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Blue's Advent Calendar Challenge....

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173 replies
10 watchers
How's this for forward planning :lol2:
The plan is this.... it is traditional to count down to Christmas with advent calendars, right? Well, this year I want to be a bit different.... I want to count down to Christmas with a shag a day between the 1st and the 24th December :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: . Now, due to work etc, I may not be able to be free every single day but I'm sure as hell going to give it my best shot rotflmao
I obviously will require a lot of help to complete my challenge, and this is where you folks come in :grin: . You can be male, female, a couple, or be organising a group event that you might like to invite me to (or I'll invite myself, I'm not shy :rascal: ). I'm happy to consider clubs, your home, hotel, or outdoors. I would prefer to have met you already before I agree to shag you, but if I have not met you before there is time in Nov for you to meet me socially before the count down begins :P .
So............. please give generously..... it will be the festive season when this challenge begins, and you wouldn't want to be labelled a Scrooge, would you! :haha:
Reply here or in PM :thumbup:
In edit: Maybe I should be polite for those who don't know me and say that I'm 34, female, and in the North West innocent
WOW.. what a brilliant idea!
:happy: :happy:
Are you handing out little bars of chocolate to each person/couple or group?
Anyway, I'm sure you can do it if anyone can. Just send your left-overs my way please.
:P :P
go on then I suppose I could force myself
oh by the way Im warwick a newbie on here lol
Quote by Jags
Are you handing out little bars of chocolate to each person/couple or group?

Hee hee, what a great idea :thumbup:
Quote by bluexxx
Are you handing out little bars of chocolate to each person/couple or group?

Hee hee, what a great idea :thumbup:
This is worth is just for the choccie alone! wink
Can you make room for us on the 17th pls BLue, im sure we can 'alf inch' Judys room keys after (or before!) the xmas meal for an hour, or two, or three :twisted: hump
Bluexxx, you could ask cadburys for sponsorship smile :)
if u short and desperate give lep a shout
Hi Blue!
I'd love to lend you a hand....defintiely count me in for a meet in November (we havent met in person, but have shared a few threads....pretty sure I know someone here that'll vouch for me as a decent bloke!)
Drop us a PM sometime....maybe we could combine with a Crimbo shopping trip?!
Quote by AndyWolves
maybe we could combine with a Crimbo shopping trip?!

You are joking, right? Please say you're joking.....I hate shopping all year round but Xmas shopping is a dire, dreadful duty that I avoid at all costs :shock: :shock: :shock:
Please note, this ad is for SHAGGING, not SHOPPING...... phew, glad I got that one clarified!
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hmmm, shopping in mad crowds OR kissing bluexxx's tender bits under a warm duvet?? Come on guys, be real. Know which i'd prefer... smile
Quote by GenHertsCpl
Can you make room for us on the 17th pls BLue, im sure we can 'alf inch' Judys room keys after (or before!) the xmas meal for an hour, or two, or three :twisted: hump

Sounds like a plan :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Bazza64
Bluexxx, you could ask cadburys for sponsorship smile :)

Well, we have the SH Pin, why not an SH chocolate bar too lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by leprechaun
if u short and desperate give lep a shout

I'm SHOUTING :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by xxdirtyboyxx
Now theres an offer i cant refuse. :lol:

I'll probably bump into you in a club no doubt wink
Quote by Sexysteph
Nah go for the firm that makes the Baileys Irish Cream chocolate truffles...

Baileys....... did someone mention Baileys.....?
Ah, sod the shagging, let's just get drunk! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Bazza64
Hmmm, shopping in mad crowds OR kissing bluexxx's tender bits under a warm duvet?? Come on guys, be real. Know which i'd prefer... smile

DUVET???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Now, come on.............. let's introduce some style into this thread.............. duvet indeed............... rolleyes :roll: :roll: .... where have all the fluffy rugs gone?????
Quote by bluexxx
: .... where have all the fluffy rugs gone?????

On top of me head acting as a wig lol
Headline in tomorrows press : Economy booming thanks to unexpected rise in fluffy rug sales. lol
Quote by Scandal
Just one thing Blue, only the one shag each day? wink

Well, preferably I would hope for more than one shag each day, but I wouldn't want to appear too greedy lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by rebecca_uk_tv
: .... where have all the fluffy rugs gone?????

