No nothing to do with swinging and being large or small in the lifestyle, this is about the severe obesity in the UK 40 stone giants and the like that cost the National Health Service 1 million pounds a year just to move from homes in emergencies or for medical treatment, and cost much more in training for emergency staff, special equipment.
I am just watching a program on Channel 5 about the severely obese, now I doubt if any of these people are in the scene most cannot even leave thier bedrooms, is there anything we can do about this expanding (no pun intended) situation, for myself I have no idea what could be done but I am just looking at a specially built amubulance costing £90,000 and a wheeled stretcher that is built to handle 46 stone.
Some of these people have my sympathy, I guess they all have because I doubt many of them choose to be thier weight but I also think about the added burden on the NHS and fire service.
This amubulance and stretcher are based in London, how can we do the same for the rest of the Country at that cost, even if we only try to cater for heavily populated areas, os ot fair to have these facilities just for a select few, do we have to tell others to move to London or big cities ?
The very subject itself can invoke a passionate response both positive and negative.
We are talking about 1 million people in England alone who are classed as modbidly obese with an average weight of over 35 stones, the number of people has increased to double the figure in the last 10 years and it is estimated that this nuber will double again in the next 5 years.
Please, if your on the larger size, this doesn't apply to you, don't get offended, it is about morbidly obese people in the same way we would discuss those with anorexia.
A normal scanner can take 24 stone, there is one available now that can take half a ton but it cost £1 million plus of course the cost of transporting the guy they are showing using it on a 8 hour round trip to use it, as he has a tumour he has to have a scan quite regularly, unfortunately even this scanner is struggling with him and he is in danger of getting stuck in it.
Is there anything that can be done to ease thier suffering and ease the burden on the rest of us because it is a burden.
Well yes but I sympathise because as an ex smoker (only 2 months but winning) who tried to give up so many times over the years I know how difficult it can be to give up something you enjoy, I would like to think that had my smoking done as much to harm me as severe obesity does I would have stopped before it got out of control but who know.
I sympathise because to get into that state no matter what the reason cannot be easy, I guess it just spirals out of control, I agree with the help yourself or go it alone policy highlighted in the programme when one man's surgery was cancelled until he lost 2 stone, a minor part of his 36 stone but would be proof to the Doctors that he was trying to help himself because as your story of the girl highlights, if they are not willing to help themselves the Doctors work is going to be a waste (waist pun) of time.
I think that severe obesity is akin to anorexia a bit of a mental disease though the excuse my mom died, I had a bad childhood, my bike chain broke etc is irrelevant, many people suffer setbacks, bereavement and worse but dont let it affect thier lives in such ways.
I ask anyone who uses such an excuse for anything they do that is wrong "does that mean we should forgive paedophiles who do it after being abused themselves as a child because it was thier own abuse that made them abuse children" ?
The problem with forcing them into not eating is the PC world we now live in, how long before the case is before the European Court of Human Rights and someone is in jail for starving a victim (the words they would use not mine)
But am I right in thinking that sometimes anorexics are force fed ? I would support a forced diet
It is a mental health illness when its so extreme as that but what to do about i don't know, the same as its hard to treat alcholics and smokers who can't give up the vice that makes them ill !
I'm with starlight on this. ZERO sympathy from me. Yes it may be a mental health issue, but 40 stone?!?! For me personally the time I let myself go to 14 stone I felt I was letting myself go. At 20 stone alarm bells must surely be starting to ring. 30 stone and you've no excuses, do something about it. 40 stone... You simply cannot get to that kind of weight without noticing something isn't quite right...
Sounds harsh I know and before it's said, I'm not just another rider on the size 0 bandwagon. I like curves on a woman and I don't see a problem with anyone up to around 20 stone.
after watching last weeks program sugars like fructose corn/sugars and sucrose are believed to prevent the chemical in the liver that stops the brain from being informed you have enough sugars in your diet
so your brain leads you to believe you need more food in the form of sugars really guys watch the program before you post some badly misconceived ideas
I do understand what your saying I just don't understand why your saying it.
