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Myself and Mandybigboobs, are hopefully organising a camping weekend next august bank holiday, i realise its a long way off, but these things take some organising, ie we want to hire a small marquee and some portable loos, there will be a small hot tub to use and a portable pool a large one. anyone who fancies this put your names down and we will see what we can do tyxx
oh go on then drinkies
Camping :shock:
Last occasion overnight in a tent 31st May 1992.
Not even the lure of you fine bbw's will change that...
especially as there will be loos and no proper camping peeing :twisted:
Harry Jones
:crazy: I'll be there !
Had many a great night with u girls and boys and wudnt miss another wud I ?
rotflmao crazy people !
:inlove: Allure x
lol count me in wouldnt miss it wink
just trying to be helpful i have organised two camping trips myself this year... you talk about a marquee and tiolets and pools... I have to say the first thing you have to do is find a camp site that will allow groups !! It took me over 50 phone calls and to find places that would allow a group bigger than 10 and that was for September out of school holiday time. IT is not easy !! Especially if you looking at a bank holiday week-end as they know they will get busy anyway.
Good Luck
Thought might be helpfull i have a small country pub in the Burntwood area (discret) with large fields and we allow camping etc and of cause the pub can be used and entertainment (singers0 provided all free of charge if your interested let me know
can you put our names down plz as sexy couple or as my id which every thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sounds fun, put me down for that
maybe us to depends where it at etc xx
can you add our names down pls smile
thanks jo xx
put our names down and hopefully we b able to come funlovinggirl and hubby
oh go on then put me name down lol
lol just wouldnt be the same without lol rolleyes
newlad it wouldnt be the same without you hun, me and you always have a laugh eh, and eat all the choccy. lol. but if you sleep with me again hun no putting your feet on me fooking head all night. bloody cheek haha
i'll be up for that i'm sure the other half will be to
Yes please include me as interested - especially if ginger jo will be there. waiting to get to get to her (as well as others) for ages Mmmmm
nothing wrong with me feet lol x
i could be interested depending on distance i lurve camping
Earthy xxx
Desi and I are up for this. Please put our name's down, Sheer. I trust the PC have okayed it
mm earhty hope to meet u xxxx
there is newlad when there on my head all fekkin night pmsl
me feet smell heavenly lol xxx
lets roll on
Quote by earthchild
i could be interested depending on distance i lurve camping
Earthy xxx

earthy u got the camping bug lol
I love camping, and i have to admit, this one sounds interesting!
Depending on the distance and the final cost per a person, will you stick my name down???
o h u gotta make it chaotic hun its a blast
also wud be nice to meet you at last xxxx
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
I love camping, and i have to admit, this one sounds interesting!
Depending on the distance and the final cost per a person, will you stick my name down???

yay camping bud biggrin
please put us down as well, we also want to meet ginger!