of that as an idea?
IMO this is a civil matter and the police should deal with it. Iwouldn't want a load of squaddies running about.
No but we have specialised army units capable of stepping up to the mark if the police feel they might be needed
And the police also have specialised units that can deal with civil matters.
I read a book about SO19 or something like that. In there they had an army officer, special forces, who had a tour with the unit. He was amazed at the end of it that what the SAS practice, SO19 were doing on a weekly basis.
I am not saying SO19 is better than the SAS but IMO the civil authorities should deal with civil issues and the army not getting involved unless the civil authorities can not cope.
Quote by Dave__Notts
The locals will probably get him first,very protective of their sheep round Rothbury.
He shot at a policeman,i reckon there has been an unofficial shoot to kill policy since then.

No he shot a policeman, there is a difference, the guy is lucky to be alive having been shot in the face and chest, i have my fingers crossed that this madman does not kill himself but is taken out by a sniper who has trained for this as that is justice the right way.
Jump a lot of the talk round here has been why havnt they got the troops in from albermalne(sorry bout spelling)wat do u think of that as an idea?
IMO this is a civil matter and the police should deal with it. Iwouldn't want a load of squaddies running about.
No but we have specialised army units capable of stepping up to the mark if the police feel they might be needed
And the police also have specialised units that can deal with civil matters.
I read a book about SO19 or something like that. In there they had an army officer, special forces, who had a tour with the unit. He was amazed at the end of it that what the SAS practice, SO19 were doing on a weekly basis.
I am not saying SO19 is better than the SAS but IMO the civil authorities should deal with civil issues and the army not getting involved unless the civil authorities can not cope.
Agreed, think that is what I said, or meant to say.
The police have many units, some made up of ex SAS and the like, who police as normal in different areas and divisions and then go away on training exercises together, for things such as terrorist attacks on oil platforms and other instillation's. These are less well known.
snipers that are in place around the area cannot take a shot until they have been given permission to do so.
This all depends on the current situation and what the sniper is reporting to his commander on the other end of the communication.
the suspect is observed,movements and demeanor taken into account.
Everything including can a shot be taken clean was to be thought through because if something goes wrong the target could act out a bloody revenge far worse than we have seen so far.
observe his movement from a far, wait until he has positioned himself away from the general public but still in view of the spotter.
slowly close the circle around him, if possible under darkness.
constantly monitor and when everyone is in position give the warning.
If he does not respond in the correct fashion then repeat the warning.
If the suspect goes for it first the dogs are released as the suspect will not be able to run and effectively take out all the dogs chasing.
the object is to detain him without shooting him so he faces the full force of the law.
But personally if i was in charge and i had located the building he was in id only ask him to come out once then id put a tank into position and blow the building up with him inside it.
that would send a clear message out to criminals as to what they can expect if they use guns.
Sex God
Quote by Dave_Notts
And the police also have specialised units that can deal with civil matters.
I read a book about SO19 or something like that. In there they had an army officer, special forces, who had a tour with the unit. He was amazed at the end of it that what the SAS practice, SO19 were doing on a weekly basis.
I am not saying SO19 is better than the SAS but IMO the civil authorities should deal with civil issues and the army not getting involved unless the civil authorities can not cope.

Agreed, think that is what I said, or meant to say.
The police have many units, some made up of ex SAS and the like, who police as normal in different areas and divisions and then go away on training exercises together, for things such as terrorist attacks on oil platforms and other instillation's. These are less well known.
The book is The Good Guys Wear Black by Steve Collins. IIRC the most notable point was that it was they that undertook the operation at the Millennium Dome to prevent the diamond theft, which I think the SBS were credited with by the press.
As a result of the amount of live operations the London firearms team sees, it's alleged that there's now ongoing secondments from the special forces into this police unit.
Quote by Kaznkev
i was more thinking of the fact the police are not really trained to search i see from the news that army and mountain rescue are advising

Whats the infra-red on the helicopter for? lol
Or the dogs? Now doesn't that smack of Rambo :lol:
this guy has been tried and covicted by the press and the total control of information by the police who seemingly are not going to arrest and detain him but execute him. the press claims his mother has said he would be better off dead. i do not beleive any sane mother would say that no matter what their sibling had done.
there is something which we are not being told and i would like to hear the other side of the story before they kill him.
a lie goes round the world before the truth gets its boots on. in a world where weapons of mass DECEPTION predominate over reason and truth, its healthy to be sceptical.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
this guy has been tried and covicted by the press and the total control of information by the police who seemingly are not going to arrest and detain him but execute him. the press claims his mother has said he would be better off dead. i do not beleive any sane mother would say that no matter what their sibling had done.
there is something which we are not being told and i would like to hear the other side of the story before they kill him.
a lie goes round the world before the truth gets its boots on. in a world where weapons of mass DECEPTION predominate over reason and truth, its healthy to be sceptical.