Yes at 30 stone you know you have a problem, many think it is a mental health problem, it is very very obvious that you are in trouble, diabetes has probably arrived, an inability to walk unaided perhaps even get out of bed, but I am 9 stones, if I lose 5 stones it will be equally obvious that I have a problem, I will be dying, people will be talking about force feeding, I will have an equally hard time moving, I will be forcing myself to vomit anything I eat if indeed I eat anything, but still some continue to make themselves lose weight ..... and they will get your sympathy and that of most others, yet take it in the other direction ...... if I put on 5 stones I would be 14 stone nearly double the weight I averaged in my life, and if I am continuing to live the same lifestyle, eat without restraint or excerise, over indulge etc I am on my way to gross obesity, why ? I am an adult, I must know what I am doing to myself and what the consequences will be, surely there must be underlying reasons for this, another 5 stones will surely follow, for some it will be pure greed in the same way that some people end up as anorexics because of vanity and peer pressure, it causes mental instability making the problem a mental health issue and one that perhaps deserves sympathy, some try to fight the problem some don't care, if you truly agree with the German/Nazi scenario you must agree that some deserve our sympathy, smypathy but not acceptance, whilst I sympathise with them I started this thread saying "something has to be done about the problems it causes to the rest of us.
Then all is cool, you have had your say I have had mine and we can agree to disagree on wether any of them deserve sympathy or not, thankyou for listening I hope we can share the forums again soon either in agreement or otherwise I respect your right to your opinion and your ability to argue your case in a calm and reasonable manner.
deserve nothing and its there own doing to get that size ... lazy greedy twats
no self respect so why should we help them out?
Obesity at much lesser levels than you are talking about here has the potential to bankrupt the NHS in the next 20 years or so.
Type 2 diabetes is increasing exponentially as the growing and ageing population eats more food that has poor nutritional value and fail to get enough exercise.
We can't expect the government to protect us from ourselves in this instance and we can't blame anyone but ourselves.
Interesting points but I think I will have to add my pennies worth:
The issue is not as simple as greed and people eating too much. Firstly, obesity itself is a disease entity much like arthritis or glaucoma and not just a manifestation of over eating. Man was not meant to have three set meals a day, hence the massive amount of heart disease out there in seemingly normal weight people. Therefore, most diseases are as a result of self-mutilation and that argument means anyone who has 'harmed' their body themselves for their personal indulgence should be treated unequally? What about the guy who enjoys reading and becomes short-sighted, or the one who plays rugby and regularly injures himself placing burden on the NHS and eventually needing joint replacements. Therefore, once you have denied care or forced your treatments upon the obese, then the smokers, then the drinkers, you can simply go on and on. Secondly, what about those patients who become obese secondary to another condition such as due to arthritis or back problems and so they can't exercise. We then start giving people different grades of obesity based on their cause. And aren't we just the product of our genes - so genetic engineering must be the answer.
The truth is that obesity itself isn't the major problem, the problem is from the way society supports ill health. We are social animals and so ill health has a major social interaction, therefore our current state of obesity is not just down to individuals (though they have a major part) but society. Obesity is not the only thing we have, the long-term unemployed for mental illness and other physical illnesses such as chronic back pain are also massive burdens on society. As a point on the side, though back pain exists throughout the world, disability due to chronic back pain ONLY exists where there is a social security/compensation system with a western type healthcare system. People in the rainforests are bed bound due to TB and malaria but not chronic back pain, whereas here we have thousands off sick for life due to this.
I am not saying that all people with such conditions are making their pain up, but the fact that we as a society reward this and fail to help people properly, simply because it is easier to do this and then blame them. Once you start rationing or forcing healthcare, or start blaming people for their illness then you are on a very slippery slope. Hence, each case must be taken as a seperate entity and our social system needs to change to help support people becoming valuable members of the society.
