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UKIP Party Political Broadcast

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I don't know a lot about politics, I am one of many voters who would have to admit that, I had decided to vote UKIP this time round, I want changes in the EU or out of it.
Having listened to the 2 minute Party Political Broadcast they have just made I am re-thinking my choice.
Nothing they said as much as what they didn't say, although the Councillor who said he supports UKIP because he doesn't want houses built didn't help or the one that wants the community to make the decisions, ok I think it is important to take community opinion into account, I hope we are paying councillors a lot of money to guide us in decisions through a knowledge of a bigger picture.
For example a second runway at Gatwick, can't see the locals being too happy but the bigger picture is the effect it could have on the whole of the UK not just the local residents (who as a matter of fact would have their council tax paid for them by the airport by way of compensation) and the Councillor who wants the community to make all the decisions through referendums (ouch that could cost a fortune) or the one who is a UKIP Councillor because they work harder than any other Councillors (his words not mine)
The only good thing said was that the British People should rule Britain, but I don't see what local Councillors can do about the EU that the Government can't do, I might still vote for them but perhaps not in the local elections just the big one.
Didn't see the PPB Jed, but confused by your comments.
Aren't the up and coming elections the European Elections?
In which event your comment about the effect local councillors have seems out of place - particularly if he was doing no more than supporting his Party's list or indeed, standing for the Europeen Parliament himself...
That would explain his comments but I thought if that was the case he would be running for office as an EU MP not as a councillor ? and would someone against British membership in the EU be running for election into the EU Parliament ? in the programme a number of people in a group each gave their individual personal reason for being a UKIP Councillor and candidate in the forthcoming elections, they spoke of local residents not of UK Citizens
that's the whole idea of UKIP.....they ask you what you want...and then say..yep that's what we will do !! they change from area to area...and just tell you what you want to hear !! They know they will never get power, and so its not a real problem...they will never be held to account.
Whilst on immigration was interesting to note today, that despite all the talk of a rush of Romanians and Bulgarians coming here, after border restrictions were lifted in Jan.....well figures how actually show 4000 less over here than in last quarter of last year !! So much for the mass immigration UKIP forecast !!!
Quote by deancannock
that's the whole idea of UKIP.....they ask you what you want...and then say..yep that's what we will do !! they change from area to area...and just tell you what you want to hear !! They know they will never get power, and so its not a real problem...they will never be held to account.
Whilst on immigration was interesting to note today, that despite all the talk of a rush of Romanians and Bulgarians coming here, after border restrictions were lifted in Jan.....well figures how actually show 4000 less over here than in last quarter of last year !! So much for the mass immigration UKIP forecast !!!

I can see where what your saying is right, it is possible they will get a lot of MPs into parliament though as a protest vote and the same with local councils and that fact has certainly got the other parties worried, a hung government last time (oh how I wish they were hung) it could be even worse next time for Labour or the Conservative party, the Lib Dems could lose what little they have. They may be hoping that they will be the chosen party for a coalition.
As for the Romanians, well unfortunately I think those that have come or at least the majority of them would not pass my personal entrance exam, ie do they have a skill/trade/profession/investment ability that this Nation needs, can they maintain their own needs whilst here.
Here in Stoke the only ones I have read about in the local paper are 12 prostitutes working in a brothel they set up and the pimps that run them, there may be others doing a good job and a benefit to the City but I haven't heard about them, in fairness though the ones the paper highlighted have been here a number of years and arrived before the rules were relaxed for Romanians, a recent TV report also agreed that very few had come here but showed that those that had arrived were living in squalor and struggling to find work and accommodation, the same was shown in the programme "Benefits Street"
Going to vote UKIP if for no better reason than I want to give a big kick to the other parties who for so long have been and still are Out of Touch with ordinary people.
J & S
Quote by deancannock
that's the whole idea of UKIP.....they ask you what you want...and then say..yep that's what we will do !! they change from area to area...and just tell you what you want to hear !! They know they will never get power, and so its not a real problem...they will never be held to account.
Whilst on immigration was interesting to note today, that despite all the talk of a rush of Romanians and Bulgarians coming here, after border restrictions were lifted in Jan.....well figures how actually show 4000 less over here than in last quarter of last year !! So much for the mass immigration UKIP forecast !!!

You're worse than Clegg!
UKIP have never said that. What NF actually said, and consistently so, is that after the border restrictions were lifted whatever number of Romanians and Bulgarians there are have the right to settle elsewhere in Europe but it doesn't mean for one minute that they will take up that right as indeed, British passport holders have a similar right to go there but probably won't (even though their lifestyle may improve as a result).
Oh, and just for the record, I'm not a supporter of any political party in the UK which supports the notion of the UK leaving the EU particularly if it buggers up my tidy little number as a resident of the République Française, thank you very much.
Quote by deancannock
that's the whole idea of UKIP.....they ask you what you want...and then say..yep that's what we will do !! they change from area to area...and just tell you what you want to hear !! They know they will never get power, and so its not a real problem...they will never be held to account.
Whilst on immigration was interesting to note today, that despite all the talk of a rush of Romanians and Bulgarians coming here, after border restrictions were lifted in Jan.....well figures how actually show 4000 less over here than in last quarter of last year !! So much for the mass immigration UKIP forecast !!!

The number of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK has indeed fallen by 4,000 since employment restrictions were lifted in January but is up 29,000 compared with a year ago. So do please tell the whole story! Farage did NOT say they WOULD all come here he said they COULD so again do please quote completely. The ONS also reported an increase in the number of UK workers from the 'A8 group of countries', which joined the EU in 2004 including Poland, Latvia and the Czech Republic to 802,000 - an increase of 74,000 from the last quarter of 2013 and 115,000 year-on-year. And what this doesn't show is that with 802,000 workers there will be 802,000 wives and children and possibly mothers and fathers. So British social infrastructure (schools, doctors, homes, welfare) has to cope with possibly individuals. 2 1/2 times the size of Birmingham. Just ponder THAT for a moment. And WE have to pay THEM child benefit that the wives can have paid in Poland or wherever. Ponder THAT for a moment.
And in response to the OP: The elections on the 22nd are for all Euro MEPs and SOME local councils. Personally I will be voting UKIP on the 22nd and Conservative next May. Why the change? Because I want to poke 2 fingers up at the abomination called the EU, what its become and not what I voted for but I do NOT want to let Millifuckwit and Ballsup in through the back door next May by voting UKIP in the General election.
Don't forget that a Romanian male (or female for that matter) residing in the UK has an automatic entitlement to Child Benefit for his/her children even if the children are still residing in Romania, and the same applies to all EU Nationals residing in the UK, if each of the quoted 805,000 claim for 2 children each that is an extra 16,000 payments of child benefit that the recipients might not be entitled to in their own country.
EU rules say that an EU member residing in the UK is entitled to any payment a UK Citizen is entitled to regardless of them being entitled to it in their home Nation ie if Romania don't pay child benefit to their citizens we still have to pay it to them. whilst I see the Government are trying to stop some of the payments we make to people migrating here they haven't stopped some of the ridiculous ones.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Don't forget that a Romanian male (or female for that matter) residing in the UK has an automatic entitlement to Child Benefit for his/her children even if the children are still residing in Romania, and the same applies to all EU Nationals residing in the UK, if each of the quoted 805,000 claim for 2 children each that is an extra 16,000 payments of child benefit that the recipients might not be entitled to in their own country.
EU rules say that an EU member residing in the UK is entitled to any payment a UK Citizen is entitled to regardless of them being entitled to it in their home Nation ie if Romania don't pay child benefit to their citizens we still have to pay it to them. whilst I see the Government are trying to stop some of the payments we make to people migrating here they haven't stopped some of the ridiculous ones.

