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What do you wear to sleep in?

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
So as not to resurrect and bump a thread from the past what exactly do you wear to bed to actually sleep in?
Dammies law and all that
I am currently wearing pj's but in the summer they get abandoned when I get into bed because I have a hot water bottle aka husband who gives out more heat than the Welsh summer sun. Even with a summer weight duvet on I get uncomfortably hot. In the winter I will wear a t-shirt to bed, but more often than not I will still sleep naked unless it's particularly cold
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like
Well as I am actually in bed right at this moment...I have on NOTHING, NARDER, ZILCH and also Mr Tigs is naked as well...asleep but naked smile
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like
White t shirt! lol :lol:
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Two things ...
1) nothing at all clotheswise
2) Morbius
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I take my PJs off before I get into bed.
Sex God
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I don't have "nightwear" and "daywear".... I just have "wear"
I wear to sleep whatever I was wearing the last time I was awake.
I just randomly doze off anyway, due to brain disease, and then randomly wake again. Sleepwear would just be a nightmare to arrange.
So, as I am currently wearing a Liverpool FC shirt (this seasons black kit, in size XXL), I guess that's what I will sleep in. I took the leggings off though, as I am a bit warm
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Calista
Two things ...
1) nothing at all clotheswise
2) Morbius

I saw the thread title and was going to put the same thing, well, with you as #2 obviously ;)
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Having slept alone for the last few months I tend to wear pj's to keep warm, although my feet are usually out of the bed! This last couple of weeks though it's been nowt, as it's been too warm.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by bluexxx
I don't have "nightwear" and "daywear".... I just have "wear"
I wear to sleep whatever I was wearing the last time I was awake.
I just randomly doze off anyway, due to brain disease, and then randomly wake again. Sleepwear would just be a nightmare to arrange.
So, as I am currently wearing a Liverpool FC shirt (this seasons black kit, in size XXL), I guess that's what I will sleep in. I took the leggings off though, as I am a bit warm

Hahaha! You make me laugh. You describe that so logically that it makes perfect sense.
I get out of my work clothes when I come home, usually putting on some sort of PJs/nightshirt type thing and then hang out in those till it's time to go to bed then I get naked.
My clothes horse is a permanent feature cause I'm forever doing washing... I might just steal your theory! :mrgreen:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by bluexxx
So, as I am currently wearing a Liverpool FC shirt (this seasons black kit, in size XXL)

Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
It's usually just a smile...
... but I put that down to the medication!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by essex34m
So, as I am currently wearing a Liverpool FC shirt (this seasons black kit, in size XXL)

You do know Essex that she's only wearing it to sleep in because that's all it's any good for :twisted:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Nothing, usually.
If chilly, a t-shirt.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Nothing at all. I do like the weight of a duvet on me, but when we had the really hot weather last month I just used the empty duvet cover. DG got a bit of a shock when she stayed for a few days and followed me up to bed a few hours later - apparently I'd kicked the sheet off in my sleep :giggle:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Angel Chat
Nothing at all. I do like the weight of a duvet on me, but when we had the really hot weather last month I just used the empty duvet cover. DG got a bit of a shock when she stayed for a few days and followed me up to bed a few hours later - apparently I'd kicked the sheet off in my sleep :giggle:

Only cause you were on my side!! :giggle:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Dirtygirly
Nothing at all. I do like the weight of a duvet on me, but when we had the really hot weather last month I just used the empty duvet cover. DG got a bit of a shock when she stayed for a few days and followed me up to bed a few hours later - apparently I'd kicked the sheet off in my sleep :giggle:

Only cause you were on my side!! :giggle:
If you're not there the whole bed is my side!! flipa
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Angel Chat
Nothing at all. I do like the weight of a duvet on me, but when we had the really hot weather last month I just used the empty duvet cover. DG got a bit of a shock when she stayed for a few days and followed me up to bed a few hours later - apparently I'd kicked the sheet off in my sleep :giggle:

Not so much of a shock, surely - more just a nice surprise? :happy:
I prefer not to wear anything to bed where possible - skin-to-skin contact with Hope is one of the best things in my life, end of. :inlove: But in the winter I'll slip on a tee-shirt or long-sleeved pyjama top if I have to. Hope is a potent source of heat but our bedroom is a bit draughty so in the depths of winter even she isn't always enough!
However I do love my pyjamas and dressing gown. If I have no reason to go out I am quite happy spending all day and night in them!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Rubato_and_Hope
Nothing at all. I do like the weight of a duvet on me, but when we had the really hot weather last month I just used the empty duvet cover. DG got a bit of a shock when she stayed for a few days and followed me up to bed a few hours later - apparently I'd kicked the sheet off in my sleep :giggle:

Not so much of a shock, surely - more just a nice surprise? :happy:
To be fair, she woke me up when she burst out laughing - with friends like that... rolleyes
I prefer not to wear anything to bed where possible - skin-to-skin contact with Hope is one of the best things in my life, end of. :inlove:

Awwww... That's so sweet!! Gives me a proper warm (not jealous, nope, not me!) feeling inside biggrin
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
:therethere: passionkiss
(Where's a platonic hug emoticon when you need one?)
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Boxers and a t shirt in bed as I am always cold....I am wearing 2 years ago man utd away shirt at the moment
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
nothing and currently i sleep on the floor.
its comfortable. use a bed when sharing wink
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
All these people at sleep naked........mind wandering now there is a tent forming
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Unless I'm in a hotel on my own and then I wear pjs (just in case the fire alarm goes off) lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Sorry, took me a while to answer- my mind is currently at the foot of Angel Chats bed enjoying the view of her and DG naked :twisted:
Sorry about the various dribbles Angel :rascal:
In the summer i just wear a thin duvet, usually with at least a leg, arm or arse hanging out the side. IN the winter its 2-3 thick duvets and an electric blanket to warm things up before i get in- i don't do cold :sad:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Pj's when it's cold
Nothing when it's not wink
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
jammies or nightie, years of having animals sleep on or in the bed just doesnt feel right being naked
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I always sleep naked, or if cold a t-shirt, or a sexy lady :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I sleep naked too. Unless I'm visiting home, then I wear pj's.
Always star fish and with my feet and arms out the quilt.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I always like to have something drapped over me even if it is hot weather also I cant sleep competely naked so I have to wear panties. In winter I wear a nightie (and my panties of course lol)and a very thin duevet as my other half radiates that much heat that anything more than is unbareably too warm and hate being to warm in bed!