Quote by MidsCouple24
What evidence/proof do you have that this Nation will declare war on a or a number of African Nations, or that a Nation or Nations within the Continent of Africa will declare war on the United Kingdom ?
Firstly I have not said at any point that the UK will declare war on one or more African nations, Nor have I said that one or more will declare war on the UK. I have said that we will be at war in Africa and that is not the same thing.
But to answer your question I have no proof and to ask for it is simply ridiculous. How can anyone possibly prove something that hasn't happened yet?
Where you stated a fact I stated a prediction. To help you out I have looked up a dictionary definition of the word prediction: 1. The act of predicting. 2. Something foretold or predicted; a prophecy.
However perhaps you would like to hear some of my musings on the subject, based on my opinion of actual facts and thing that have actually happened.
Africa has had a troubled past and is very unstable in some parts, though certainly not all. The US alone sold over 1.5 billion dollars of weapons to African countries during the latter stages of the cold war. Russia also supported varying regimes with arms deals. Former colonial rulers have likewise set up numerous arms deals and defence treaties with independent countries and all in all the continent is, I believe, awash with arms.
Large tracts of the continent are not effectively policed, virtually lawless in my own opinion. They are self governed by tribal elders, or more commmonly warlords equipped with the very weapons I have just spoken about. Famine, starvation, poverty and disease fuel countless crimes and underpin the way that many warlords keep the populace in check.
The World Food Program clearly shows the most serious problems in relation to food supply to be in East Africa.
The factious nature of many of these conflicts can be demonstrated by a at just how many combatant and power holding forces there are in individual countries.
The refugee crisis is yet another issue, further exacerbating the availability of food and other aid. In western society we are not used to tribalism, yet in parts of Africa it forms the basis of daily life. Tribal tension can exist within countries or across the artificially laid down borders that past colonial governments have imposed on the existing tribal infrastructure. One needs only take a into the 90's to see a graphic example of how this could, and does, turn out. Of the top five source countries around the world in 2013 3 were African.
Internally displaced persons are just as much of a tension raising issue. The UN reported some four million newly displaced people during the first half of 2013. Renewed fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo caused the displacement of an estimated
360,000 citizens, Other countries witnessing significant new internal displacement caused by conflict or violence included Sudan (390,000), the Central African Republic (154,000), and Mali (125,000).
The existence of so called failed states in Africa is rife. These are states that have lost control of almost all of the normal functions of Government. Interestingly the International Committee of the says: The “failed States” existing at present are essentially Third World States which have been affected by three geopolitical factors:
1. The end of the Cold War , during which the two superpowers had often kept shallow-rooted regimes artificially in power, preserving them as potential allies through supplies of arms or through ideology-based power structures which kept the unity of the State intact by force;
2. The heritage of colonial regimes which had lasted long enough to destroy traditional social structures, but not long enough to replace them with Western constitutional structures and an effective identity as a new State; and lastly
3. General processes of modernization which encouraged social and geographical mobility but were not counterbalanced by nation-building processes capable of placing the State on a firm foundation.
These are all statements that can be applied to large areas of Africa.
is yet another reason why tensions have been raised in areas of the continent. Many nations, including our own have deployed armed forces to the horn of Africa region in particular to stamp it out.
And against all this backdrop we have the influence of International terror organisations, AQ being the obvious one, with many more in it's wake.
So why should any of this affect us? Well like it or lump it we are a major ally of the US and France, both of whom have increased military involvement in Africa during recent years.
France is carrying out military operations most notably in Mali, chad and Central African Republic. The EU is going to bolster the french forces shortly with 1000 more troops.
The UK has continued to foster relations with France and closer military ties since the entente cordial. Indeed the Royal Air Force was sent to the aid of the interventionist French forces last year providing strategic heavy lift capability under the banner of Operation Newcombe. Our intentions are even more likely to draw us closer to conflict with the signing of the latest betwixt our countries. Did anyone else notice that there are African countries named several times, but no other countries or indeed regions?
Eight years ago The US founded Africa Command within its armed forces, though it had to be based in Germany as only Liberia would allow American forces within it's borders. things have changed somewhat and at present America has 4000 troops deployed to the Horn of Africa and is engaged in combat operations against the terrorist threat.
America is often lambasted for is predilection to interfere in resource rich countries, in particular those with oil. Nigeria has been the largest source of imported oil for America in recent years, with other African countries also supplying the black gold. I firmly believe that America will put more military resources into stabilising the area for land and sea trade in it's own interests in the near future. Furthermore I believe that this will be under the banner of the war on terror and that British troops operating initially from Kenya will be involved.
Of course that is only a prediction based on facts, not a fact in it's own right.