Actually it's NOT EU rules, Britain and a FEW other EU Countries do that, not all. If you went to Romania for instance, you'd find that they have NO legal obligation to pay you the RANGE of benefits that we pay to Romanians.
Why we still do it is a mystery esp. when our Dear Leader is trying to cut the number of migrants to our shores.

clearly stating he expected a third of a million Romanians and Bulgarians to arrive in January 2014.

again UKIP...claiming 350,00 to 400,000 Romanians and Bulgarians would be entering once restrictions are lifted.
fact is less here now. They much prefer the other European countries to England.
If UKIP so against Europe, why are they standing in European elections. Fact is they know the turnout for European MEPS's is always very low, and its their greatest chance of winning seats. Please note UKIP do not attend the European parliament to vote !! They just take their money as an MEP..thanks very much !! Interesting to note Nigel wouldn't stand in Newark as a standard MP. He knew his chances of winning an actual by-election were slim to non existent.
If you want to vote UKIP as a protest vote then do so....its your right. But their are much better parties to do that with such as Green party, who at least attend parliament and try and make a difference. Bring back Monster Raving Looney Party I say least that was a true protest vote.
Quote by dean
Interesting to note Nigel wouldn't stand in Newark as a standard MP. He knew his chances of winning an actual by-election were slim to non existent.

Actually, I think it was a mature, measured decision not to stand personally. There is of course a more local candidate standing in the by-election.
I accept NF's position on this as it would detract from his current focus - winning seats (for whatever nefarious reasons) in the EU parliament. The Tories and Labour (isn't working) parties were goading him into standing so it would improve their chances on both fronts (no pun intended).
He's a good tactician and no-one's fool.
Quote by GnV
Interesting to note Nigel wouldn't stand in Newark as a standard MP. He knew his chances of winning an actual by-election were slim to non existent.

Actually, I think it was a mature, measured decision not to stand personally. There is of course a more local candidate standing in the by-election.
I accept NF's position on this as it would detract from his current focus - winning seats (for whatever nefarious reasons) in the EU parliament. The Tories and Labour (isn't working) parties were goading him into standing so it would improve their chances on both fronts (no pun intended).
He's a good tactician and no-one's fool.
Nail on the head ....
It took more political balls to say 'No' to standing in Newark than go along with the 'perceived wisdom' and say 'Yes'. The media were looking to create a story rather than report and were told 'sod off'! And promptly responded by dissing Farage. Once again we see the British media interfering in our politics and democracy with no accountability. Was there ever a Leveson inquiry or did I dream it? Let individual papers have their own political beliefs and promote a particular doctrine as they are private businesses and we do live in a democracy but they do 'step over the line' and move from reporting to creating. What is unforgivable is the way the taxpayer funded BBC ploughed into Farage in a very personal way now they see him eating into their favourite Labour support. Robinson got very aggressive with Farage about him having the nerve to employ a German as his personal assistant while saying we should employ British workers. It was portrayed as sort of irrelevant the German concerned was Nigel's wife! Leftie political hypocrisy has no bounds these days.
lol....he didn't stand because he knew he would lose. Just think of the propaganda coup it would be if he had won !! But no...he knew he wouldn't. Shrewd tactician you may call it....I call it the action of a coward !!
Quote by deancannock
lol....he didn't stand because he knew he would lose. Just think of the propaganda coup it would be if he had won !! But no...he knew he wouldn't. Shrewd tactician you may call it....I call it the action of a coward !!

I fail to see what is cowardly in making a strategic decision to help preserve a position.
He doesn't have the strength of his convictions. He is running away from the fight....because he knows he will lose.
Quote by deancannock
He doesn't have the strength of his convictions. He is running away from the fight....because he knows he will lose.

