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7th Jan 06"Yorks Munch 3 CONFIRM BY 4th LATEST PLEASE

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been to both yorks munches so we would be very interested in a 3rd one
Quote by DeMoNPeBbLeS
Obviously a lot of us have children and we normally have family parties,
but if any of you are interested please let us know with-in the next 4 weeks.

Just to clarify, would this munch include children or not? It's my turn to have my kids this New Year, so if kids are invited then I could possibly come, if not, I can't lol
I'd be up for another yorkshire munch but not on new years. Family and friends at this festive season have already booked my time. smile
I'd love to go to another Yorks munch, it was fab, but I will be working on NYE. sad (Bloody selfish people, how dare they want to go clubbing and party on NYE when I want the night off!) lol
I very much doubt we will be able to get a sitter to have the kids over night on NYE, everyone goes out themselves the selfish twats lol
id love the chance to finally make it to a munch without being called into work at last min and i know we are closed new years eve so id love to come please biggrin
We might be interested too DeMoNPeBbLeS.
Be a fun way to see in the New Year biggrin
Quote by Angel Chat
Obviously a lot of us have children and we normally have family parties,
but if any of you are interested please let us know with-in the next 4 weeks.

Just to clarify, would this munch include children or not? It's my turn to have my kids this New Year, so if kids are invited then I could possibly come, if not, I can't lol
My thoughts too... as much as its a pain in the arse with the kids... it could be doable I think wink here's hoping eh
I don't mean to be a sour puss, but how could you have a Munch with kids? It would surely be very restrictive.
All you folk with kids, dont now start throwing rotten fruit at me, lol.
Well.... as a munch is a vanilla event ie. no play... there is no real reason kids couldn't be at a munch... yes depending on the ages of the kids... people would have to mind what they say within ear shot of kids etc.... but the way some munches have been just recently I can see why you may think it would be a problem if kids attended....
Besides this, people with kids hardly ever want to spend their little bit of free time minding their P's n Q's infront of other people's kids.... I'm actually one of those people myself...
Angel-Chat perhaps... our idea won't go down too well after all eh wink
I tend to agree with ya Tatty.
Not that Im wanting to be a party pooper.
Oh and any party is always a better party when your there. biggrin
Quote by Fun_Couple1981
I tend to agree with ya Tatty.
Not that Im wanting to be a party pooper.
Oh and any party is always a better party when your there. biggrin

redface thank you kiss wink
I would love to go to a Yorks DeMoNPeBbLeS, if me being a newbie is an issue there are people who know me on here.
I think New Years would be a great time to have a munch, much, much fun!
Andi xx
we would love to come to the new years eve party if thats ok we had such a good time at the last munch up there .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by tattyxpx
Angel-Chat perhaps... our idea won't go down too well after all eh wink

Right then tatty, me, you, our kids, party at mine on NYE :lol2:
Everyone else who doesn't want my lovely children on the best piss up night of the year... flipa rotflmao
Count us in Pebbs!!! (I'll check with poppies later but should be ok)
We'll probably get the whole hotel this time .... hehehe
Chris & Nikki xxxxx
i'd certainly be interested in the possibity of a new years eve munch, my only concern is that if doncaster is anything like newcastle... stuff like hotel rooms miraciously go up on new years... as well as venue's ect.....
if it is feasable then go for it.....
sean xxxxxxxxxx
Good idea - but unfortunately i will be working new years again for the fifth year running - so that counts me out!
rolleyes :roll: :roll: mad :x :x
hiya can you add our names please we had a great time at munch xxxxx biggrin :D
Providing I can get there and back I would love to come......I don't know if the National Express still runs on NYE and New Year's Day....if they do then count me in..... biggrin
So to sum up (cause I like to waffle) count me IN!!! wink
What a great idea lol :lol:
You can count me in as definately interested
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by DeMoNPeBbLeS
Morning people biggrin
Tatty,Angel kiss I have given your comments some thought
and think it would be unwise to include chlidren.
Not that i have anything against them,just that
someone could say the wrong thing. Sorry.
Luvs ya both loads xxxxxxxxxxxx

S'ok, me and tatty are having our own private party now anyway, sod the rest of you :thrilled: :thrilled:
(And I wouldn't want the kids to overhear anything um... dodgy anyway lol)
I aint as yet been privilleged with the info as to what is happening with my kids christmas or New Year... but sods law I'll have them with me...
And if I'm honest... I wouldnae want anyone to feel they had to behave like they were at Sunday school rolleyes IT'S NYE!!! for crying out loud only the BEST night in the YEAR to go out and get pissed with yer mates... and who knows if yer lucky, get to have a cuddle n kiss at the bells wink
So in summary.. If I am to have my kids again this year... I will either be partying at home or.... with others with kids... BUT If I am to be kid free!!! COUNT ME IN for a munch type thingamaebob :wink:
:bounce: :happy: hope that makes sense lol
Been reading the post with interest and as u all know i am caring sharing type of as this is my first Xmas on my own.. i did for a moment or two think about offering to babysit for tattys and angelchats that those two lovely ladies could go out and enjoy themselves............
Then reality kicked in and..sod them lol its party time!!!!!!!!!
Count me in!!!
(tatty and angelchat... didnt mean that.. u know i would if i could but its NYE and i dont do the kids thing any more the the tshirt, the video and the book and the divorce lol)
would love to go but is NYE set in stone, could some one let us know. lol
bump cause I've never been to a NYE Party and I really want to go to one....
Quote by DeMoNPeBbLeS
"DreamerHelen" will go to the ball. biggrin
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Does that mean you have enough names now? :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I've checked it out and the National Express DOES run at New Years.....and the Tube runs so I can get there and back!!!
Come on everyone....I really really really want to go to a NYE Party :bounce: :bounce: