Is this in remarkably bad taste. I am all for dancing on graves but surely one should wait for the individuals death and return to room temperature.
Quote by foxylady2209
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.
Quote by GnV
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.
Quote by Bluefish2009
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.
Quote by GnV
AFAIK, even Arfur Scarguts would pay in handsomely to any kind of send off fund if it pre-dates his demise :lol2:
Quote by Bluefish2009
if she gets a state funeral then she has made her mark
if she doent then she hasn't
its really quite simple
Quote by Lizaleanrob
if she gets a state funeral then she has made her mark
if she doent then she hasn't
its really quite simple
Quote by starlightcouple
yes churchill WAS given a state funeral and rightly so.
whether peeple on here like it or not she will also get a state funeral. live with it :notes:
all the votes in the world will not stop that from happening.
even this buffoon realised the greatness of this woman :thumbup: and look how in awe of her he is. look at the eye.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.
Quote by essex34m
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
My feeling is that prime ministers don't warrant a state funeral. Only the existing monarch does.