I have always felt I belong to the human race within the world we live in, not just to a country that divides us by water.
As we have no choice when born where we come out and from who to where we find ourselves being.
How can we then decide to be patriotic to the one country we find ourselves in?
We can feel grateful for our surroundings and to whom we have been given birth from but to feel any better than or better off then to me is just luck.
Why do we just need to feel patriotic to our birthplace?
There is a lot about the world around us that inspires me and takes my breath away.
So I don’t feel totally attached to one country there are many others too, for all sorts of reasons.
"a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it ".
That is the dictionary definition.
Luckily for all of us there were many men and women, who WERE patriotic in 1939. Also that there are people before then and after, who not only support their country but more importantly, to defend it.
I know I knock this country on many issues, but I DO support it in many ways, and would defend it.
When England play football next year people will support them and wave their flags, that is being patriotic. It is about a sense of being, where you belong sort of thing.
There are many things that can make one patriotic, not just about where you was born but that is the major thing I think.
i am in Wales and have been for the past 19 years it is a country i love dearly and feel patriotic towards it and support the welsh assembly and any sport that Wales competes in ... i was born English and feel slightly patriotic towards England but no where near as much as i do for Wales. patriotism to me is about being loyal to the country you feel most at home with and would support them no matter how well they was doing at the time patriotism to others means different things and no one answer to what patriotism is are correct unless you take the dictionary definition literally
I think the word patriotic is an ambiguous word.
People will interpret it what way they like a few of the meaning below I have copied from Google.
Reading these forums at times I don't feel the main example of what patriotic means flows through "to love ones country"
These are the meanings I found
Feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for one's country
Among the ancient Greeks, patriotism consisted of notions concerning language, religious traditions, ethics, law and devotion to the common good, rather than pure identification with a nation-state.
I think I prefer the ancient Greeks meaning but then they were always thought to be advanced for their time.
Americans are so patriotic and sometimes overly so.
Kent, I challenge you to repost the above, leave in your opinions and take out your rubbishing of other people's opinions.
You know, just for interest.
Kenty, to be "overly patriotic" is, to me, the blind belief in ones country and way of life being inherently superior.
One of my dearest friends is American, and freely points out that many Yanks display this very arrogant form of "patriotism."
Do you know how many it took to kill all those people in London Fabs? Four.....yes only four people to kill how many? Injured how many?
What has the ammount of people got to do with anything?
That is put into context from a Mail reader.
Do you really really think that those " 12 " demonstrating were looking peaceful then? Were their placards not of a pretty disgusting nature?
Still as a Mail reader who am I to have any kind of opinion eh?
I do not expect any of those " 12 " to show any loyalty at all to this country, hence why they were there.
I thank God that the press were there to report that, because remember Hitler started as one person, and then to twelve and then to millions. So numbers are just that.....numbers. It is the evil intent that matters.
Someone told me that once you make reference to Hitler or the Holocaust then the internet debate has come to the end.........or was it the persons ideas who mentions it?
I am off for a google search to remind me of this one.