Both will be considerably better off financially for the work they have put into the last 5 years but I never saw them other than as a media product. Part of me would have liked them to have lasted to prove me wrong but I never saw it other than a money making machine.
I was amused to read that they've asked the media to give them privacy. This is presumably so they can sell an exclusive to the same magazine that paid for their wedding pics.
Whilst I admire Jordan for earning vast sums of money for getting her tits out for the boys, I cannot fathom anything good to say about him really.
A one hit wonder boy, who I think saw an opportunity in Jordan, to get back into the limelight and make a few bob. Fair play to him.
As for their breakup, I really could not care less to be honest. A marriage of cash and more cash.
the sad thing as always is the poor kids that are involved.
x fem x
I will never understand celebrity cults like Peter and Katie if I live to be 109.
Its sad for everyone when a relationship breaks down. It isn't important enough when it happens to make headline news on the BBC.
Deary deary deary me.
enjoyed their shows and good luck to the pair of them most entertaining..
So much hate for a Wednesday morning.
I am aware that you are unable to distinguish between facts and opinions.
"Why do you continue to argue the toss over every little thing going?"
I have often wondered why I bother to challenge prejudices misconceptions and opinions stated as fact. The only justification for the activity is that to do otherwise would reinforce the messages being posted. I have observed that I am more likely to challenge such behaviour when it takes the form of hate directed at individuals or organisations.
I recall in another thread being picked up for referring to a physically unattractive woman in the public eye as hideous. I considered the opinion of the individual who picked me up on it and decided that although I wasn't motivated by hate it could be perceived as such and have therefore given more consideration to the tongue in cheek comments I make. Perhaps that is the upside of folk reading what you write and thinking about it----who knows?
Then there's going to be all the details about the divorce. Then the aftermath, then life after each other, and then the hope of a new partner, and quite possibly another set of divorces.
Isn;t all this celebrity crap just getting a little bit predictable and boring now? There was a time when it was just 'not British' to do this.