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Socialist Labour Party - Euro Elections

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Ok then so everyone is tired of all the other parties. How many will vote for the Socialist Labour Party in the elections in June. Hmmmmm I wonder......
Are they different then?
can you send me a summary of the socialist labour party's manifesto corrie ?
Quote by gulsonroad30664
can you send me a summary of the socialist labour party's manifesto corrie ?

Is that the same thing that they con us with?
A manifesto that contains a pack of lies to grab your vote?
It should be a legally binding document.
I have an open mind ...........
From what I've seen I probably would vote for them but .....they want to take us out of europe and that's a stupid idea.
i hope i have an open mind. was'nt taking the piss. direct me to the socialist labour party's manifesto.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
From what I've seen I probably would vote for them but .....they want to take us out of europe and that's a stupid idea.

care to explain why it would be stupid idea. Personally I can't think of one valid reason for staying within the european union
here's the link, scary stuff :shock:
Have to agree Kryps.
We put far more into Europe than we get back. We get nothing from France except a few Romanians. wink
I for one do not like being part of Europe, for the simple reason is that they have too much control over what happens over here.
Our laws are our rights, and should NOT be interfered with by a bunch of nutter Germans and Frenchies.
So on that basis I think we should do what it was originally intended for, and believe it or not.....that was for trade purposes only.
Quote by kentswingers777
So on that basis I think we should do what it was originally intended for, and believe it or not.....that was for trade purposes only.

Thats what we were led to believe but it was always going to go further.
Let people think they will get something and then they are suckered.
Bludy 'ell
Is that nutter still alive? :shock: :shock:
Oh is there European elections going on (Yaaaaaawn) I must remember to net my strawberry plants
The thing is I grew up in the time of Scargill and actually believed in many things that the socialists were saying at the time even though I didnt really understand politics (oh to be young and niave again rolleyes ). It just made sense to me.
Their web site is pretty crap and dated but as I said earlier if everyone thinks that the 3 main parties are a waste of space I wonder if they have a moment if opportunity? I remember thinking that in the early 80's and got all excited that capitalism was on its way out. How wrong could I have been lol :lol:
Quote by Lost
Oh is there European elections going on (Yaaaaaawn) I must remember to net my strawberry plants

I hang my stawberry plants from my tree in baskets - makes it easier for the birds lol
The Greens are the closest thing we have to a Socialist party of any note and they work with the European parliament.
Quote by benrums0n
The Greens are the closest thing we have to a Socialist party of any note and they work with the European parliament.

Would that be cabbages or Brussels? lol :lol:
who in their right mind would vote for a Socialist Government :shock: especially anything that Arthur Scargill is involved in. After all many countries subscribed to the Socialist ideals and it worked in precisely none of them.
All people are equal but some are more equal than others. George Orwell, animal farm.
Quote by Jaq-kryps
who in their right mind would vote for a Socialist Government :shock: especially anything that Arthur Scargill is involved in. After all many countries subscribed to the Socialist ideals and it worked in precisely none of them.
All people are equal but some are more equal than others. George Orwell, animal farm.

Ah now there is a deluded individual. lol
You know he still thinks he is the miners leader, and that he defeated Thatcher? As I said " deluded ". wink
Quote by Jaq-kryps
who in their right mind would vote for a Socialist Government :shock: especially anything that Arthur Scargill is involved in. After all many countries subscribed to the Socialist ideals and it worked in precisely none of them.
All people are equal but some are more equal than others. George Orwell, animal farm.

But that's incorrect in my view.
Socialism is not a political system, it is an economic system, Communism is the political AND economic system that has been tried and failed in Russia & other places.
It's worked pretty well in Cuba however, mainly because Castro's form of communism is more a form of socialism.
While the two ideologies may have sprung from the work of Marx and Engels, they are as different as we are from an Orangutan (and I should know).
The general idea is that the Socialist Labour party want to turn the country communist, that is entirely misrepresentative of the facts. They want to turn the country's economic systems more socialist, but within a democratic framework. The basic premise being everyone gets a say and we share the wealth we create.
Terrible eh?
No I won't be voting for them,I doubt they will have a candidate here, but the fact Socialist Labour is being portrayed as the next Bolshevik revolution, Scargill as Stalin would be akin to portraying the Conservative party as the National Socialist Party and David Cameron as Hitler. Both entirely unfair, unfounded and unrepresentative. You may not agree with their policies, there are many I'd take issue with, but distorting the truth to try and ridicule their arguments only subtracts credibility from your statements.
Indeed, for all the issues you can take up with the party, there are many that do represent the groundswell of opinion of many in the country at the moment. Lets not forget, I don't think there were any Socialist Labour MP's with their fingers in the public money over the past 10 or 15 years.
Scargill is as nutty as a fruitcake, but at least he has principles and has stuck to them. Far more so than the current Labour government. I can respect that far more. Even if Arthur's plainly nuts.
The Orwell quote pertained to communism, not socialism. A subtle, but important difference.
I can confirm that Scargill is nuts. He was mates with my FIL. rolleyes
The Orwell quote pertained to Stalinist Russia...Animal farm is a critique and satire of Stalin and his the U.S.S.R. to a communist state is akin to calling Thatcher a socialist.
Leaving the European union is a stupid idea because our economy is so heavily invested in Europe that withdrawl would lead to disaster.
European human rights and working rights legislation has been one of the few things that has prevented this and the previous government sticking their jackboots into all our faces.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
The Orwell quote pertained to Stalinist Russia...Animal farm is a critique and satire of Stalin and his the U.S.S.R. to a communist state is akin to calling Thatcher a socialist.
Leaving the European union is a stupid idea because our economy is so heavily invested in Europe that withdrawl would lead to disaster.
European human rights and working rights legislation has been one of the few things that has prevented this and the previous government sticking their jackboots into all our faces.

Exact! They just piss on everyone instead innocent
Ok accept all you all say and agree as my heart isnt in either political party (sorry cant even think Liberal) so whats the way forward then? Maybe I should look at the Green Party but I still have socialist tendencies in my personal value system. Maybe I should just go and paint my toe nails and close my eyes when I put my cross. Oh and I will vote - I firmly believe in the voting system and to not vote is just to me unacceptable ...
Quote by corrie2008
Ok accept all you all say and agree as my heart isnt in either political party (sorry cant even think Liberal) so whats the way forward then? Maybe I should look at the Green Party but I still have socialist tendencies in my personal value system. Maybe I should just go and paint my toe nails and close my eyes when I put my cross. Oh and I will vote - I firmly believe in the voting system and to not vote is just to me unacceptable ...

Vote anyone except Labour. They are going to get a massive nosebleed at the elections.
The kind of socialism promoted by Scargil is more akin to Soviet style Communism than the kind of romantic liberal fantasies one might think they are voting for. Communism failed and died many years ago, some might not remember it but it's death was even more tragic, and even more spectacular than the current death throws of capitalism.
So if capitalism and communism are both dead and liberalism is so easily perverted, then it is obvious that twentieth century politics are not the way forward in this century. We need something new, something fresh, something different. Oh and while I'm on the subject, something smaller. We have the second largest government in the whole world after China, too many cooks and all that!
Quote by BrightonGeezer
The kind of socialism promoted by Scargil is more akin to Soviet style Communism than the kind of romantic liberal fantasies one might think they are voting for. Communism failed and died many years ago, some might not remember it but it's death was even more tragic, and even more spectacular than the current death throws of capitalism.
So if capitalism and communism are both dead and liberalism is so easily perverted, then it is obvious that twentieth century politics are not the way forward in this century. We need something new, something fresh, something different. Oh and while I'm on the subject, something smaller. We have the second largest government in the whole world after China, too many cooks and all that!

Very good post, and I heartily agree that we need to cut down on the bureaucracy, and the first step to doing that is cutting the numbers of bureaucrats.
Not sure I agree that Arthur wants us all to be Stakhanovites. I don't think he is quite so left as that. He is certainly far more left than current "Labour" thinking however, which may well give that impression, however I think that is because current Labour thinking is now more in line with former Tory thinking than it is with their original principles they founded the party upon.
In these days of the interwebnet there's a very good case for devolving an awful lot of important decision making to the people.
Its one thing to insist on elected representatives when you have to collect pieces of paper from all over the country by horse and cart to decide matters, qyuite another when we could all be involved cheaply and easily.
Anyone who thinks that Europe is a pointless waste of money and other resources needs to actually understand what we have benefited from it.
Firstly on an economic front, the EU is the largest single market and British businesses take full advantage of it, with over half of our trade coming from Europe and millions of jobs depending on this.
Secondly, being part of Europe has also meant the introduction of measures including: paid holidays; a right to parental leave; extended maternity leave; the right to request flexible working and the same protection for part-time workers as full-time workers as well as the working time directive, ensuring breaks and maximimum working hours.
Quote by mistress_sassy
Secondly, being part of Europe has also meant the introduction of measures including: paid holidays; a right to parental leave; extended maternity leave; the right to request flexible working and the same protection for part-time workers as full-time workers as well as the working time directive, ensuring breaks and maximimum working hours.

I agree that it was introduced from Europe after we joined but a lot of this only happened after 25+ years of joining.
Hypethetically our own unions could have lobbied to get all this in whether we were in the EU or not. So I wouldn't think Europe is the be all and end all of the introduction of new legislation