Just got this email from the online protest group 36degrees, I thought some of you might like to read it;
Our campaign to challenge the Chancellor George Osborne about tax dodging is growing fast. Together, we're making sure there is a real debate about why rich individuals and companies get away with avoiding billions worth of tax. This weekend The Observer ran a big piece on our petition. We made tax dodging a headline issue, and the most discussed article in the Guardian website.
The more of us who get involved, the more chance we have to change the debate. We need to make sure our petition keeps on growing. That will prove to the media and the government that this issue isn't going to go away.
Please can you help the petition to grow even more by spreading the word?
Can you forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign? They can sign the petition here:
If you use Facebook, you can share the petition here:
Or if you use Twitter, you can tweet it here:
When we launched this campaign, the media was silent about tax cheats but full of stories about benefit cheats. Together, we're forcing tax dodging into the headlines. This weekend a comment piece in the Observer said we were wrong to challenge Osborne for using "legal" loopholes to avoid paying in tax. The writer, David Mitchell, said that "only saints and incompetents don't" avoid paying tax.
38 Degrees members were quick to respond on our Facebook page, pointing out "George Osborne represents the government's financial policies - including tax - that's why he is being targeted by 38 Degrees" We know that if the UK Chancellor is using accountants to find tax loopholes, it should be so that he can get the loopholes closed. How can we trust the Chancellor to take real action on tax avoidance when he's avoiding millions himself?
Politicians aren't going to take tax dodging seriously unless we make them. People-powered campaigning is the best way to force this issue up the agenda. So far nearly 15,000 of us have signed the petition. Please help the petition to grow even more by forwarding this email to your friends and family and asking them to sign. They can sign the petition here:
Please help spread the word in every way you can.
Thanks for being involved,
Johnny, David, Hannah and the 38 Degrees team
Right back to the tax avoidance/evasion issue if you don't mind, a very interesting podcast interview with John Christensen from the tax justice network ,who previously worked within the banking system and also as economic advisor to the government of Jersey.
Fourth show - 2nd February 2009 (Part 1) - Interview with John Christensen