My sister wants to have her 18 month old daughter's ears pierced, because she thinks it will "look nice".
I am appalled, but, I'm told, it's me that's out of kilter with the rest of society.
So - help me out here - am I in the minority thinking it's barbaric to put holes in babies' ears?
In edit - I really don't mean any offence to anyone who has had it done - I just don't understand it.
Hell no! It's barbaric and incredibly scary! I was 12 when I had mine done and that was painful enough. How anyone would want to subject their baby to pain of any kind just for cosmetic reasons is beyond me!
I wasn't allowed - so then I went on holiday to New Jersey to be my cousin's flower girl. The only bridesmaid in clip on earrings. Oh the mortification! I was eight.
Two days later my aunt snuck me into a jewellers in the mall. I'd already had one done by the time my Mum came in and realised what was going on... she was okay with it. My dad stropped when we got back but hey, fait accompli.
Oh... this was about babies and not my wedding mortification wasn't it?! :doh: No, I wouldn't do it.
I really, really dislike it though I have lived in countries where it is the absolute norm.
Make room for me in your kilter, I'm coming in!
None of my kids had any piecings until they were old enough to have it done themselves - mainly because we saw the results of a few nasty playground accidents involving torn earlobes. Mind you, as soon as they were old enough they made up for lost time! :shock:
No No No... Not babies... Daughter nagged us from about the age of five and we gave in a year ago (8). Warned her about how much it would hurt etc etc,but it didn't put her off and she was adamant she wanted it done (almost all her friends had had it done). So we relented reluctantly and gave in. To be fair she is sensible with it and them in school etc. But babies, no... I just think too much can go wrong with a little one and it just doesn't look right to me.
Nope. No way, no how. When I had mine done I was about 11. I had a nasty allergic reaction, and overnight my ears became so swollen they engulfed the earrings. They had to be cut out.
Not something I'd risk for my kids for the sake of my own vanity, thank you.
Plus theres the chance of them snagging & being ripped out :scared:
I had to wait til I was 13 and hated it. My mum let me go to local salon the day before my birthday (woohoo) and my nan (who was paying as a birthday present) went ballistic! One day early ffs. I only have boys, the oldest is 16, and none of them have mentioned it so far. I would make a girl wait until she left primary school I think.
I think it is disgusting!
Send the Mother around here, and I will pierce her ear and see how she feels.
To have a baby that young put through something just because the Mother thinks it would look " nice " is quite frankly appaling behavour.
It should be illegal anyway to do it to a child so young.
Nope, no more than i would dress her in a miniature Nike Tracksuit, with miniature nike trainers and miniature gold bling all over her. I wouldnt push her round in an off road design buggy if i lived on an inner city council estate or name her after a perfume/RnB singer (whatever RnB means now). I wouldnt put her name down for modern dance and tap before she could walk or form words, and she would have to have proved she could read at least one book (without pictures) cover to cover before I allowed her any kind of games console.
I wouldnt let her boyfriend sleep over until she had reached degree level or at least earned her full five week holiday entitlement at her job and even then he would find things tense.
Fortunately for her I have only got a son.
Mutilation of children and babies has been endorsed by many cultures.
I wouldnt do it but hey ho I wouldnt chop my sons foreskin off either.
No I wouldn't. I think it looks cheap and tacky. The child has to decide that he/she wants it done for themselves.
Our nearly 6 year old wanted it done 2 years ago, once we had told her that it would hurt she went completley off the idea.
I see it as mutilation. He/she would have to wait until they were legally responsible for their body as I will not take responsibility for mutilation for someone else.
actually.. scratch that last bit. I can think of a couple of people that I would mutilate but I am not legally responsible for them in the same way that I am for my offspring.