They have no assets and would dispose of anything they do have to family on paper as soon as the was issued.
I would claim on my house insurance if I could have afforded some but my income doesn't run to luxuries :sad:
Quote by MidsCouple24
They have no assets and would dispose of anything they do have to family on paper as soon as the was issued.
I would claim on my house insurance if I could have afforded some but my income doesn't run to luxuries :sad:
Quote by deancannock
Get a dog bowl......I once got burgled some time ago now....and Police that came suggested I get a dog Bowl and place it close to back door. They told me that anyone that saw it would presume I had a dog...and 90% will move on to another house !! He said the thought of a big fierce dog being inside, is a better deterrent that an alarm !!!
Quote by MidsCouple24
What annoys me the most is that I am just one of thousands of victims a day in the UK who are then further attacked, firstly by home office directives "advising" Magistrates and Judges to keep as many criminals as possible out of Jail because of overcrowding and therefore only locking up those that they have to, and secondly by blood sucking Defence Lawyers and Barristers who advise their clients (repeat offending scum) .... "your case is hopeless and you will be found guilty the evidence against you is overwhelming but do not plead guilty because on the day of the trial you will be offered a plea bargain/lesser charge in order to save the case going to trial"
A defence lawyer or barrister should be making sure his client gets a fair trial not showing them loopholes or how to get away with crimes they have committed, albeit most repeat offenders are now well aware of this tactic.
I even got a call from the Police saying that the defence lawyers wanted to come into my home and take paint scrapings from each room in an attempt to make the jury believe that the hammer they had been found with in the car was mine not the defendents, kinda silly really because would that not be stolen goods if the paint marks showed they had a hammer that belonged to me but I suppose they were going along the line of burglary v aggravated burglary the latter being when the criminals take weapons with them into the burglary, standard burglary carries a far less maximum sentence than the 14 years for aggravated burglary.
I of course told them to piss off my home had already been invaded once and they were not going to invade it again.
Quote by GnV
What annoys me the most is that I am just one of thousands of victims a day in the UK who are then further attacked, firstly by home office directives "advising" Magistrates and Judges to keep as many criminals as possible out of Jail because of overcrowding and therefore only locking up those that they have to, and secondly by blood sucking Defence Lawyers and Barristers who advise their clients (repeat offending scum) .... "your case is hopeless and you will be found guilty the evidence against you is overwhelming but do not plead guilty because on the day of the trial you will be offered a plea bargain/lesser charge in order to save the case going to trial"
A defence lawyer or barrister should be making sure his client gets a fair trial not showing them loopholes or how to get away with crimes they have committed, albeit most repeat offenders are now well aware of this tactic.
I even got a call from the Police saying that the defence lawyers wanted to come into my home and take paint scrapings from each room in an attempt to make the jury believe that the hammer they had been found with in the car was mine not the defendents, kinda silly really because would that not be stolen goods if the paint marks showed they had a hammer that belonged to me but I suppose they were going along the line of burglary v aggravated burglary the latter being when the criminals take weapons with them into the burglary, standard burglary carries a far less maximum sentence than the 14 years for aggravated burglary.
I of course told them to piss off my home had already been invaded once and they were not going to invade it again.
Quote by Max777
They have no assets and would dispose of anything they do have to family on paper as soon as the was issued.
I would claim on my house insurance if I could have afforded some but my income doesn't run to luxuries :sad:
Quote by nellie-mwgc
They have no assets and would dispose of anything they do have to family on paper as soon as the was issued.
I would claim on my house insurance if I could have afforded some but my income doesn't run to luxuries :sad:
Quote by MidsCouple24
I simply never got round to putting in a claim.
Quote by MidsCouple24
You might not think so, reading this thread but my security is not bad and getting better.
We have outside cameras recording what is going on and it is this footage that meant we were able to give the Police the Vehicle used and registration number which meant that they were picked up less than an hour later heading back home on the M6.
We have erected 8ft high fencing all round the rear of our garden and there is security lighting everywhere which makes it like daylight when dark.
We have internal bolts and deadlocks and chain locks on all our doors.
Our neighbours are good and did give statements to the Police and turned up in court to give evidence which as it turned out was not needed, my neighbours are Polish and needed an interpreter at the court, they could have just kept quiet if they had wanted to.
We have 2 dogs whilst not being of the "deterrent" type do bark when anyone approaches the back garden.
We have lighting on time switches which turn on and off at various intervals in different rooms and we have burglar alarms fitted for when we are not home.
The problem is that on this occasion the criminals came through the front door when I opened it, they were tooled up and making a quick "smash and grab" raid feeling confident that they would be in and out before Police could arrive and they got that part right but did not bargain for the cameras the recording parts of which are concealed.
Quote by Max777
So you regard house insurance as a luxury yet you have outside cameras, lights on timers and have erected an 8 foot high fence all around the rear of your house
Quote by MidsCouple24
I would claim on my house insurance if I could have afforded some but my income doesn't run to luxuries :sad:
Quote by MidsCouple24
Happy Birthday - now spare a thought for me, I am organising a birthday party for Sasha as I do every year, she starts reminding me about it on the 1st March every year, (29th February in Leap Years)
The reason she starts then is because that is the day after my own birthday party.
So far I have organised
2 venues (a restaurant and a swingers club) for the party
2 limousines
2 Hostesses from the local lap dancing club to hand out the champagne
Ordered a dance pole for home
Taken delivery of the laser lighting for the dance room
Ordered her various outfits, (cocktail dress, lingerie evening gown and 2 pair of shoes)
taken delivery the engraved gifts which are prizes for the guests (30 of them)
taken delivery of 37 items large and small to decorate the venue (including 100 balloons and helium)
had the invites printed and given many out with many more to go
Confirmed the first 42 guests (expecting that number to triple
Organised the champagne for the guests arrival
Booked a professional DJ
Ordered the evening gowns and shoes for the hostesses (4 pairs/dresses)
Put the adverts out on 5 swingers sites
Still to start
Prepare the garden for a sunny afternoon option of a drink in the sun
Decorate the dance room
have a nervous breakdown
Still I should have it all ready, after all the party isn't happening until the end of July