It would be wrong to legalise Class1 we should make it a CLINCAL decision to give pure ,unadulterated
Heroin to addicts,which is easier to wean people off,unlike the impure stuff sold on the Streets,and if addicts
Are able to get it from GP's then such a scheme would pull the rug under the Criminals.
We already have a thread about this subject, but while I am here
So the drug dealers will immediately pack up and get a job in the entertainments industry.
Excellent solution.
But, what happens if they are unhappy at losing thier massive income and lifestyle, what if they realise they have only lost the existing users and decide to step up the sale to non-users to compensate for the drop in trade ?
What if they decide to diversify into other criminal activities instead, what are your solutions for the increase in other crime, people trafficking, racketeering, illegal alcohol, illegal tobacco, prostitution, robbery, fraud, credit card fraud, scams ?
wonder where the addicts will get their fix when the drug centres are shut :doh:
and how will they fiance their habit when the allotted amount for the day has been used up
or do we give em a fuck off big bag and say get on with it ........double :doh:
will we also get holiday druggies like we already get holiday nhs treatment :eeek:
What a lot seem to forget is that drug addicts are still people inside who for one reason or another has gotten sucked into a spiral of drugs and whatever else they become associated with when under the influence of said drugs
There are no perfect answers on how to deal with drug dependency , prescribed or not and I seriously doubt the majority of those addicted to the likes of Heroin/Methamphetamime etc when first taking it ever fully realised just what it would lead to and where it would take them (tripping aside)
I hate drugs of any description, loathe taking prescribed medicine and get angry with those that take the likes of Class A ....BUT I don't have any real answers as to how to deal with it and until I do I'll not judge those hooked on them.
You could of course always search the web for comparisons of rehab programmes using heroin and those using heroin substitutes and compare their success rates ..... I couldn't be bothered but I believe you'll find that those using heroin are far more successful ..... but why let something like a demonstrable fact get in the way of an opinion ... I mean after all we've all got a right to one
Pinched from another forum
Portugal has taken a step away from mainstream thinking and it has been a success. That is to be welcomed.
As far as I recall few here wanted any changes at all in this country. The Portugese trial has shown dramatic improvements over a ten year term.
Star - The comparison between Portugal and the UK is very vaid because the trial is not about dealing with just one country it is about taking on a pre-conceived state of mind. Portugal has halved its problem - a 10% success rate in the UK would be a success, let alone a 50% improvement.
Giving drug users of all persuasions the ability to get a pure fix, with clean needles in an environment that they can be comfortable in is about a million timers better than what we have at the moment. Same applies for the more recreational type drugs - a pure product that can be measured accurately and no poisonous impurities.
As I said in my original post - there could likely be unforeseen problems but anything has to be better than the current situation.