Well being honest, yes it does make you sound like you think your better than those who watch anything and everything, some people find religion helps them through their lives, some people have hobbies, some spend their time with families and some watch a lot of TV, be that documentaries, movies or what to some is mindless crap that has nothing to do with reality, either way it is people's choice what they find enjoyable. I don't judge trainspotters or people into collecting things, whatever it takes to make you happy and get you through life's turbulence.
I am at this moment watching a war movie, to some it is boring and insignificant, to me it reminds me what some went through for my freedom and it is part of my personal history, it is entertaining and educational but I never allow TV to rule my life, I have a pause button and a record button, so I can pick and choose when I want to relax and watch TV.
I don't think that those who don't watch TV or don't watch much TV are missing out on some very educational stuff or even just entertaining stuff, I just think that they probably get this part of their lives elsewhere, perhaps they like to read or go out to a pub or chat with family and friends or use the internet, each to their own.
Not sure what says about me....but I have a Camper Van......always wanted one and managed to have enough pennies to get this one two years ago now.
As for telly....well I watch the sport.....but have to be honest at the moment not much else. Used to love Big Brother, but know everyone knows format and so becomes predicable with people playing up to the cameras.....and oh..its a 52" Plasma, which I brought for the World cup 8 years ago now !!!
Landrovers ranked there with the mini (original) VW beetles and Camper vans, improved but hard to better it when it comes to design kinda like the Harrier (but I can't drive (fly) a harrier.
i had a 32" hd tv and got rid of it for a 21" to save space.
hardly watch tv as i am now working a lot more than i use to. if anything i use a tablet to catch up with news items and other programmes i like.
And i have noticed that the larger tv did give off a lot more heat.
as for other things i sell most of that when i get bored with it so every 6 months or so have a clear out. only keep what i really need.
I wish I could do that, not exactly a hoarder but have too many boxes of things that "might come in handy" in the future but can never find them when I need them, especially remotes, cables, odd electrical bits, power transformers and the like.