Quote by flower411
er.. come up with a country we're invading then
see, absolutely no idea have you flower.
Quote by __random_orbit__
so, you expect sense on the touchy subject of the Nuclear Deterrent huh?
I don't believe there is, or ever was in the very idea of a nuclear deterent.
However, we have one now, and as a result find ourselves in a rather tricky situation.
We have weaponised uranium in warheads fitted to a whole plethora of delivery devices.
And so do they.
But who are "they"?
Pandora's box is box is now open, and all sorts of states, countries, nations... what you will, have, profess to have, or would so vehemently denying having that we really should think they doo have nuclear weapons, or the capability to use nuclear technology.
It used to seem so simple (though I'm sure it wasn't) back in the good old Cold War, when anyone with the tiniest bit of sense lived in constant fear of either one side or the other pressing the Red Button in a moment of madness. Chilly, nuclear winters!
Now there little country's, unstable country's, country's unable to afford the safe upkeep of their crumbling nuclear defence as it rusts in silos and submarines.
There is the threat of Nuclear terrorism. How close that may be is anyones guess, but I wouldn't put it being too far away in the respect of using radio-active materials, rather than bombs.
But how would we (Great Britain) respond to any of these threats?
Korea might be a threat, but not to us directly... The States are more likely to take the payload than we are.
So, would we launch a few mega-tonnes of long-burning death on South east Asia in retaliation?
Surely it would be too late. Tit-for-Tat is madness when plaing with the big toys.
as of course Mutually Assured Destruction always was.
I believe that the Nuclear World is too fractured to maintain a worthy Nuclear deterrent. The target too small. If money needs to be spent in regard of the threat against us, spend it on the laser systems, and airborne platforms that would remove any air-threat, not on more, or maintaining the vast stupid arsenal we already have.
Did our system ever work anyway? Would we ever know?
If we did we would only have a very short period to bask in the glory of our deterrent as the flesh falls from the bones of our loved ones in front of our very eyes. "weren't we brilliant darling, look at the lovely sunset"... "ah yes, your eyes, well, I assure you, it's beautiful".
Nah, loose 'em.
Quote by kentswingers777
I think the best idea to have come up over recent years is the Star wars space system, that the USA was going to use.
Have satelites in space, ready to knock out any incoming nuclear rocket....now there is the best deterent. But I think the cost was huge for this and still am not sure if it has been shelved, or still going to go ahead at some point.
Interesting link.....
Quote by Kaznkev
Hmmm yeah ...End Of Days....
Who`s to say that it would be a bad thing ?
The question is would the survivors have learnt anything?
We`ve been fighting wars and torturing and maiming in the name of Christ ever since we murdered him !!!
Quote by flower411
Hmmm yeah ...End Of Days....
Who`s to say that it would be a bad thing ?
The question is would the survivors have learnt anything?
We`ve been fighting wars and torturing and maiming in the name of Christ ever since we murdered him !!!
Quote by Kaznkev
Hmmm yeah ...End Of Days....
Who`s to say that it would be a bad thing ?
The question is would the survivors have learnt anything?
We`ve been fighting wars and torturing and maiming in the name of Christ ever since we murdered him !!!
Quote by flower411
Well....I certainly don`t sleep easier in my bed knowing that our "big stick" policy of bullying other countries leaves them no option but to come and try to blow me up while I`m out doing my shopping.
Head to head with our armed forces they can only hope for stalemate but when they are blowing us up on the bus, in the tunnel or on a train they know that we have the power to vote to stop attacking them. Having a couple of submarines cruising around the oceans carrying weapons that could ultimately go towards destroying all life on Earth does not make me feel secure.
Quote by Kaznkev
Hmmm yeah ...End Of Days....
Who`s to say that it would be a bad thing ?
The question is would the survivors have learnt anything?
We`ve been fighting wars and torturing and maiming in the name of Christ ever since we murdered him !!!
Quote by awol
OMG!!! I just heard from some shady sources that a number of countries around the world have started to amass an army to invade England after hearing that the Lib/Dems are gaining popularity and are trying to get rid of our nuclear weapons!
In South America that nutter Chavez from Venezuela already bought millions of dollars worth of weapons from Russia. The Argies are thinking of joining him in revenge for the Belgrano and the Falklands (they are calling it the revenge of the hand of god!). In Africa, Swaziland, Benin and Burkina Faso have joined forces with Zimbabwe egged on by that weirdo Mugabe to invade us.
In the Middle East, Iraq says they really are now going to get their WDM from hiding and get them ready in 44 (not 45!) but 44 minutes to shoot us all the way from there!
The greasy South Americans said they are tired of sunshine and hot weather and can't wait to come to cooler more rainy and cloudy areas like the UK. They have vowed to ban Morris dancing and force us all to dance Salsa instead!