Anyway none of this really matters because our governments will make sure there is no NHS over the next decade along with no pensions, so we will probably be more like a third world country than any third world country already is.
So your saying, who cares about the cost and let's just ignore it because people playing rugby and reading are a burden too. or do you actually think we need to do something about it and if so what ?
That was what I asked at the start of the thread, not all obesity is unavoidable through genes or mental problems, measures have been put in to combat the smoking issue and that has made vast improvements to the situation, we are told of the benefits of diet and excercise and whilst many people are fitter because of it there are those that the campaign is not affecting.
You can't just ignore all the problems because there are so many, one step at a time, the anti smoking campaign is making inroads, now tackle the next problem obesity then move on to the chronic back problems, diabetes and more.
Just watching the program "fat families" on Sky Living, and it is nothing short of disgusting.
This woman has just been shopping where she has to use a mobility scooter to get round the shop, with a trolly full of crisps, chocolate and cakes they went on to the chinese buffet were sadly the owners are well out of pocket after the 3 members of the family (all triple their recommended weight) visited.
Shopping and dinner done, flat out on the settee and another 10 packets of crips downed in one session she is now crying because she is too fat, she requires breathing apparatus to sleep or her own body fat might suffocate her.
Recieving mobility benefits because she can't walk are we helping her kill herself ?
With the current round of benefit cuts for the disabled harming the genuine, non-self inflicted people is it right that we give her the money to kill herself ?
Crying for the TV cameras she posts pictures of herself on the internet because she is proud of her 33 stone body (aged 39), her husband at 40 stone and mother living with her at 22 stones (aged 56) means that there we are actually paying 3 portions of mobility benefit into the household, we pay the rent because they are all unemployed due to weight problems, we pay their council tax and jobseekers allowance though their days are spent eating not seeking employment.
How can this be right ? is it not criminal for the government to help these people, welfare state assisting people to kill themselves ?
Of course as an isolated case it would be one thing but we all know that obesity is rife in the UK.
Agree with you on this one !! What the solution is I don't know, but anything involving depriving them of their "treats" ie, unhealthy food, would surely be against their human rights.
Personally, I'd raise the tax on junk food and use the cash raised to lower the price of healthy food.
I have seen my weight creep up and did nothing about it until I saw some pictures that we took on holiday in Feb.
Two and a bit months down the road and I have said good-bye to 10 kilo's. It surprised me how easy it was and there was an added benefit of saving an absolute fortune in food costs. Some people might view a mainly liquid only diet as being extreme but it proved to me just how little you actually need to survive. After a few days, my body adapted and I did not get cravings or hunger pangs and I just made sure that one day a week I ate normally.
I don't think that there is any excuse at all to be massively overweight when it is so simple to just cut the crap and eat less. A great austerity measure as well!
For most it is not about quantity it is about eating sensibility, this woman ate enough cream cakes per week to host a childrens party, a minimum of 8 packets of crisps a day, huge portion meals of the most fatty kind and even when she could excersise chose to use the supermarkets disable scooters rather than walk round the aisles, I have said it before and will say it again, some people have medical problems causing obesity, and they have my sympathy but too many people claim it is medical when it is simply greed.
I find it very hard obese people are as happy as they claim to be with their looks and weight, with the risks of diabetes and more.
How can you shuffle around (nearly said run around) claiming "I am so pleased I am seriously at risk from diabetes, heart disease, liver failure, amutation, covered in sores, can't walk properly, can't tie my own shoelaces and can't play with my children or grandchildren"
To me anyone who says "I am happy to be fat" has a major problem either won't admit it or admits it but puts on a brave front, being polite to such people is doing them harm not a favour.
There is little more we can do with education, people know eating fatty foods is bad for them, school canteens and shops know it, everyone knows it, but we allow it, we do need to do something about it, for their sakes and to save a fortune in disability benefits, other benefits and the cost to the NHS.