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The BBC ( British bloated corporation )

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Some people like my posts, and others do not. That happens in all walks of life.
Yes I do agree with 99% of Gaunties views. I will defend my right to those views until my last breath.
I know Gaunty is not to everyones tastes....mrs777 hates him, even more so when we went to one of his " live " shows. She went there with an open mind, but left spitting feathers....and she don't spit usually. wink Sorry mrs777 xx
But anyways what ever anyone says, and some posters like our " new forum member ", talks with a lot of class and I will have to have me wits about me when replying to his posts. lol
Where is Peanut anyways?
Have a good weekend all.
lol Mr Kent!
I particularly enjoyed the comment about Mrs Kent and her spitting feathers!
But I must point out that I am not Mr or Mrs Peanut in any way shape or form... I used to rarely post under the old name Askari Couple a few years back (Mainly in the Lets Meet up Section, I never ventured into the Cafe part until we rejoined. Chatroom Junkies we were), but we've been away from the site since Feb 2007 and only rejoined properly a week or so ago... being a free member for a little while before then.
Have a great weekend and tell Mrs Kent to stay away from the feathers!
The television licence is to install, and operate, a broadcast television receiver.
You need one to receive ITV and SKY.
Most EU countries have a television licence.
Most of the monies are used to fund public broadcasting.
In all likelihood even if the BBC was to go the commercial route (and the commercial companies do not want that) you would still have to pay the licence fee.
Our local postie works a 9 hour day, sometimes a saturday morning, for the glorious hourly rate of
Oh yes, and with a 10% deduction for pension.
You want a target to shoot at ?
Try Mr/Mrs public-servant-paper-filler.
£168,000,000,000 a year for their pension/s
Not to forget the public service pension black hole of £1,000,000,000,000.
i think around a £10 a month for licence isnt to bad, but then i guess for 2 channels its quite a lot when you consider what you get on sky.
but then sky does air a lot of crap
but then i have a choice to pay or not.
the thing that really bugs me is if i buy a TV i HAVE to pay a licence, what if i never watch any bbc channels???
xx fem xx
Quote by fem_4_taboo
i think around a £10 a month for licence isnt to bad, but then i guess for 2 channels its quite a lot when you consider what you get on sky.
but then sky does air a lot of crap
but then i have a choice to pay or not.
the thing that really bugs me is if i buy a TV i HAVE to pay a licence, what if i never watch any bbc channels???
xx fem xx

there r 4 tv channels hun plus all the radio channels and the world service and i'm sure somone would b able to tell you of more they do and i think all that for a tenner id pretty good too
lol not if you only got a normal tv and no radio lol
xx fem xx
Quote by fem_4_taboo
lol not if you only got a normal tv and no radio lol
xx fem xx

fair point lol
Quote by fem_4_taboo
the thing that really bugs me is if i buy a TV i HAVE to pay a licence, what if i never watch any bbc channels???
xx fem xx

If you are in the UK, and have any equipment capable of receiving broadcast transmissions, then you are required to pay a licence fee.
Thats true. I know of somebody who has a flat and a house and a business.
He has a tv in each property and still has to have a license for each of them. How can that be right?
If you have paid for one and can prove you have your own business as well, why have you got to pay more than once?
Quote by kentswingers777
Thats true. I know of somebody who has a flat and a house and a business.
He has a tv in each property and still has to have a license for each of them. How can that be right?
If you have paid for one and can prove you have your own business as well, why have you got to pay more than once?

It is done on postcode rather than person.
I agree the Sun article contravenes the AUP. If I posted "Why should the Asian community get its own radio station? " as a thread I would expect to get the thread locked and a bollocking.
Quote by benrums0n
I agree the Sun article contravenes the AUP. If I posted "Why should the Asian community get its own radio station? " as a thread I would expect to get the thread locked and a bollocking.

It was a quote, of which that was a small part of that quote. Are you saying it contravenes the AUP because it has " racist undertones "?
FGS.....what is wrong with people nowadays? I work with an Asian and he did not find that comment in the least bit offensive. It only seems to be the " white liberal " middleclass, that seem to shout the loudest!
As an Asian what he finds offensive is having others tell him what is racist against him. He says why can't people see things for what they are, as to scream racist, does more harm to him as an Asian, than most other things.
Quote by kentswingers777
I agree the Sun article contravenes the AUP. If I posted "Why should the Asian community get its own radio station? " as a thread I would expect to get the thread locked and a bollocking.

