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SH: this is your life!

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There seem to be a few old faces (and other bodily parts :rascal: ) around the forum at the mo.
So, let's celebrate SH and swing-folk in general & share your best SH (or associated) memories.
I'm currently pondering... although a certain dance routine at the Wigan Munch may just be up there with my favourites! rotflmao
i have a whole list
1) falling asleep at a party and having someone boobs in my face and me sleeping through the experience. That was after me trying to seeing said boobs for years
2) Being lifted by my boxers in a bar in manchester circa blue and lep
3) My lack of parking skills
4) First time i "met" harry jones
5) me naked in white socks having a play in someones garden
6) me in a maids outfit with bum going up and down.....could someone send me the video
7) Me and first rios even not knowing where to look.
That is just some of the tails............
Quote by MikeC
i have a whole list
1) falling asleep at a party and having someone boobs in my face and me sleeping through the experience. That was after me trying to seeing said boobs for years
2) Being lifted by my boxers in a bar in manchester circa blue and lep
3) My lack of parking skills
4) First time i "met" harry jones
5) me naked in white socks having a play in someones garden
6) me in a maids outfit with bum going up and down.....could someone send me the video
7) Me and first rios even not knowing where to look.
That is just some of the tails............

Your number 6 was our first ever social. We were scarred by that sight lol
Quote by MikeC
5) me naked in white socks having a play in someones garden

We need photo proof in t'other thread! :rascal:
Quote by noladreams

5) me naked in white socks having a play in someones garden

We need photo proof in t'other thread! :rascal:
lol.....i dont have that but found a photo in a maids out fit get my cock played with
i just rembered a certain party at blues when i was ummmmm busy mid flow and the taxi arrived......i had to pull out and it was the quickest i have ever put clothes on....
Oh my.
I don't know where to start. So many classics.
Ok, in no particular order:
1. Wearing nothing but a Union Jack flag for the red white and blue munch (Nottingham, I think).... Yes, it was.... The night of the BLUE SMURFS!!!!!!
2. Mal turning up for one of my parties and going to the wrong house..... dressed as a Cardinal!
3. Mike C's number 2
4. JudyTV booting Ia certain someone down the stairs at one NW Munch. OK, maybe that's one I shouldn't mention but I promise you, it's right up there
5. Blow job games
6. Vodka jelly
7. Falling asleep in Mistress Sassy's bathroom, very whiskey-drunk
8. Neilinleeds scared to death in Adam and Eve's, being protected by ..... errr can't remember who, sorry
9. The condom out of the window moment on Canal Street
10. After social get togethers in Room 1, especially relating to Jinty the Rug
11. Sticking my hand to the carpet at one of Jas and Tim's parties
12. Dogging in Bolton, specifically related to the Polish campers
13. The competition where people wrote "swinging heaven" on their body parts and photographed themselves in public places
14. Anything that involved Postie being drunk
15. A party in Lincs where Jas tried to teach me how to walk in high heels.
16. Marmalaid's balloons
17. Camping at WRATS place. Very drunk, singing to Robbie Williams Angels
18. Smuggling a random non site tranny into a munch (another one I shouldn't mention probs)
I could do on and on. In fact, I may do later
Quote by MikeC
3) My lack of parking skills

Something tells me there's a story behind this one.... :rascal:
And how could I forget....
Dino doing me doing JudyTV (avatar challenge)
Me dressing up as JudyTV for one NW Munch and Neilinleeds thinking I was RebeccaTV lol
Quote by bluexxx
And how could I forget....
Dino doing me doing JudyTV (avatar challenge)
Me dressing up as JudyTV for one NW Munch and Neilinleeds thinking I was RebeccaTV lol

Oh the Avatar Challenge is the absolute stuff of forum legend... worship
I wonder if it is still lurking in the vaults for us noobs. :twisted:
Quote by noladreams

