It's all hearsay isn't it, the sort of stuff that keeps the tabloids employed.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
how can we demonize criminals mids when the bearers of our society are probably the biggest crooks of all
bankers, politicians down to your local council contracts they're all on the take. So once we start from the top and work down we can then label a criminal as just that
Quote by GnV
Why not just apply Chinese style justice and save a fortune.
Shoot the little scroats in the back of the head in front of their families.
Crime wave over.
Quote by herts_darlings1
I feel Mids makes a good point, in that much of our sentancing is weak in my view.
I have no problem with tax avoidance provided no laws are brocken
Quote by GnV
Let's not forget, if the McCann's had done the proper thing in the first place and properly arranged supervision of their children whilst going out on a 'bender' with their friends then none of this would have happened.
I subscribe to the view that Mr McCann is an arrogant b*stard and messianic in his view that he can do no bad - particularly as he is a doctor, a godlike twat of the first degree.
My conspiracy theory tendancy on here is (or should be by now) legendary.
Remember Soham? The school caretaker who thrust himself into the limelight to attempt to deflect the possibility of being identified as the culprit? The MP's and other of the arrogant political class who have been imprisoned for lying through their teeth and taking newspapers and others to court for making apparent falsehoods which turned out eventually to be true.... These all remind me of McCann. A desparate man intent of 'proving' his innocence when we all know he is as guilty as hell.
I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. A truly despicable excuse for a human being.