It was a quote, of which that was a small part of that quote. Are you saying it contravenes the AUP because it has " racist undertones "?
FGS.....what is wrong with people nowadays? I work with an Asian and he did not find that comment in the least bit offensive. It only seems to be the " white liberal " middleclass, that seem to shout the loudest!
As an Asian what he finds offensive is having others tell him what is racist against him. He says why can't people see things for what they are, as to scream racist, does more harm to him as an Asian, than most other things.
So you don't think it's racist at all to ask the question "Why should the Asian community get its own radio station"? :shock:
And for the record, I find it offensive that you have now labelled me as "white liberal middleclass". And whilst I'm here, I find it very interesting that I've seen you type "apology accepted" on several occasions when no apology has been offered, and yet when I apologised for my mistake earlier in this thread, you chose to completely ignore it.
The BBC is one of the few things that give me any sense of pride in my nationality
I would go on but that about says it all
The statement I quoted is overtly racist IMHO. -----------------------------------------------------------------Wanders off to await the publication of the British jobs for British workers thread.
I'm stuck in an odd place with the license fee as i rarely watch much telly so don't really get my money's worth. On the other side if the fee was scrapped there would be a hell of a lot of very talented production staff out of a job (including quite a few friends). If i had to go job hunting again it would make it a hell of a lot more difficult with that much competition, so it's sort of an insurance policy.
If does really get on my tits when the beeb spend so much time and money promoting and advertising so much of it's own stuff cross channel.....even though they 'don't do commercials' rolleyes
Quote by benrums0n
The statement I quoted is overtly racist IMHO. -----------------------------------------------------------------Wanders off to await the publication of the British jobs for British workers thread.

I think that should be discussed, but heavens forbid If I did.
Don't want to be accused of any racist undertones......AGAIN. :shock:
For the record, what is the problem with British jobs for British people? Is that not what our very own Bottler Brown said?
Don't worry about the Brits, give to any other..........Italian.
Adverts spoil TV shows and films and radio.
I agree that the BBC makes SOME mistakes and wastes SOME money, and I very much agree Mr 'Woss' is overpaid but NOWHERE else in the world has TV and radio of the standard of BBC.
Look at the weekly output on the BBC iplayer - an amazing array of drama comedy music documentaries sport etc, something for everyone unless you're someone who wants to pay for Sky.
Quote by niceandgentle
Adverts spoil TV shows and films and radio.
I agree that the BBC makes SOME mistakes and wastes SOME money, and I very much agree Mr 'Woss' is overpaid but NOWHERE else in the world has TV and radio of the standard of BBC.
Look at the weekly output on the BBC iplayer - an amazing array of drama comedy music documentaries sport etc, something for everyone unless you're someone who wants to pay for Sky.

absolutely agree with you.......
today on the Iplayer I have watched "the secret life of elephants" ..."hustle" caught up with "masterchef" and watched "james and oz's guide to britain"
all different types of programme... all catering to different people..... how many of the same types of programmes do you see on commercial ITV, you don't..
and that is what the BBC does well...Public service broadcasting..... they dont have to think about profit or you grand drama's would never be made....or you natural history programmes, or wildlife.......
the BBC is the envy of the world because they are good at that stuff... from childrens TV, thru to drama's thru to history thru to wildlife... thru the some of the output they put out as podcasts (I'd suggest to anyone subscribe to the brilliant "ouch" podcast made by the BBC disability unit)
if you want to see what your perfect commercial utopia that kent wants is like... then watch US TV where your 4 major broadcasters ABC,NBC,CBS and FOX all product the same thing
why should the bbc cater to an asian audience .. because it is a large one.... simple as... same as they cater to welsh speakers... or gealic speakers in scotland... or black people.... or people living in different regions, or people with disabilities, and the list goes on and on and on......
if by doing that it makes it an all inclusive BBC then I don't see what the problem is..... it is probabaly a lot more inclusive that commericial radio and TV is....
What a great thread - my 3 opinions:
1)Jon Gaunt - ignorant shock jock found his vocation in life and found his disciples too. He has lots of opinions but won't put himself to be accountable and accept votes for his point of view. And Talk Sport is a better radio station without him.
2)BBC - nice idea, love the concept - HATE the powers they have been given to collect a licence fee.
3) Keep politics out of swinging ( he he )
Quote by kentswingers777
Most on here think I love him ( and they would be right ) wink

