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Poor, poor Admin.................

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I've just been having a chat with 'Admin' and it appears that 'Admin' doesn't have a name :upset: !!
He/She/It gets very upset when all his/her/their friends have one and feels very put out when the sandwich order is taken in the morning as 'Admin' can't eat if he/she/it doesn't have a name :cry:
So i thought the collective brains of SH could bang a couple of brain cells together and come up with a relevent name for 'Admin'. Funny, relevent, irrelevent, real names, made-up names, names of real people, you think of it and post it. The person who posts the name deemed most suitable will gain the auspiscious title for their signature (should they want the blame, err accolade!) -
"I Named "Admin"!!!
And don't forget to give your reason why you choose a particular name!! whip
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I think it should be "The Overeseer"
I just like the sound of it lol
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well how about Andrew..... then we can really talk to the (h)andy if nobody is listening lol
Sex God
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To Trusting lol
tall, dark and too young :giggle:
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I think: Shadow Home Secretary or SHS!
Shadow = Always around but you never quite see them
Home = They seemingly live in SH Towers, no doubt in near darkness.
Secretary = What with my propbs the last 24 hours 'they/Admin' have been writing me lots of nice letters!
Or simply Barry. rotflmao
NO offence to anyone with that name, it just makes me laugh.
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A collegue where I once worked, phoned the girl on reception and asked if she couuld put out a page call over the tanoy for " mike hunt" to come to reception please. lol oh happy days...
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Hmmm calling admin the "The Overeseer" ? Im feeling that one... it has good god like vibes!
Andrew or Andy? yeah Dawn your right To Trusting... tall, dark and too young :giggle:
Shadow Home Secretary or SHS!... Now that's too close to home... we need sum-fink on a more astral plane!
More inline with the gooster im thinkin we should call Him... Her... or It...
The answer to The Ultimate Question Of SH, the Universe and Everything! (that we cant be arsed with) :giggle:
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
silent but watching
The Explainer
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Quote by redpantherman
Hmmm calling admin the "The Overeseer" ? Im feeling that one... it has good god like vibes!
More inline with the gooster im thinkin we should call Him... Her... or It...
The answer to The Ultimate Question Of SH, the Universe and Everything! (that we cant be arsed with) :giggle:

Thats why i like it RPM
Funny you should mention 42 that was one off my PM's questions as PM victim.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by goose35
Hmmm calling admin the "The Overeseer" ? Im feeling that one... it has good god like vibes!
More inline with the gooster im thinkin we should call Him... Her... or It...
The answer to The Ultimate Question Of SH, the Universe and Everything! (that we cant be arsed with) :giggle:

Thats why i like it RPM
Funny you should mention 42 that was one off my PM's questions as PM victim.
PM victim?
have I been away too long..? Or have I come back too soon! biggrin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by redpantherman
Hmmm calling admin the "The Overeseer" ? Im feeling that one... it has good god like vibes!
More inline with the gooster im thinkin we should call Him... Her... or It...
The answer to The Ultimate Question Of SH, the Universe and Everything! (that we cant be arsed with) :giggle:

Thats why i like it RPM
Funny you should mention 42 that was one off my PM's questions as PM victim.
PM victim?
have I been away too long..? Or have I come back too soon! biggrin
I'm saying no more lol but there is a thread and doh i just bumped it :doh:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
What about Yoda Master SH jedi
naaa being silly lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Right - Admin is now getting brave and is putting in requests! :kissmyarse:
He/She/It now wants a signature!!! Like we have nothing better to do with our time! (did I just say that? :lol2: )
So - suggestions for a signature also required!!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
keep thinkin of those "blockbuster" movie trailers.......coming to a screen near you.....admin cut to , explosions etc etc
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Adam Minuite
Sounds like have a minuite as he must be busy. lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Adam Min sounds like one of those insane despot dictators of some far flung place.....not that I would ever want to offend our el presidente...
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Adminant for username lol
Adminant, always scurrying around in the dark depths of SH with a huge load on his back to help others biggrin
Shaz x
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Number 2 - from the guy who ran The Village in The Prisoner
Signiture - I am not a number, I am a free man!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
then can I be number 69 please !
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Signature ideas for Admin or should I say SHS!
My hands do the work of 10,000 highly trained lesbian jumping beans.
My intelligence is equal to the smoothness of a walnut shell.
Cretins and vermin cannot compare with the depths of your postings.
Admin blesses with the egregious qualities of a duffle-bag in His Majesty's Royal Navy.
You ever remind me of the enigma of post yet to be written.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Madam Venus Bandersnatch is off on one - again biggrin
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Quote by redpantherman
Madam Venus Bandersnatch is off on one - again biggrin

Careful or I'll post more! :P
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Swinging Heaven Team.........short and simple lol bolt
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Signature, sign on the dotted line..............
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
how about" Alfred"??
As in - Alfred Admin
Admin Alfred
Alfred the Admin
Where's Alfred - he'll sort it
You get the gist??
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by da69ve
Swinging Heaven Team.........short and simple lol bolt

Shouldn't that be SHAT? SH Admin team?