Inspired by other threads as so often these things are (p4, onwards)
Has it changed?
Are they leading us into the abyss?
Are they becoming our masters?
We now have 24 hr news, embedded journalists with the army, your thoughts please
You would think wouldn't you that I'd have so much to say here......but I've said it all recently,so not wanting to bore you all by repeating it I'll let someone else start....I shall I'm sure return :twisted:
There is a lot more than there used to be. My feeling is that that just means there is a lot more shite to filter out before you get to the good stuff. Although how you can be sure you pick the rioght good stuff - I don't know.
I think its only worth reading one newspaper a week at the most, usually one of the weekenders. the rest of the week the same articles and opinions are recycled and represented on different days.
Their role continues as news providers for the different sections of society. in this they use different languages and intellect.
oddly enough the majority are all produced in the same print factory. there must be times when the staff of one newspaper do overtime for another or even a competitor.
But hasn't quite a lot of 'news' become something which is produced by people themselves by using networking sites? ie they can feed themselves with info, whilst remaining switched off from the rest of the world.
A thoroughbred Capitalist, and that is why he is hated so much by people who have nothing or very little....the haters of success!!
Plus no doubt many more.
"Would we all like to have a media that was told what to say and when to say it?"
We already have one....and if you really really can't see that the press follow an editorial policy dictated by their owners then I shall walk away in despair at my fellow man......this line alone makes me feel that this arguement has died already
To some extent......but more important is the fact that it serves the owners vanity and commercial is never mentioned in the Express that Richard Desmond owns a porn is never mentioned in the Telegraph that the Barclays are tax exiles on Sark. Both papers are excoriating about other porn barons or tax exiles,coincidence?
The Barclays are particularly good at sending solicitors letters to anyone who dares to even mention them in the media......from the owners of the Telegraph ffs!!! and absolutely no hint of fucking irony....Desmond similarly is more than willing to sue those who call his T.V. X etc. empire pornography despite having received repeated warnings from the T.V. watchdog about it containing R18 rated material (i.e. porn) again no hint of irony
I shan't mention Murdoch.....there isn't enough room on the fucking internet
Their position gives them power that they have not earned and do not deserve and they abuse it.....they are answerable to no-one but themselves,they cannot be deselected they are not elected and yet they wield their influence on all political parties to dictate policy to the benefit of no-one but themselves....if there is such a thing as evil they are the face of it.
As I mentioned elsewhere it is a fool or a masochist who does not object to being buggered by steely dan unlubricated..a slave asks if he's pleasing his master....
I am none of the above
Again the point is"they abuse it"
You may well be happy with unelected foreigners deciding government policy, I'm not.
"a slave asks if he's pleasing his master".....well are you?