I thought you were being sponsored, 50p a menton lol
Just a quick calculation...
At per annum, the license fee for EVERYTHING that the BBC produces is a princely 38p per day.
Is that REALLY a rip-off?
Hi Varca, biggrin
At that rate the BBC costs each licence fee payer per week. The illustrious publication Mr. Gaunt uses as a sounding board (including the Sunday sister publication) would cost per week. Which is better value for money?
As a point of interest, I am a subpostmistress (hence the name) and I'm paid an average of (including commissions) per hour for a 13-hour week. I actually open my Post Office 38 hours a week. Admittedly it is not a busy area and the number of transactions are fairly low. My office was proposed for closure last year on that basis and we managed to persuade the powers that be that to remove it would be detrimental to the occupants of the villages nearby as well as those in our own. My office, therefore contributes to the financial black hole that sucks the profit out of Post Office Ltd, but is run for the benefit of the few who would otherwise be unable to access its services. The main real difference is that the Post Office is meant to be profitable. Imho it should be a public service.
Incidentally, the BBC withdrew the contract from Post Office Ltd to sell TV licences because their tender was too expensive rolleyes
Can you get a dom-postmistress? ;-)
Seriously Mrs G, you make a lot of great points in this post, especially your final one. I have a love hate relationship with the Royal Mail. I know posties work bloody hard at times, but I know the system they work in is flawed. So If I have an issue with something (which to be fair, has not happened for a while now), I send snotty letters and emails to the highest paid and ranking official I can find the details of. The poor buggers working their socks off in the street don't need to hear my gripes at a system they try and work within and have input in the development of. My issue is with the fatcats who DO make the decisions, primarily for the benefit of one group of people, the shareholders.
The local Post Office was once as important as the local pub, the local school, the local police station as a focal point for village life. When people talk about the eradication of "good old British values" then you can quite easily point the finger at the inexorable slide towards total capitalism that this country has taken. We've put the wrong P at the heart of this nation, Profit, instead of People.
I do realise I am getting all Karl Marx, and I am not advocating storming the houses of parliament, but really, when a country has for so long been leaning towards the notion that greed is good, selfishness is fine and an "I am alright Jack, stuff the rest attitude" is it any wonder that is the kind of society we are left with? It is after all, what we have been taught since at least Mrs T and probably before then (by ALL governments, not just conservatives or labour)
For the money the BBC do produce the occasional moments of pure quality in amongst the dross. To see that you only have to go on I-player, or on some of the more popular Sky channels which are packed to the hilt with BBC funded programming.
Quote by Resonance
Can you get a dom-postmistress? ;-)
Seriously Mrs G, you make a lot of great points in this post, especially your final one. I have a love hate relationship with the Royal Mail. I know posties work bloody hard at times, but I know the system they work in is flawed. So If I have an issue with something (which to be fair, has not happened for a while now), I send snotty letters and emails to the highest paid and ranking official I can find the details of. The poor buggers working their socks off in the street don't need to hear my gripes at a system they try and work within and have input in the development of. My issue is with the fatcats who DO make the decisions, primarily for the benefit of one group of people, the shareholders.
The local Post Office was once as important as the local pub, the local school, the local police station as a focal point for village life. When people talk about the eradication of "good old British values" then you can quite easily point the finger at the inexorable slide towards total capitalism that this country has taken. We've put the wrong P at the heart of this nation, Profit, instead of People.
I do realise I am getting all Karl Marx, and I am not advocating storming the houses of parliament, but really, when a country has for so long been leaning towards the notion that greed is good, selfishness is fine and an "I am alright Jack, stuff the rest attitude" is it any wonder that is the kind of society we are left with? It is after all, what we have been taught since at least Mrs T and probably before then (by ALL governments, not just conservatives or labour)
For the money the BBC do produce the occasional moments of pure quality in amongst the dross. To see that you only have to go on I-player, or on some of the more popular Sky channels which are packed to the hilt with BBC funded programming.

I'm usually sub but can be dom in the right hands :shock:
Quote by Mrsgoggins
I'm usually sub but can be dom in the right hands :shock:

it would have to be a surgeon's hands.
men are Dom and women are Domme.
kenty ........... do you actually believe what you post or is it done to spark a response?
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
kenty ........... do you actually believe what you post or is it done to spark a response?
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

As a general rule Blonde, I ALWAYS post what I believe. Sometimes there are some on here, who bite like a wild elephant, and just sometimes I love to see the reactions.
But as for my political views, or anything on a serious topic, I always say what I think, and more importantly....what I believe to be right.
My question to those who think my stance is tooooo hard line is a society it is obviously apparent to most, that it has gone very wrong. Is that because we as a society have become toooo soft?
The young lad who was shot dead in Liverpool, look at the weak sentences the courts gave to them. Now ask the question had they have been given 20 years like they should have done, would it be a serious deterent to others? I think it would.
Does that answer your question Blonde? wink
So somehow, you equate your opinion on the sentencing of criminals to your opinion on the existence of the BBC? Just because people might agree with you on one subject doesn't mean they'd agree with you on everything, surely you can see that? Or can you? I do wonder sometimes.
You appear to live in a little bubble of your very own, where your ideals are the only ideals worth anything. Where anyone who happens to disagree with you is automatically wrong, and where anyone who asks a direct question or makes a point that you don't wish to address gets completely ignored. I'm not even sure why I've bothered typing this, since I don't exist in the Kenty bubble rolleyes
Quote by Angel Chat
So somehow, you equate your opinion on the sentencing of criminals to your opinion on the existence of the BBC? Just because people might agree with you on one subject doesn't mean they'd agree with you on everything, surely you can see that? Or can you? I do wonder sometimes.
You appear to live in a little bubble of your very own, where your ideals are the only ideals worth anything. Where anyone who happens to disagree with you is automatically wrong, and where anyone who asks a direct question or makes a point that you don't wish to address gets completely ignored. I'm not even sure why I've bothered typing this, since I don't exist in the Kenty bubble rolleyes

It's lovely and snug in here, and the other millions say hi too.
I never ignore anyone, only those who I cannot be bothered with. wink and in life there are plenty.