I think we should all rally and sign a petition to buy more nuclear weapons! We can blast them on their way here – although that might be a problem if they are coming via continental Europe. If we blast them in France, the French might retaliate and nuke us too. So it's probably best to wait until they get to Dover then we nuke them there! We might lose the whole of Kent but I guess that's a small price to pay to stop the invasion! If the South Americans arrive by boat we can nuke them when they get to Plymouth!
Someone should tell the Daily Mail quick! We are in great danger! We need more nuclear weapons!
Quote by brucie
I think myself and Hot have pretty much summed up why we need a deterrent in these very dangerous times.
We have to be able to defend ourselves from attack, and the ones with the biggest guns usually win.
Pakistan is another region that is in turmoil and they DO have nuclear weapons.
It is only a matter of time before Iran do too, and the President of Iran has already said that " he would wipe Israel off the face of the Earth ".....a worrying statement from a leader of a country not far away from having their own weapons.
I would much prefer for the UK to be able to defend itself properly, against a threat from any other country, should the need ever arise.
If we do not have a proper form of defence from attack, then we may just as well have no Army either......dangerous people out there in this world with a ever growing threat of attack by any one of them with a nutter in charge like Iran.
Quote by Kaznkev
I think myself and Hot have pretty much summed up why we need a deterrent in these very dangerous times.
We have to be able to defend ourselves from attack, and the ones with the biggest guns usually win.
Pakistan is another region that is in turmoil and they DO have nuclear weapons.
It is only a matter of time before Iran do too, and the President of Iran has already said that " he would wipe Israel off the face of the Earth ".....a worrying statement from a leader of a country not far away from having their own weapons.
I would much prefer for the UK to be able to defend itself properly, against a threat from any other country, should the need ever arise.
If we do not have a proper form of defence from attack, then we may just as well have no Army either......dangerous people out there in this world with a ever growing threat of attack by any one of them with a nutter in charge like Iran.
Quote by easyrider_xxx
We should have a submarine based strategic nuclear deterrent.
Ideally, we would have no need of armed forces and there would never be any conflict - but that's not the real world, nor is it likely to be any time soon.
The insane but effective mutually assured destruction scenario has successfully prevented any large scale war between major world powers, Europe in particular, since the end of WW2.
WW2 in particular and legions of examples in history, tell us that appeasement and negotiation from a position of weakness never work.
Having a submarine based element to our strategic defences ensures that it is almost impossible for an enemy to wipe us out without incurring unacceptable losses themselves, thus preserving the balance of terror. It's not so we can go around being a global bully, but so we can rest easier in our beds at night.
I'm not up on the figures, but typically an extension to an existing programme such as Trident would be more cost effective than a replacement.
Clegg is saying he would replace it with something more appropriate to the times etc etc, but is not being specific, and thus no analysis on fitness for purpose or cost effectiveness can be carried out. Any deterrent on land, air, or sea surface only, would not in my view, be fit for purpose and would be a cosmetic waste of money. A completely new submarine based replacement for Trident would be eye wateringly expensive.
Of course we need to be vigilant on several fronts, as indeed we are. Of course terrorists are not deterred by nuclear weapons, nor are they deterred by tanks, ships, armies etc, this is a different problem.
The alternative would be to bow out of the world stage, declare ourselves neutral, scrap all but an effective force for protection of our borders, and trust the rest of the world to leave us alone - but that's not a route I would wish us to go down.
Having always voted liberal/soc dem etc, I now find that I may change my vote due to this one issue alone.
Quote by
I think myself and Hot have pretty much summed up why we need a deterrent in these very dangerous times.
We have to be able to defend ourselves from attack, and the ones with the biggest guns usually win.
Pakistan is another region that is in turmoil and they DO have nuclear weapons.
It is only a matter of time before Iran do too, and the President of Iran has already said that " he would wipe Israel off the face of the Earth ".....a worrying statement from a leader of a country not far away from having their own weapons.
I would much prefer for the UK to be able to defend itself properly, against a threat from any other country, should the need ever arise.
If we do not have a proper form of defence from attack, then we may just as well have no Army either......dangerous people out there in this world with a ever growing threat of attack by any one of them with a nutter in charge like Iran.
Quote by awayman
I think myself and Hot have pretty much summed up why we need a deterrent in these very dangerous times.
We have to be able to defend ourselves from attack, and the ones with the biggest guns usually win.
Pakistan is another region that is in turmoil and they DO have nuclear weapons.
It is only a matter of time before Iran do too, and the President of Iran has already said that " he would wipe Israel off the face of the Earth ".....a worrying statement from a leader of a country not far away from having their own weapons.
I would much prefer for the UK to be able to defend itself properly, against a threat from any other country, should the need ever arise.
If we do not have a proper form of defence from attack, then we may just as well have no Army either......dangerous people out there in this world with a ever growing threat of attack by any one of them with a nutter in charge like Iran.