3) My lack of parking skills

Something tells me there's a story behind this one.... :rascal:
ummmmmmm lol......
2 stories....going to a party at the scotish foghorns house and i struggled to reverse park and ended up leaving the car pretty much in the middle of the road.....
ummmm going dogging and reversing car in to a large log and taking most of the bumper off smile
Pebbles green nurse outfit mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm proper wank bank material smile :twisted:
Angel Chat: "I don't do televisions"
Mr Dundee Couple's red PVC boots :twisted:
Winning Neilinleeds for 6 goldfish
Imaginative use of gym equipment at my Discover your Dark side party
Hx's Lovely black boots :inlove:
my (someone else's) body stocking at hearts tarts.......
i think a few people were scared for life smile.....
me walking sassy round in a dog collar :)
Quote by bluexxx
Angel Chat: "I don't do televisions"

rotflmao I'll never live that one down :giggle:
Quote by Angel Chat
Angel Chat: "I don't do televisions"

rotflmao I'll never live that one down :giggle:
you falling asleep in cruiz.....saying that i am sure i won't ever live down sleeping bag night smile
Quote by bluexxx
13. The competition where people wrote "swinging heaven" on their body parts and photographed themselves in public places

Oooh, now this one sounds fun! :giggle:
This the cafe bing split into two is annoying but I have just bumped a massive blast from the past.... Go see in the other forum :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by bluexxx
This the cafe bing split into two is annoying but I have just bumped a massive blast from the past.... Go see in the other forum :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I've moved them - anything you need moving just let me know.
Quote by noladreams
This the cafe bing split into two is annoying but I have just bumped a massive blast from the past.... Go see in the other forum :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I've moved them - anything you need moving just let me know.
Thanks ... I'm trying to find the flashing for swinging heaven one but I don't have a clue when it was other than either 2004 or 2005, and we talked such a lot then, so many threads!!!!!
Quote by bluexxx
This the cafe bing split into two is annoying but I have just bumped a massive blast from the past.... Go see in the other forum :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I've moved them - anything you need moving just let me know.
Thanks ... I'm trying to find the flashing for swinging heaven one but I don't have a clue when it was other than either 2004 or 2005, and we talked such a lot then, so many threads!!!!!
I'll do some digging too wink
Oh my how could I have forgotten about the blue smurfs :eeek: was that the one where Marmalade a cloak on and nothing much else??
Medieval Munch at some posh place near Coventry and being looked after by Steve_g cos Dave had decided he had flu rolleyes
The very first NW Munch at a tiny pub in Eccles and Ian's thing about shoes
ONE chat room with only about 30 people in it
SH badges - still got them
lots of great people that we can claim as friends
Quote by bluexxx
Mr Dundee Couple's red PVC boots :twisted:

Fook me, just the thought of those have kept my fantasies going for years!
I'll need to think hard about my favourite moments, a lot are forum moments, and my memory is crap for real life stuff.
1) Blue's Parties - Nellie disappearing off the back of the bed (you had to be involved I guess though)
2) Blue's Parties - Morbius getting an ass whipping off JudyTV
3) First munch in Eccles - walking to Adam & Eves with Sarge wearing lace panties over his jeans
4) Adam & Eves - sitting opposite Sarge, Nellie, SteveNW all pantless under their towels and sitting like blokes sit giving me an eyeful!
5) Reece's Helicopter at ClareNSteve's party!
6) Blue passing out at the 40th Party at Jas's
7) Dammie barrel dancing somewhere in Brum?
Will think of more later.
Quote by Calista

Mr Dundee Couple's red PVC boots :twisted:

