What is the best way to measure intelligence?
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for me...simple...those that are contented and happy....are the ones with intelligence.
Great question. And not sure if I know the answer. I think I know how we shouldn't measure it. And that is by any SINGLE criterion. For instance, knowing 'stuff' isn't intellience, since a bucket can store 'stuff' and that's the same thing. Having a qualification often proves little more than the ability to obtain that qualification. Doing or understanding things quickly isn't especially a measure of intelligence either.
For me, someone's intelligence is realised over time. It's to do with how they respond to events, people, difficulties. I especially value the ability to apply experience to a problem in a novel or 'lateral thinking' kind of way.
I believe intelligence is in how you apply the knowledge you have.
Knowledge can be gained in many areas within life and not just down to formal education.
I once asked a long time ago, in this forum what intelligence meant and someone responded what I have just said and it made complete sense to me, so have always since seen it that way.
Honesty is always the best policy Minxy.
I have always claimed that knowledge is what you know, and intelligence is the ability to gain further facts from that knowledge.
So building a house is possible by a person with no intelligence, if that person was shown how to do it. Intelligence, is the ability to pull together what you know about bricks and mortar and then build a house, having never been shown.
...........and wisdom, is not to build it on a flood plain. Something our planners seem to lack.