On top of me head acting as a wig :lol:
rotflmao Ah, but a very stylist rug you have there Becky :haha:
Blimey....a woman that hates shopping!!! Perfect!
Forget the shopping, but would still love to open one of your advent flaps and lick out the treat inside.... (ewww that didn't work did it?!)
Quote by bluexxx
Hmmm, shopping in mad crowds OR kissing bluexxx's tender bits under a warm duvet?? Come on guys, be real. Know which i'd prefer... smile

DUVET???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Now, come on.............. let's introduce some style into this thread.............. duvet indeed............... rolleyes :roll: :roll: .... where have all the fluffy rugs gone?????
Please don't dis the duvet, Blue, it hides a multitude of sins :-)
I'll show you what's under it if you like (erm, I mean if you can't remember, or are unable to locate any historic pics!) biggrin
Quote by bluexxx
Well, preferably I would hope for more than one shag each day, but I wouldn't want to appear too greedy

Out of tune , as I can't sing
On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 6 doggy fashion, 5 missionary, 4 girl on top.... 3 reverse cowgirl.... 2 ....... and so on lol
On the 10 day of Christmas....... just feckin knackered :!:
Well......count me in for some festive worries... wink
CheekyChimp......wonders what the reply will be...... cool
Quote by marmalaid
I'll show you what's under it if you like (erm, I mean if you can't remember, or are unable to locate any historic pics!) biggrin

Tart! :lol2:
Quote by Scandal
I wouldn't want to appear too greedy lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rearrange: Bolted - Horse
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Rearrange: Off - Sod
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Phoenix
On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 6 doggy fashion, 5 missionary, 4 girl on top.... 3 reverse cowgirl.... 2 ....... and so on :lol:
On the 10 day of Christmas....... just feckin knackered :!:

You need some stamina training - never mind, you have a month to get in shape :grin:
Quote by cheekychimp
Well......count me in for some festive worries... wink
CheekyChimp......wonders what the reply will be...... cool

I think you already know the answer, don't you confused
Quote by leprechaun
if u short and desperate give lep a shout

Dont you mean...if you fancy an aimless drive around the wirral, late on a dark wet night, with no idea of where yr going, thinking bugger I should have checked directions ??? :doh:
Right, im off bolt
Quote by bluexxx

I'll show you what's under it if you like (erm, I mean if you can't remember, or are unable to locate any historic pics!) biggrin

Tart! :lol2:
Tell me something I don't know! cool
Quote by GenHertsCpl
if u short and desperate give lep a shout

Dont you mean...if you fancy an aimless drive around the wirral, late on a dark wet night, with no idea of where yr going, thinking bugger I should have checked directions ??? :doh:
Right, im off bolt
Hehehehehehehehehe, that was FUNNY - he found it in the end though :lol2:
Quote by marmalaid
Tell me something I don't know! cool

Tell you something you don't know? Hmmmmmmmmm............. let me think????? lol :lol: :lol:
can it only be the 1 shag blue......or is there recovery time then another one ?????
seeing as im close by i devote myself to any backouts that cant make it smile
and a date in my own right if that is permissable :)
have to meet up with genhertscpl again too....continue our talk form your party :)
Quote by dargento
can it only be the 1 shag blue......or is there recovery time then another one ?????
seeing as im close by i devote myself to any backouts that cant make it smile
and a date in my own right if that is permissable :)

So, shall I book you in for the whole 24 days then dargento ? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
sure.....we could liven the calendar up a bit by you demanding each day has to be a different place..........or.....if we had the money...time....and inclination......a shag at a different swingers club in the UK each of the 24 days.....
hmmmm not a bad idea for next year lol.....
Dyu think the presenters of Blue Peter might want to get involved ? Put me down for a cold n frosty morning iin December smile
Quote by dargento
if we had the money...time....and inclination......a shag at a different swingers club in the UK each of the 24 days.....
hmmmm not a bad idea for next year lol.....

Ha ha, cool - can we have "on tour" t-shirts printed with all the dates and locations??? :happy:
Do you think clubs would stop us selling them on their premises :lol2:
Quote by Scandal
Sod - That's a synonym for something else right? wink lol

I believe so............ can't think what innocent
Quote by popsucker
Dyu think the presenters of Blue Peter might want to get involved ? Put me down for a cold n frosty morning iin December smile

MORNING??? What's that? :shock:
Jeez, there are so many jokers on this thread.... one wanted me to go shopping :shock: , another wanted me to shag under a duvet :uhoh: , now one wants me to get up in the morning........... dunno :wink:
Hi Blue,
Count me in for the advent calender, daytime , evening, indoor, outdoor, hotel, your place whatever it takes just count me in.