Never rent Dvds - and telly is hit an miss, tho been a few good things on recently on cable. Been watching Covert Affairs (us spy series) and The Almight Johnsons (my kind of stupid humour). Just caught up with Critchly Hall and enjoyed The Hunted - we make some great series just a shame the beeb keeps chopping some of the real good uns! Cant wait for a new White Chapel - excellent series so far.
Sometimes I do see a DVD that I know nothing about and buy it deliberately not reading anything about it on the back so I get the surprise when I watch it, so far I have been lucky as most will agree because this way I have bought
The Green Mile - because it starred Tom Hanks
The Shawshank Redemption - because it starred Morgan Freeman
Probably two of the best films ever to watch without any prior knowledge of the contents
I don't watch dvd's, and I've no idea what pvr stands for. I watch some telly, american football and rugby mainly, an occasional movie, or the gt. british bake off type of show, but apart from the american football I don't really concern myself with programme content. I'm sitting here now listening to radio 2. In evenings I'll find something interesting to do or I'll go to the pub, 80 paces from my door, and many other venues within 5 mins walk. For many years I didn't have a telly, and I used to wonder how people found time to watch one.
I've watched "In Time" recenly, and like y'self cubes, I wasn't expecting much from justin whatsisname, but I found it quite enjoyable.