Sex God
I don't think many people besides the police think he is still in the area.... if he is going high into the northumbria hills and he knows the place like the back of his hand it is so dense then will virtually impossible to find him....
anyway we got caught up in it on sunday night when our local "social club" was raided as part of the ongoing investigation... hence we had 5 armed vans and helicopters overhead till 2am
anyway the main talk today at our place of work has been following:
a) the head coppers hair, what on earth is she doing to it..
b) what moat has done to setback the rehabilitation of gingers into normal society....
c) how after all this time of saying he wasn't a thread to the public they now tell us he is... wasn't the fact he has already shot 3 people be proof enough????
d) is it wrong to see kay burleigh off sky news reporting.... with an armed policeman behind her.... and think "just one bullet and put us all out of our misery"
Quote by fabio
I don't think many people besides the police think he is still in the area.... if he is going high into the northumbria hills and he knows the place like the back of his hand it is so dense then will virtually impossible to find him....
anyway we got caught up in it on sunday night when our local "social club" was raided as part of the ongoing investigation... hence we had 5 armed vans and helicopters overhead till 2am
anyway the main talk today at our place of work has been following:
a) the head coppers hair, what on earth is she doing to it..
b) what moat has done to setback the rehabilitation of gingers into normal society....
c) how after all this time of saying he wasn't a thread to the public they now tell us he is... wasn't the fact he has already shot 3 people be proof enough????

c) you do not know, as it has not yet been proven, beyond all reasonable doubt, that he has killed anyone ! whatever has happened to habeas corpus ?
Quote by fabio
I don't think many people besides the police think he is still in the area.... if he is going high into the northumbria hills and he knows the place like the back of his hand it is so dense then will virtually impossible to find him....
anyway we got caught up in it on sunday night when our local "social club" was raided as part of the ongoing investigation... hence we had 5 armed vans and helicopters overhead till 2am
anyway the main talk today at our place of work has been following:
a) the head coppers hair, what on earth is she doing to it..
b) what moat has done to setback the rehabilitation of gingers into normal society....
c) how after all this time of saying he wasn't a thread to the public they now tell us he is... wasn't the fact he has already shot 3 people be proof enough????
d) is it wrong to see kay burleigh off sky news reporting.... with an armed policeman behind her.... and think "just one bullet and put us all out of our misery"

best iv`e read in here in ages
Sex God
Quote by fabio
I don't think many people besides the police think he is still in the area.... if he is going high into the northumbria hills and he knows the place like the back of his hand it is so dense then will virtually impossible to find him....
anyway we got caught up in it on sunday night when our local "social club" was raided as part of the ongoing investigation... hence we had 5 armed vans and helicopters overhead till 2am
anyway the main talk today at our place of work has been following:
a) the head coppers hair, what on earth is she doing to it..
b) what moat has done to setback the rehabilitation of gingers into normal society....
c) how after all this time of saying he wasn't a thread to the public they now tell us he is... wasn't the fact he has already shot 3 people be proof enough????
d) is it wrong to see kay burleigh off sky news reporting.... with an armed policeman behind her.... and think "just one bullet and put us all out of our misery"

or Lucy Verasamy being forced to do the weather in the nude... corrrrrr
Ya reckon she shaved or au naturel? :wanker:
the guildford four, weapons of mass destruction, charles de menzies, climategate, swine flu, green shoots, we are not closing your school etc. i dont believe everything i'm told.
we have gone from, "he is not a threat to the public, only to the police" to "mum said he would be beter off dead" and now "he is now a threat to the public"
we do not know what he has or has not done. we only know what the police have told the press and the press have sensationalised it up to sell print.
he is entitled if possible, to a fair trial by his peers. as are the rest of us.
magna carta 1215 i think
Sex God
Quote by gulsonroad30664
this guy has been tried and covicted by the press and the total control of information by the police who seemingly are not going to arrest and detain him but execute him. the press claims his mother has said he would be better off dead. i do not beleive any sane mother would say that no matter what their sibling had done.
there is something which we are not being told and i would like to hear the other side of the story before they kill him.
a lie goes round the world before the truth gets its boots on. in a world where weapons of mass DECEPTION predominate over reason and truth, its healthy to be sceptical.

It's one thing being sceptical, quite another to see a conspiracy in every bloody thing immaginable.
Why do you say that the police are going to execute him? Because they have deployed armed officers? FFS what do you expect them to do? dunno
Quote by Max777
Why do you say that the police are going to execute him? Because they have deployed armed officers? FFS what do you expect them to do?

Conspiracies eh Max? wink
The guy has killed someone, and seriously injured two other people with a deadly firearm.
Eventually he will be cornered and it will be some poor Police officer who may have to make a life or death decision. Guls what would you do in that situation? Offer him a sweet ffs?
I think a shoot to kill policy is the only way to possibly stop another killing.
The guy is a psycho who will always be a danger to society, best to end it now if possible.
IF a Police officer does shoot him dead it will be that officer who will be grilled and then have to live with that event and what he has done, for the rest of his life....what a decision to have to make.
I hope though that when cornered he does the best thing possible, and end his own life without any other further bloodshed.
Quote by Max777
this guy has been tried and covicted by the press and the total control of information by the police who seemingly are not going to arrest and detain him but execute him. the press claims his mother has said he would be better off dead. i do not beleive any sane mother would say that no matter what their sibling had done.
there is something which we are not being told and i would like to hear the other side of the story before they kill him.
a lie goes round the world before the truth gets its boots on. in a world where weapons of mass DECEPTION predominate over reason and truth, its healthy to be sceptical.

It's one thing being sceptical, quite another to see a conspiricy in every bloody thing immaginable.
Why do you say that the police are going to execute him? Because they have deployed armed officers? FFS what do you expect them to do? dunno
i see no conspiracy. i did not say that the police are going to execute him max but if they can get away with it, they will. dead men dont talk. what i do know and so do you, is that what we are generally first told, is more often than not, crap.
if this fugitive can be apprehended alive with no further deaths or injuries to anyone and he get's the opportunity to have his say in his defence as the accused, i will no longer be sceptical, but informed and knowlegeable. until then, i do not trust the process taking place thus far.
Quote by kentswingers777
Why do you say that the police are going to execute him? Because they have deployed armed officers? FFS what do you expect them to do?

Conspiracies eh Max? wink
The guy has killed someone, and seriously injured two other people with a deadly firearm.
Eventually he will be cornered and it will be some poor Police officer who may have to make a life or death decision. Guls what would you do in that situation? Offer him a sweet ffs?
I think a shoot to kill policy is the only way to possibly stop another killing.
The guy is a psycho who will always be a danger to society, best to end it now if possible.
IF a Police officer does shoot him dead it will be that officer who will be grilled and then have to live with that event and what he has done, for the rest of his life....what a decision to have to make.
I hope though that when cornered he does the best thing possible, and end his own life without any other further bloodshed.
who has decided, on what irrefutible evidence, judged by his peers, that this particular guy has killed anyone ? kenty, you are coming to a conclusion and deciding whats best for him (suicide) without him having the opportunity to defend himself.
i am not being conspiratorial, merely sceptical until proven. open minded. you above all should understand what i mean when you were able, by reason, to know that global warming, supported by academics and governments around the world was a scam before the "proof" came out at copenhagen.
Sex God
Quote by gulsonroad30664
this guy has been tried and covicted by the press and the total control of information by the police who seemingly are not going to arrest and detain him but execute him. the press claims his mother has said he would be better off dead. i do not beleive any sane mother would say that no matter what their sibling had done.
there is something which we are not being told and i would like to hear the other side of the story before they kill him.
a lie goes round the world before the truth gets its boots on. in a world where weapons of mass DECEPTION predominate over reason and truth, its healthy to be sceptical.

It's one thing being sceptical, quite another to see a conspiricy in every bloody thing immaginable.
Why do you say that the police are going to execute him? Because they have deployed armed officers? FFS what do you expect them to do? dunno
i see no conspiracy. i did not say that the police are going to execute him max but if they can get away with it, they will. dead men dont talk. what i do know and so do you, is that what we are generally first told, is more often than not, crap.
if this fugitive can be apprehended alive with no further deaths or injuries to anyone and he get's the opportunity to have his say in his defence as the accused, i will no longer be sceptical, but informed and knowlegeable. until then, i do not trust the process taking place thus far.
Sorry Gulsonroad, you are talking utter bollox. The man has the option to give himself up and face trial. I'm sure this is the option that the police would prefer as they certainly won't want any more police officers or members of the public harmed but if he doesn't and decides to confront the police then they will have no option but to shoot him. That's not execution in my book.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
who has decided, on what irrefutible evidence, judged by his peers, that this particular guy has killed anyone ? kenty, you are coming to a conclusion and deciding whats best for him (suicide) without him having the opportunity to defend himself.

Are you really being serious?
Read the news Guls fgs.
Quote by Max777
this guy has been tried and covicted by the press and the total control of information by the police who seemingly are not going to arrest and detain him but execute him. the press claims his mother has said he would be better off dead. i do not beleive any sane mother would say that no matter what their sibling had done.
there is something which we are not being told and i would like to hear the other side of the story before they kill him.
a lie goes round the world before the truth gets its boots on. in a world where weapons of mass DECEPTION predominate over reason and truth, its healthy to be sceptical.

It's one thing being sceptical, quite another to see a conspiricy in every bloody thing immaginable.
Why do you say that the police are going to execute him? Because they have deployed armed officers? FFS what do you expect them to do? dunno
i see no conspiracy. i did not say that the police are going to execute him max but if they can get away with it, they will. dead men dont talk. what i do know and so do you, is that what we are generally first told, is more often than not, crap.
if this fugitive can be apprehended alive with no further deaths or injuries to anyone and he get's the opportunity to have his say in his defence as the accused, i will no longer be sceptical, but informed and knowlegeable. until then, i do not trust the process taking place thus far.
Sorry Gulsonroad, you are talking utter bollox. The man has the option to give himself up and face trial. I'm sure this is the option that the police would prefer as they certainly won't want any more police officers or members of the public harmed but if he doesn't and decides to confront the police then they will have no option but to shoot him. That's not execution in my book.
well max, we shall see and you may be absolutely right, in which case i will admit that you and kenty were right and i was wrong. until then, i remain open minded and unswayed by the presumption of guilt.