Fook me, just the thought of those have kept my fantasies going for years!
I'll need to think hard about my favourite moments, a lot are forum moments, and my memory is crap for real life stuff.
1) Blue's Parties - Nellie disappearing off the back of the bed (you had to be involved I guess though)
2) Blue's Parties - Morbius getting an ass whipping off JudyTV
3) First munch in Eccles - walking to Adam & Eves with Sarge wearing lace panties over his jeans
4) Adam & Eves - sitting opposite Sarge, Nellie, SteveNW all pantless under their towels and sitting like blokes sit giving me an eyeful!
5) Reece's Helicopter at ClareNSteve's party!
6) Blue passing out at the 40th Party at Jas's
7) Dammie barrel dancing somewhere in Brum?
Will think of more later.
1) I tried and I tried and I just couldnt get it all in........a very well known phrase........ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Blue sat on the floor drunk, and she managed to fall over!
Blue smurfs
Floatation bags at rio's
Cassie and I out with 24? blokes in MK and being the only females, and being told by another site female before we went we wouldn't be safe with all those blokes!! :twisted:
The SH weddings we have attended :inlove:
Marcuso attended a social and dancing on a chair with bell on the end of his shoes!
Drinking a bar dry at a munch.........they soon learnt to stock up, when we are in town!!
Guys at Sassy's Ann Summer's party
Painting the nails of a certain tranny, with in 2 mins of meeting, shaking brush or what, but mananged to get the job done in the end.
I know I have loads more, this site has played a large part in my life for ages now, as have many of you, many of whom I have lost touch with, but owing to 2 recent events I seem to have 'found' most of you.
My first munch (in Eccles, where we drank the bar dry!), and being convinced everyone would be shagging on the pool tables etc. I went in with WBB and we ran straight into the toilets and hid in there for about the first half hour!
Loads of socials in Manchester, most of which I only have vague memories of (jeez I drank a lot in those days redfacerolleyes
Falling asleep under a mahoosive speaker in Cruz (nope Mike, I never will live that down!)
My first visit to a swinging club and bumping into someone from work :shock:
Sitting down to breakfast after a Notts munch and wondering who the tattooed bloke sitting with us was - only to discover it was JudyTV :shock:
Getting caught putting back a stolen can of cider, and then being led around camp wearing a bridle as punishment evil Mortified doesn't even begin to cover it!
Picking up three randoms in the hotel after a Notts munch (the same night I announced that I "don't do televisions") and then being forever after accused of shagging smurfs rotflmao I didn't!!
Falling off a chair at the infamous stair incident munch. That feckin hurt, and I knew it was going to hurt as I was falling but I just couldn't do anything to save myself sad
One morning I woke up after a party at Jas and Tim's, and while I was standing outside smoking I noticed writing on my foot. It didn't take me long to work out that it said "Dammy" on one foot, "Kat" on the other, various other usernames on my legs and knees - and then I looked in the mirror to find that I had blue eyeshadow on one eye, brown on the other, a beard drawn on with eyeliner and several more signatures on my face! :rotflmao: Fuckers!! Haha!! That'll teach me to fall asleep in a room full of my "friends"!!
Ann Summers parties where the hostess learnt more from us than vice versa :twisted:
Blue being locked in the chicken shed :rotflmao:
Blue finding an ice cream sundae glass and claiming it as her wine glass for the night - just before proclaiming that we should all call her "Sapphire" for the remainder of the party :giggle:
KBUK playing cat jenga worship:rotflmao:
NeilinLeeds in full make up walking through my living room wearing high heels, a surgeon's gown and pearls, and my daughter's :shock::eek: face when she saw him - and then getting on the train with him and Little Gem to go to the Rocky Horror Show lol
There are loads more I'm sure, but I want to go read what else people are posting here tonight :giggle:
Quote by bluexxx

rotflmao Chasing you down the M6 like some sort of Benny Hill on wheels, losing you in Wigan and then managing to get to the munch at LEAST an hour before you!!
Quote by Angel Chat

rotflmao Chasing you down the M6 like some sort of Benny Hill on wheels, losing you in Wigan and then managing to get to the munch at LEAST an hour before you!!
Angel.....can i send you a nana smurf card at xmas :twisted: