Greetings from the home of the free and the land of the brave. Rather foolishly I logged on to the hotel wifi and decided to take a peek in here. Surprise, surprise - the usual suspects still in fear of the bogeyman.
I watched an American news take on this whole issue in Atlanta airport this morning and quite accurately they reflected that the UK has a bloated and generous welfare system that encourages idleness and complacency and ... Surprise, surprise... They see the irony that most Brits don't. This is not about immigrants it is about a welfare system unfit for purpose and an indigenous population hanging on to Mummy State like a lost teenager making up stories about the bogey man.
Americans, like the rest of the world understand that if you are positive, motivated and hard working - you get the life you deserve. What does that say about moaning Brits?
I am signing off for a few days as I need to stay positive which is sometimes difficult when reading these forums.
By the way Star and anyone else feeling that the world is monstrously unfair - I would highly recommend an NLP course. It will change your life.
And the USA is the perfect example of how things should be isn't it, they really know the answer to all the problems, funny though, they have a massive drug problem, poverty is rife in some areas, their idle unemployed live in trailers, they are totally racist, obesity problems, alcohol abuse problems, they are struggling financially and they cant even decide which laws are sensible so they have different rules and laws in each state, if your going to tell us about a nation who get things right or better go visit Switzerland. The USA is no different to the rest of the world and the United Kingdom.
Just seen Cameron on the news, so, he is stopping job seekers allowance after 6 months and you have to be in the UK 2 years before you can apply for a council house.
First he cannot stop job seekers allowance for EU state migrants unless he stops it for UK Citizens, thats against EU rules.
Second as I said earlier, it is cheaper to give migrants council housing, because if you don't they rent from private landlords which is much more expensive and if they are not working or only getting a low wage they are (again under EU rules) entitled to housing benefit to pay the rent.
The PM is either totally stupid or just electioneering, but if he thinks that people wont see through it then he is totally stupid, I guess that makes him totally stupid.
Now if he had said he was going to get the EU rules changed to say that immigrants would only get the same benefits they would get in the country of origin we would have the immigration problem solved.
Then only migrants intending to work would come from the EU.
As for those coming from non-EU states we can turn them away if we want to anyway, we can refuse to pay them job seekers allowance and housing benefit anytime we want, we can say yes come here IF you have a job offer and can pay your own housing cost, IF you can prove that you can take care of yourself financially, just like other countries do
Don't care, stand by what I said, the EU is making us pay the benefit based on our laws, I still say we should be able to choose wether we give benefits to everyone or just UK residents, we should tell the EU we want to keep our laws but we will not pay it to children not living in this country just the same as we should tell the EU to stuff a lot of their rules like what shape a banana should be. Why should we have to live under EU rule when the EU are only interested in power, the common european market is a joke, as I said earlier, what did Cyprus have to bring to the market, how much could we improve trade to and from them by having them as members, what we got was billions of pounds in bail out bills. The same applies to many states in the EU and mnay states that will be joining.
The EU does not do what it was supposed to do with the exception of allowing freedom of movement, it has not created the great trading market we thought it would when we joined. The amount of countries (once stable countries) going bankrupt is testament to that.
All you have said is why we have to pay it, we still have to pay it nothing has changed. Chances are if we changed our law without approval of the EU someone would take us to the european courts and have the decsision overturned anyway. We no longer control what laws we have, we are just an EU state.
Its been widely reported in the broadsheets and most of the high brow news reports Mids. They have been interviewing russian oligarchs and their opinion of the 10% one off levy was "a cheap price to pay for what has been gained through cypriot banks"
Russia was looking at stepping in at one point but that would mean tying themselves up in a dodgy currency that is the euro.
BTW Turkey is still forging ahead, I am in Antalya at present. The amount of building work here is tremendous. they accept Euro/Lire/sterling at any shop and will quote you in any currency...try that with morrisons!
I don't disbelieve you your probably right, it is just that I saw an MP (in charge of stuff like that) some years ago on TV fending off people saying it was wrong and she said we had no choice it was an EU law/rule that said we had to pay it, she never said we could change our own laws/rules to sort the problem out and all those years ago too, time we did something positive then and changed it. 50,000 kids on an average of £15 per child per week, 4 Billion a year saving to be made without upsetting a single UK citizen
To little, to late.
He can introduce as many new rules as he want's, but if they are not enforced.........
Any saving is not to be sniffed at.
Anyone watching Channel 5 "Benefits Britain" must be feeling a little sick right now,
Romanian Gypsies boasting how they have come to Britain to get £40,000 from the benefit system to pay for his home in Romania.
Others boasting at getting £500 per WEEK in benefits, 26 living in one house (maybe more the occupants are not actually sure how many live there) all claiming benefits.
Organisations set up to help them claim the maximum in benefits and showing them how to circumnavigate the rules such as spending a day driving round collecting scrap metal from the streets so they can get a National Insurance number and claim more benefits.
Many of them admit to using crime to supplement their benefits.
Thousands of them in one town, many more spread around the UK.
These people by their own admission are here to milk the system, anyone who has ever read anything I have wrote about immigration knows I support it, I want more immigrants in the UK to help us prosper as we always have from immigration, but I want immigrants who come here to work and pay their own way not those who want to milk our system.
What is happening is scandalous and has to be stopped, we are being used and worse laughed at and the situation will only get worse, we simply cannot afford the scroungers, we have enough of our own we do not need to import them.
We now have the largest population of Eastern European Gypsies in the EU, these people have throughout their history been targeted by Stalin, Hitler and other leaders, they have been exterminated imprisoned and attacked, that is wrong, but they don't really help their cause when they boast that they are here to abuse our systems and break our laws, is it any wonder that no other Nation will take them in and help them ?
If we stopped a fraction of the abuse those that needed our benefits help would be able to get more help when they needed it and without some of the stigma that goes with it.