~Having the name Lost makes it easier for us I guess as we walk into a group of people and say "We're Lost can you help" and we've never walked into the wrong group of people...so far!
To be fair angel....I know you real name, but I always think of you as angel....probably because I got introduced to use as angel......
Though I do call you devil chat.....
It's odd, some people I associate with there forum name, some with real name....it just depend how I associate name to person. Also I have my own nicknames
Like blues know her real name but tome she is blue.....so I always will call her blue
Like some of my mates call me mike, some Curtis, or some cockney(perv) depending on how they met me.....
I tend to answer to cockney the quickest then mike, then Curtis then my full name.
Can't remember a time specifically although when Easy & PK came to see us one year Easy called me Callie in front of the kids, and it stuck for a while :giggle:
Most people we keep in touch with are on FB and so I tend to call them by their first names now, although often have to clarify who I'm talking about with a nickname if I'm talking to Morbius!
The first time we met up with someone in a social context as described by the OP was a little weird. We had left our mic on when we were in the chatroom and it was really boring, so we started chatting to each other about going down the pub for a bit.
Anyway, half an hour after we get to one of the two pubs we had mentioned in walks a guy, who's username escapes me so lets call him Darthvader (Hopefully there isn't one on here!). He walked up to us at the bar and said "Hi Trev and Mrs T, I'm Darthvader!"
It was a bit weird and stalky at first, but he litterally lived 100 yards from the pub and had been trying to catch us online for a while.
And before anyone wonders, Yes it was a good night.