So the question remains what is cowardly about 'running away from a fight that he knows he'll lose'?

definition of a coward as provided by English oxford dictionary ...seems to fit the bill:
" A person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things "
Whoaaaa dean.
A fine semantical debate beginning here... bring it on!
English Oxford: Contemptible - adjective: despicable
There is nothing despicable about NF walking away from one political fight to survive another. It was an intelligent well reasoned manoeuvre.
What WAS despicable was the way Bliar sent thousands of Britain's finest young men into a battle he knew would be a lost cause on a lie (WMD hitting the UK in 20 minutes et al) with nothing in the way of proper protection - even rquiring that soldiers buy their own desert boots from ex-army supply shops as pilfering Brown wouldn't fund them (at the same time as telling Parliament and the Country he was) - or vehicles totally unsuited to the terrain and the expectation of being subject to IED's.
And, more recently, the possibility that Geoff (buff) Hoon and Military Commanders being called to account in the ECJ for apparent horrors in Iraq when (teflon) Tony it seems will escape all such scrutiny.
Now, THAT is despicable boink
Quote by deancannock

definition of a coward as provided by English oxford dictionary ...seems to fit the bill:
" A person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things "

By the same token then, when the British Army retreated to Dunkirk they were all cowards ?
GNV....I only quote the oxford English dictionary....any problems with its description you would have to take up with them. knowledge of the war is not great, but I don't believe we sent anyone else in there to fight in our position !!! We simply re-positioned ourselves to fight, in conjunction with the Russians. Again...please forgive my lack of knowledge of was a little before my time !!! lol
Quote by dean
We simply re-positioned ourselves to fight,

As indeed NF is doing....
Quote by deancannock
GNV....I only quote the oxford English dictionary....any problems with its description you would have to take up with them.

Then you must review your use of inappropriate adjectives to describe a particular situation...
I don't have a problem with its description, only your use of it in the context of NF's decision not to stand for the by-election.
Quote by GnV
GNV....I only quote the oxford English dictionary....any problems with its description you would have to take up with them.

Then you must review your use of inappropriate adjectives to describe a particular situation...
I don't have a problem with its description, only your use of it in the context of NF's decision not to stand for the by-election.
He (Dean) could of course accept that rather than a 'cowardly move' by Farage it was instead a courageous, spirited move and insightful move by him.
Quote by GnV
We simply re-positioned ourselves to fight,

As indeed NF is doing....
NO...he sent someone else in his position !!
Quote by Toots
GNV....I only quote the oxford English dictionary....any problems with its description you would have to take up with them.

Then you must review your use of inappropriate adjectives to describe a particular situation...
I don't have a problem with its description, only your use of it in the context of NF's decision not to stand for the by-election.
He (Dean) could of course accept that rather than a 'cowardly move' by Farage it was instead a courageous, spirited move and insightful move by him.
Showing courage and quote the oxford English dictionary again....the meaning of the word courage;
" Act on one’s beliefs despite danger or disapproval: "
by sending someone else to contest the seat instead of that showing courage ??? Er..No...I go back to the meaning of the word coward...someone that does not have any conviction in their actions....ummmm seems more appropriate to me !!
Quote by dean
by sending someone else to contest the seat instead of himself...

Awww c'mon dean. Admit defeat on this one. You really are clutching at straws now rolleyes
He did nothing of the sort! It was for the local party to decide (in true democratic form) who to select to represent the electorate in that constituency (who, incidentally had already been selected), not for the party leader. He has already said that he will stand in the forthcoming (next year) General Election and the constituency he will stand in. To have imposed his will - if indeed he was able to do so - would have been crass, ill-advised and just down right greedy showing no restraint or maturity.
However, it's the sort of thing you could expect from Len McClusky and his cronies as paymaster of the Labour Party. Heaven knows, 'red' Ed Bony M would be frightened shitless since making a decision might 'offend' someone if he didn't ask his permission first as to who to select.
You clearly don't like the man but that is no excuse to deride him and level false accusations about his character. I can't say that he is my favourite person either but he deserves a fair hearing and I am surprised that you see fit to do otherwise. have been away to long....UKIP...don't have a local party organisation to pick who barely have a national party let alone local representatives !!

take a look....couldn't face being called a chicken !!!
and this is the man NF chose put in his

the whole UKIP party is a the end its the tory supporters that are going to them, but surely not even they are not that daft as to see the obvious !!!

listen to that.....think what you call car crash interview !!!! lol
Be careful what you say about UKIP dean they call the police now if you disrespect them lol