Loving the new Police powers to finally stop middle lane hogging.
It is dangerous and it shows the culprits to be insecure drivers only feeling comfortable with another lane either side of them, at the very least they are showing themsleves to be selfish with a "this is my lane you go round me attitude".
Loving the new Police powers to fine mobile phone drivers more.
Loving the new Police powers to fine non-seatbelt more.
Abhor the attack on a Mosque.
Dismayed that hospital waiting times at A&E is getting longer, declaring an average waiting time of 4 hours is nonsense though, these times are "massaged" 4 hours perhaps to get your temperature and blood pressure taken on a trolley in a corridor or dedicated waiting area on a trolley and another 4 hours before you get seen by a doctor.
Sasha was released from her hospital bed at 10:30am this morning, I was able to take her home after 4pm when a Doctor finally "signed her off" after she spent the day in a waiting room. She was sent not to A&E by our local Doctor on Monday, she was directed to the SAU (Surgical Assessment Unit) where they had requested (with a letter she was given) a scan for cancer and further assessment of her condition, (the scan or whatever test they did was clear) the assessment and treatment was excellent, they operated on her the following day, but she waited 5 hours in the assessment unit before being seen by a Doctor but the Nurse admitted that this would not be recorded as she had been seen by a Nurse in the SAU long before that.
This is not an isolated situation we ourselves have experienced.
Only 51% I guess as with all such surveys I guess it depends where the survey was polled and what cross section of the population, at this time I would expect the number to be higher.
Pubs on Motorways, that I have not heard and see dismay, what possible advantage would that have, what is to gain by it population wise especially since you would not be able to access the pub without driving on the motorway and the temptation is just not necessary for those travelling the motorways.
For someone starting a thread on today's news Mids, you don't seem to be well read on what the day's issues were....
I realise that people like to pick and choose which bits of the Highway Code they think apply, particularly when it comes to targeting cyclists and motorcyclists for a bit of abuse. However, the law and the Highway Code are fundamentally in step with the requirement to keep to the left hand lane when using the motorway. It is a little silly to describe someone exceeding the speed limit as breaking the law and not accepting that you are breaking the law yourself by not keeping to the left hand lane - it is the law, so we should all abide by it. Thankfully, lane hogging will now be punished and quite right too.
If the limit was 60mph and rigidly enforced then we could probably utilise the American system of overtaking any lane.
So staying in the inside lane on a motorway doing 70mph is going to be met with a fine? Is that really called hogging now then?
Still being the cynic I am sure there will be an increase in patrol cars, as lets be fair the motorist is a far more easier target for their figures and their coffers, than the other more serious hard to prove cases.
All those who think it is such a wonderful idea, be very careful what you wish for as we all break the law, and a lot more often than we think.
In the news today, Milliband confounds those who thought his 'Red Ed' moniker at all deserved by being every bit as blue as the Tories. FFS, he's as good as repeated their lie about generations of the workless, something already found to be complete bollox and utter shite by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation study. Labour peddling scrounger narratives to middle England to try and secure an election win. Jesus, what is the point of 'em? How about, and I know this must sound dangerously radical, you get some policies of your own Ed and at least make a stab at effective opposition, cos if you're gonna accept the Tory benefit cap, and ATOS assessments, and the bedroom tax, the breaking of the link between benefit rate and inflation, an end to universality in favour of expensive to administer means testing, yadda, yadda, ya the electorate might well conclude they're as well with the devil they know come next election, who can at least say that they weren't in charge when it all went tits up in 2008. FFS.
. Hahahahahaha. Quite. Except of course it ain't fucking funny.
Oh well, best get on with trying to build a genuinely radical party of the left I s'pose then, eh, cos three main parties all being right of centre does not a democracy make.
Not much of a difference between a politician and a used car salesman flogging off this week's 'star' banger or bankers flogging inappropriate insurance to unsuspecting private individuals or small businesses.
It's a form of witchcraft and those suspected of such heinous crimes should be burnt at the stake or dragged, kicking and screaming, to the nearest village ducking stool to prove their innocence!
Star I am confused, you keep talking about the "inside lane" and I am wondering if that is a coloquial thing, for me and where I was brought up we call the lanes of the motorway
Emergency Lane/hard standing (if you have to stop through an emergency/breakdown on the Motorway)
Slip road (to get on and off the motorway)
Crawler Lane (a fourth lane in some areas for steep inclines that slow lorries and the like)
Inside Lane (the motorway road you should use which has a minimum and maximum speed limit
Middle Lane (for overtaking)
Outside Lane (for overtaking)
So when you say the inside lane, no you cannot hog the inside lane unless you are below the minimum speed limit which is an offence and always has been.
Yes you can do 70mph in the inside lane, traffic conditions permitting.
The other two lanes are purely for oertaking but of course in heavy traffic these can be a continuous line of vehicles but the oertaking concept still applies, you should still only be in the middle lane if you and your line of traffic are moving faster than those in the Inside lane. (standstills or all lanes moving at the same speed with a continuous line of vehicles being the exception)
Not very many high and might comments as far as I can see.
If you break the law by speeding you get 3 points and a £60 fine. The proposal is that if you break the law by hogging the middle lane (at any speed) you get an on the spot £100 fine.
I accept that if I get caught overtaking you at 85mph I will get 3 points and a £60 fine, you also have to accept that by breaking the law and not driving in the left hand lane you have also broken the law and you will get a £100 fine for it.
As long as you are happy with that, everyone is happy cos we take the risks knowing the possible consequences.
I think more hazards will be caused by people changing lane than not
what we have seems to work fine