Hey seren....... scooter chap here!......... whats your ride?!
Going to the ace thursday night should be a laugh, possably out again some where on sat or sunday. love to go to the foxes where is it never been... new places are allways interesting ahh. not a great deal on in november in the diary that is not clothes wise. so let me know what you had in mind.
many thanks
yep go for it go big.... as they say the bigger the better. you dont get beeten up by lorrie drivers lol . no disrespect to lorrie drivers ther're good to lagh at when you pass them lol
no offnce meant just good fun lol
If there's interest in a regular meet we would be interested in hearing from you.
Ace thursday if your going hopfully the weather wont be to bad, and Boxhill or where ever saturday or sunday let me know. enjoyed the ride out last week on me tod would have been better with some one but hey not allways poss ahh.
Would love to joing the band for happy bikers.
Let me know when you plan yr next foray rain or shine I'm alway on the bike.
Will be going to the NEC for the upcoming show if you fancy meeting up there.
"Speed thrills and too much is never enough"
but got fast old skool car if i can be off any help
hoping to go to the NEC too, maybe a meet up can be arranged
Were off to the NEC on halloween, anyone?
can meet on the north curcular m25 or any where on the way if anyone is going love to join up for the ride there..
Hi any one out thursday evening or saturday, ace thursday or friday and boxhil or some were on sat live in essex meet anywere nr m25 lakesided ect?
and love to join any one up to the bike show.
thanks c