Think you'll find that the site owners won't weed out the time wasters for one very good reason ...a lot of them pay to be members. And not all of them are men i might add.
not a time'll get banned, making remarks like that!
You've got a PM
Just seen and read your post.
Have to say that while at first galnce yor results seemed unbelievable, on reflection I would have to concur that your experience is about the norm on this and many other sites.
There are a lot of members on this site male/female/cple who only seem to be here for cheep but safe thrill that involves no actuall fullfilment for anyone except a slight ego stroking (sic) for themselves. Also there are some advertisers who to put it bluntly are that "picky" that if Brad and Angelina responded then they wouldnt make the grade.
As was already said the site (nowadys) makes money out of its members so has no incentive to weed out the "swingingly challenged " members, that said I have never and will never say that I can attend and then not attend. I always turn up, when I'm invited.
And finally, hurrah you say, I'm willing to drive down from Kettering to Brighton today if you are still having your "party" and want another body,.
Right......I'm on my way out now, so it's pointless leaving further posts......Not that it's gonna stop anyone!