Quote by MidsCouple24
I think the amount that would brew thier own fuel would be very few more than do it now simply because of the high price of fuel as it is, but how do you make this road tax/fuel increase work ?, the national accepted average for a car these days is 15,000 miles, but tax is charged in accordance with how low your emmisions are.
If I have the lowest emmission car I have to pay road tax of £100
If I have the highest emmision car I have to pay road tax of £475
So if my wife and I have one of each and we both drive 10,000 miles this year how will the difference in tax be collected between the 2 vehicles ?
What if I do 15,000 miles in my low emmission car but my wife only does 6000 miles in the high emmission car, the high emmission car would be paying less road tax than my low emmission car if the price was in the fuel. Would garages have to have different pumps at different prices for different emmission rated cars ? if they do what is to stop me filling up the low emmission car then transferring the fuel to my high emmission car ?
When the "emmissions" based tax calculations one day become an embarrassing legacy to a previous Government - maybe then the VED will change.
Until then we are all aboard the saving the planet gravy train.