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Chiltern Area Munch - 21/02/04

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We have handed over the organising to oneofthedamned4ever - we will try to be there and if anyone wants info - I'm sure he can help.
We have just have some things turn up which mean whilst we can attend the munch - we haven't got time to organise redface
We can help a little here and have got an idea of a venue, so if any of you good people could give us a hand that would be much appreciated - again a big sorry from us both - buckscpl - sensual and Jane
As with the London and NW Munch - we are after setting up similar, loosely in the Chiltern District.
We have had positive response to the idea - but now need a venue - have been posting in the ads to no avail - if anyone has a suitable venue or knows of one - we would love to make contact so we can get this off the ground.
Look forward to meeting you!
Sensual and Jane
Hi there!
Well, as I officially live in the Chilterns (albeit only just) I ought to make myself known to you. I would certainly be up for a local area meet if you managed to get one together.
Let me know what progress you have and count me in.
All the best,
You party animal, Will!
Love Sappho xxxx
Why not come along my darling?
Come and sample the delights of the Chilterns. We have all sorts of things to offer you. You would be MOST welcome. I would see to it personally! wink
Ok so where is the Chilterns?
Would love to go to a Munch. I'm pretty new to all of this so it's the ideal starting point. Also would be great to put faces to names smile
Ok so where is the Chilterns?

Roughly speaking South Berks and South Oxon, MISSCHIEF. Depending on where you are in Hampshire, you shouldn't be too far away.
Let the organisers know if you want to go and take it from there.
I've just put my mod's hat on and made this thread sticky so that everyone who fancies munching in the Chilterns (wherever that is, I didn't know either redface ) can see it easily.
Here is a - It is a very pretty run of hills through hertfordshire, south bucks and south oxon - just northwest of London.
Hope this helps
All welcome!
Sensual and Jane
I'm also in the Chilterns, not much luck round this area so far, not thru the chatroom anyway, they all in the bloody NW! Would be very interested in hooking up with some like minded folks locally, keep me posted!
well if the dates areok and you find a location count us in we love to meet
Hi Debs and Jamie
Welcome to the site lol . Would be nice if you introduced yourself and let people know a little about you. I'm sure you will have fun here once you have 'met' the gang :shock: . Just join in and comment where you can. Any problems, just ask, we're a friendly bunch round here smile
Anyone interested in coming to the Chiltern Munch in Feb? biggrin
Then lets us know and reply on this thread.... ta
date and venue will follow next week...promise
If nobody minds a NORTH Oxfordshire couple gatecrashing. We could not make February (well, probably not). :cry: but we will keep an eye on goings on, and join in if we can.
I've just put my mod's hat on and made this thread sticky
If you ever run out of stick thread Blue......
Kate - you're just a munch tart..
x xx
Just for the uninitiated, what exactly is a Munch? redface
Quote by colingrimes
Just for the uninitiated, what exactly is a Munch? redface

Hi Colin, a good question, and definitely better to ask than to assume too much! smile
A Munch is a meeting in a vanilla, ie public, setting, just to chat and socialise. There will be no sex and no pressure - it's ideal for people wanting to get to know more about the scene and the people who play on the scene. It's absolutely brilliant for making new friends and for putting faces to those you may have chatted to in a virtual sense.
One minor warning though - munches are addictive!! ;)
Good luck!
hi mal we are known in the chatroom just not much in the forum we are a cpl f 33 m 38 from berkshire
And a very nice couple they are too!! biggrin
Recommendations already? You two will go far!!
Welcome to the more sedate, leisurely pace known as 'The Forums'.
Good luck with this - We often travel up to Beds and Herts and would love to attend a Munch there so we'll keep an eye on this message board. Hopefully it will be a weekend!!!
Looking forward to meeting some of you
xxx xxx :happy:
aaawww thanks steve we have put an introduction in the lets meet section
so you very friendly bunch in the forum can find out more about us
Hi All,
From the poll, Hemel Hempstead seems to be the place to be!
We will start having a look for a venue at the end of the week.
We are looking at 21st February - from 7 ish?
Any comment feedback etc much appreciated.
Sensual and Jane :happy:
Personally happy with Hemel..
but does it have to be a Saturday night.
Any chance of midweek as a lot of people have family committments at weekends?
ANy views?
Hmmm very interesting. Anyone got a date or location in mind for this?
Hi David
The Chiltern Munch will be on the 21st Feb somewhere in Hemel...just need to scout some locations...could you help?
XX :angel:
count me in. 24 year old male from herts here
hiyas xx
please definately put me down to go to the munch xx
having attended the last two it will be great fun xx
hugs funin xx
ps i have to continue my uk tour obviously xx
Hello Funin
Nice to see you in here instead of theChat room. Might have known you'd be looking for a Munch xxx wink
well thank you Sgt Bilko xx
having been to the previous munches of course i will be going to this ''munch'' xx
as i keep telling peeps i am so shy really xx lol
hugs funin_the_shy_nun xxxxx
:giggle: :giggle: