Max Wrote (Quoted from recession thread)
OK Ben, I have looked at that link and I think it's just your interpretation that the Revenue don't bother with evasion under £10,000...just like your interpretation of the hairdressers appointment book and the petrol station VAT receipts.
I think the personal questions I asked were very valid. I was attempting to ascertain as to how much your comments were based on informed experience and knowledge and how much on left wing bollox lifted straight from the Socialist Worker!
If I was to make a sweeping generalisation that all recipients of benefits were scroungers, I would be flamed, and quite rightly so but you have made an equally sweeping generalisation that all employers are exploitative. You also made an ill informed comment on the world of accountancy being involved in "deeply corrupt practices involved in professional tax evasion". Tax evasion is illegal and a criminal offence. As I have said elsewhere in this thread, there is a world of difference between legitimate tax AVOIDANCE and tax EVASION. I was asking as to how long you worked in the accounting profession as you seem to have little real understanding of it.
As you are highly critical of the current system, I asked you what you would suggest as a workable alternative. You have not answered and therefore I must assume that you don't have one.
As someone once said, Capitalism may not be the perfect but its the best system we have come up with yet.
The instruction in the revenue and customs internal manual appears to only refer to frauds over £10,000. I dont think I have twisted the presented information, can you explain how you think I have done so.
The pencil written appointments books and the like are simply the tip of the iceberg. My advice to anybody who cares about making money is get off PAYE as soon as you can.
I still don't think personal information has any relevance to a debate. What is it likely to do? Reinforce your prejudices? Lets face it, its unlikely to break them down regardless of my background and I dont feel the need to justify my opinions by claiming expertise. For the record I don't think Ive ever read the socialist worker.
I think I have explained why I think employment is fundamentally exploitation. What more can I say?
The line between tax evasion/avoidance is a thin one. Even the revenue clamp down on legal avoidance where possible. In support of this argument I cite the materials available on the revenue and customs web site-just search avoidance.
A viable workable alternative. I dont have one. That doesnt mean that one doesnt exist or that we shouldnt discuss the current arrangements. Here is something I culled from a political party site.
"Many people are forced to work too hard or too long, leaving little or no time for children, home and family. Too much work is meaningless and unsatisfying, while some work is unsafe, therefore damaging workers health. Other work is insecure, making people vulnerable to redundancy often brought about by intense competition and globalisation within companies and workplaces.
Despite the fact that many people have too much work, there are others who cannot gain employment because it is said they are too old, lack skills or live in the wrong location.
Everyone would receive a basic Citizen's Income to allow everybody to make meaningful choices between paid employment, part-time work, self employment, volunteering and encourage a better balance between work and everyday life."
Where does that quote about "Capitalism may not be the perfect but its the best system we have come up with yet". Its not very pithy is it.
Fair points flower, I too was a fairly fair capitalist worker/wage slave and I'm sure beneficent employers exist. I have to say I benefited greatly from an old capitalist boss who took the view that "the workers" deserved as much of a reward for their endeavours as he did.
I was wondering earlier if HM Revenue and Customs will be prosecuting any MPs? After all a failure to declare benefits from employment is a criminal offence.
I agree with you point about the need for radical overhaul Max.
Thank you Kent.
I think the money comes from the people who have lots of money and is given to the people who have lots less money. I think if you combine this with a taxation overhaul and budget cuts as appropriate (dont get me started on Trident et al) we would be able to find the money.
I value work by what it contributes to society. I dont have any problem with somebody getting a decent level of income for doing nothing as you describe it, simply because there are millions of people who earn vast fortunes for doing nothing as I would describe it.
I understand that you are satisfied with the existing system and that of course is your right. I think the majority of employees are not rewarded fairly for their contribution to society and their employers are often habitual tax fraudsters and neither of these issues seems to be discussed by the big two political parties.
It saddens me that this Tory government led by the evil twins Blair and Brown wears the labels of a once proud socialist organisation that working people had to fight to establish over many years. Mind you that said they have sneaked in a few socialist policies when nobody was looking.
As for the official Torys-have they decided just what they are yet? Last time I looked at their policies they were hinting at bringing back work houses.
" * Every claimant potentially able to work will be engaged in welfare to work activities aimed at helping them back into work as quickly as possible
* For those unable to find work there'll be long-term community projects to help them get back into a working environment
* Those not willing to take part will face tough sanctions "
With the forthcoming European Elections I am pleased that there are one or two alternative options. Although sadly, given their resources and spin I fear the BNP will do rather well.
Kent in response:
What kind of analogy is that? Do the wealthy not already pay huge ammounts of tax, a lot of which goes towards the needy through the benefit system.
No the rich do not pay a huge amount of tax, they pay far too little tax and receive an income far in excess of that necessary to maintain a reasonable life style at the expense of millions of others who haven't got a pot to piddle in comparatively. You give me the impression that you think the poor are stupid ,indolent or both and deserve a shitty end of the stick. We will have to agree to differ because I don't believe either of these assertions.
Your second point is quite frankly laughable. I do not know what bosses you have worked for, but just in case you are right....have you get any proof of that statement or is that just your opinion?
If I express an opinion I try to use words like think and believe. My thoughts and beliefs are based on my life experiences and in particular listening to the the opinions of others. If I state a fact I usually provide a reference to a source. Have you got any facts to refute my opinion? Can you confirm that you have never evaded tax? (The illegal way not the legal way which Max informed me is called avoidance.)
Im enjoying this thread, I haven't felt attacked personally all the way through it.
An Englishman goes on holiday to Greece and goes to the water ski shak down by the beach. The Greek man explains that he he is very busy and to come back in half an hour. Our noble Englishman suggests to the Greek man that he should write down his name and call out when it his turn, he goes further and suggests that the Greek man should make a list and call out to people as it is their turn.
The Greek man shakes his whimsically and says -
you English, you think you are so organised and so clever, but you are not. No, I won't make a list because if I make a list the tax man wants to see who is on my list and how much money I take. Then the civil police come down and ask me how long I am working to take so many people ski-ing and want to reduce our working hours. Then the local authorities want to make a rule about how often I can use my boat because of the amount of people I teach to ski and how my engine should be licensed. Then they want to make special licences for me to carry on my work - and then where will it end?
I will do my job here in Greece and you do your job in England Sir.
Ben - you have an idealistic and fantastical view - I wish it were possible in any country - let alone ours. The UK has probably the smallest black economy of any of our European partners what do you suggest we do? Invade - I mean colonise - them and teach them the error of their ways?
Lovely story TooHot.
I dunno, the problem with the politics of social welfare is that there's always some bugger who doesn't get water and here I am arguing for more for somebody living on 60 quid a week. As you say there's always somebody who's more corrupt than you too.
I don't have all the answers or pretend to have them. If I did Id join the political Gravy train. It still makes me said when I meet the victims of our society though.
There are some great books out there regarding Communism Max.
Just a kind of world I would love to live in. Everyone gets the same, apparently.....unless you are in high office or a position of power. Then you get everything.
A bit like Capitilism really, just that more people share the wealth, as opposed to Communism where only a very small ammount share the loot.
In my world if you work hard you get the rewards, if you sit on your arse and don't have any aspirations, then you get nowt out of the system. That it seems is fair to me.
I really cannot understand the logic of an employer paying a good wage to someone, who then has to share his profits with his workers.
What is the worker sacrificing? Nothing. The employer like us have our homes on the line if it goes tits up.
IF an employer takes the gamble on a business and an employee lacks the accruments to do the same, why should the worker reap the same rewards?
Why would an employer bother with running a business if that was ever the case?
I work hard and reap the rewards, the staff get paid for doing their job. For me to share any of my profits with any staff I may have, is ludicrious and unjustifiable.
We luckily enough do not live in Cuba, or have George Galloway running the country. Btw both as mad as brushes in my opinion.
Think this is pretty much what I said much earlier on in this debate!
I worked for a large company that treated their employees fair when I joined around 1980 it was a family business that I felt a belonging. Family members where still on the board with one as chairman. They offered yearly Christmas bonuses, share saving schemes and discounts to staff after 5 years service, people stayed and worked hard to reach their 5 years service then if you stayed 25 years there was a golden handshake to be had. After being there 18 years the family retired from the board, the company had grown hugely and the board changed. Everything was stripped back no shares given no Christmas bonuses staff discounts cut by half. But the profits were still rolling in. So where did all the profits go?
All I can assume to the top bosses to line there pockets even more, hence I left and never made my 25 years service.
It is all about greed I believe, sod the people that run things at the bottom end of the work chain, we used to think we mattered in the good old days but all we became was a number. Nobody cares anymore, as long as the rich get richer.
Today I do mostly voluntary work I don’t get paid but I feel I am appreciated and get a thanks for what I do, that to me means more than a pay packet.
Sometimes in life it is about how we can help others and not about what we can get out of it for ourselves.
Rant over sorry
I was once told something about being employed, which has stuck with me over many years.
This person told me " remember as an employee you are selling your services, and as an employer, you are buying that service ".
Now why would an employee who is selling his services, get anymore than what he agreed too at the start of his job?
Why should an employer who has brought someones services, pay them extra for doing the job he is paying them to do?
As an employee you are paid to do a job, why should you get anything over and above what was agreed at the job interview?
That is exactly the kind of attitude that unions use, or used to as they do not carry as much power as they once did.
Remember....without employers, there would be no jobs. No jobs money. If someone happens to work for an employer who is generous, and members of staff get something, then that is great expect it as a right for no gamble on an employee's part is frankly la la land thinking.
I can understand that Kenty, I work through agencies, and there are occasions where we can negotiate a different hourly rate than usual, say £1-£2 an hour more.
Now, if a person arriving to the same worksite has negotiated £1 an hour more than me, fair play to him for negotiating that, if I am on that site for the rate thats been agreed, then that is the rate I have accepted, I certainly wouldn't ring the agency to say "how come he has x rate and I don't?"
It is down to me to get the rate I want, if I don't, thats my call.
Quote Kent
"Anyone who thinks I am wrong is clearly and I mean very clearly, a wage slave."
A nice new label for those of us who choose not to agree with the mighty Kent. I'm not sure what it means though which is unfortunate as I don't know whether or not to be insulted.
Did anyone notice the shift in minumum wage today. A 40 hour week is now worth about £11000 a year. How is a single bloke sposed to live on that when rents round my way are £4000 a year leaving about £50 quid a week for everything else after tax. Mind you if he was a slave rather than a "wage slave" at least he would have his shelter and food provided.
Runs away and hides. :grin: