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Boxhill Bikers Meet

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Quote by sheddy
you can be what eve you like still got my old lambretta will never part with it but that goes for all my bikes... sure you look good on your scoota good stuff keep riding lol.

My mate's got a Dragstar and he was so impressed with my little scoot moped, he's gone and bought a Lammy himself :giggle:
fuck off, trucker boy flipa
for some one who takes up so much road, uses so much fuel, exerts his man hood says via a vehicle not physicaly lol .realy looks a twat stuck in trafic for hours i enjoy seeing their smilley faces in my mirror. so nothing wrong with a lammy... :twisted:
It's not the Lammy he was taking the piss out of hun but the fact that he called my scoot a moped evil
Good job we know each other though wink
Quote by allguy
for some one who takes up so much road, uses so much fuel, exerts his man hood says via a vehicle not physicaly lol .realy looks a twat stuck in trafic for hours i enjoy seeing their smilley faces in my mirror. so nothing wrong with a lammy... :twisted:

How rude confused :? :? :? :?
oh and its spelt jealousy not gelousy :lol:
Hey seren....... scooter chap here!......... whats your ride?!
Quote by thelondoncouple
Good morning, at the risk of getting my head bitten off. biggrin :D :D
We're from up north but come down to the Ace occasionally. Came down for the kill spills day for instance.
Maybe a meet one Sunday there or Fox's Diner at Dorchester near Reading.

not been online for the last month as we have been very busy, we were at the killspill as well, give us a shout when you are next going to aces.
Shame we didn't know we were both going to be there Londoncouple. We're busy for the rest of this month but how about November. On a Sunday. Or we could meet those that are interested in Foxs Diner somewhere on the M40 and take you there. By take you, I of course mean lead you, not have my wicked way. :D
And Sassy, as long as you enjoy it, do it lol
Quote by lincskate
Hey seren....... scooter chap here!......... whats your ride?!

I've got a Zip 125 for the time being but I'll be changing it for a geared bike next year ready for my test though that won't stop me sneaking a Vespa into the garage when I get the cash :giggle:
Going to the ace thursday night should be a laugh, possably out again some where on sat or sunday. love to go to the foxes where is it never been... new places are allways interesting ahh. not a great deal on in november in the diary that is not clothes wise. so let me know what you had in mind.
many thanks
yep go for it go big.... as they say the bigger the better. you dont get beeten up by lorrie drivers lol . no disrespect to lorrie drivers ther're good to lagh at when you pass them lol
no offnce meant just good fun lol
Quote by ForestFunsters
Used to go to Boxhill many, many years ago on the back of a friends' 400/4 - ***sigh*** happy memories! Don't think our current beast would make the grade - 49cc's of crotch-grabbingly sexy Kymco scooter - 0-30mph in just under 3 hours, and enough plastic to make 3 wheelie bins!

Ah happy days, those of yorn.
I used to go to Boxhill when there was a Wimpy bar at the top, no stupid speed humps on the zig zag, and Rykas was just a caravan in the carpark.
Who remembers that?
Oh yeah and the road down from Leatherhead was all dual carriageway too.
If there's interest in a regular meet we would be interested in hearing from you.
Ace thursday if your going hopfully the weather wont be to bad, and Boxhill or where ever saturday or sunday let me know. enjoyed the ride out last week on me tod would have been better with some one but hey not allways poss ahh.
Quote by halfofacouple
Good morning, at the risk of getting my head bitten off. biggrin :D :D
We're from up north but come down to the Ace occasionally. Came down for the kill spills day for instance.
Maybe a meet one Sunday there or Fox's Diner at Dorchester near Reading.

not been online for the last month as we have been very busy, we were at the killspill as well, give us a shout when you are next going to aces.
Shame we didn't know we were both going to be there Londoncouple. We're busy for the rest of this month but how about November. On a Sunday. Or we could meet those that are interested in Foxs Diner somewhere on the M40 and take you there. By take you, I of course mean lead you, not have my wicked way. :D
And Sassy, as long as you enjoy it, do it lol
yes sure as long as the weather is at least so so, give us a shout when you are free
Hi all went to the ace took about an hour and three quarters to get there, i must admit got a little lost. had a look around until about 10:30 before heading for home and getting lost that way as well.
There was a mini and mod raliey on some nice scooters sadly not many bikes. I enjoyed the cafe though got chatting to a few people see unity on two wheels ahh power to the people and solidarity and all that stuff ahh !!
I did look to see if Babe and Biker were about but not being sure who you are or even if you were there. looking to go to box hill tomorrow and possably brighton on sunday who know see how the weather is, so I am definatly looking for regular meets and rides with good company.
Yep the foxes sounds good to me let me know when love to come out for a jolly biggrin
Well enough of me for now itr will be good to catch up with a few people see you soon
Mmm couldny doo box hill sadly last weekend but will do a ride out sat so are you interestead. even more sad cant do the ace thursday either. so any one going for a ride sat? love to catch up for a jolly
thanks bye biggrin
Well, we're back from our long weekend in Devon. Grotty weather, one of our mates binned his Gixer 750, but apart from that had a great time. biggrin
Would love to joing the band for happy bikers.
Let me know when you plan yr next foray rain or shine I'm alway on the bike.
Will be going to the NEC for the upcoming show if you fancy meeting up there.
"Speed thrills and too much is never enough"
Quote by Lissa
Well, we're back from our long weekend in Devon. Grotty weather, one of our mates binned his Gixer 750, but apart from that had a great time. biggrin

Hi lissa, shame to hear about your mates Gixer, bummer rolleyes Good to hear you're back though. Enjoy.
but got fast old skool car if i can be off any help
hoping to go to the NEC too, maybe a meet up can be arranged
Were off to the NEC on halloween, anyone?
Doing our Bikesafe weekend this weekend, and not going to the NEC. However, all things being equa,l could do the Ace or such most Sundays in November.
Think of us as we get followed and chased by a cop on his Pan wink
can meet on the north curcular m25 or any where on the way if anyone is going love to join up for the ride there..
Hi any one out thursday evening or saturday, ace thursday or friday and boxhil or some were on sat live in essex meet anywere nr m25 lakesided ect?
and love to join any one up to the bike show.
thanks c