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East Anglia chatroom social NOW CANCELLED

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3 watchers
--------- CANCELLED---------
Folks - We're gutted but the social organised for the 28th has had to be called off.
Circumstances beyond our control have forced our hands and unless we can find another venue we probably won't be organising any more.
Unless people can learn to keep things discrete it all falls apart - shame but there ya go.
Mods: It'd be really helpful if you could make this a sticky for a couple of weeks - ta.
Mods edit: - As explained we are unable to sticky this. Sorry that it has been cancelled.
If I ever get over this dman man flu I will be there and keep my clothes on!
Come on folks, I've had to drag myself off my sick bed to be first one to get name down where are you all lol
Harry Jones
Great, been hoping there would be another soon and it is both our birthdays that week :thrilled: :happy:
So count us both in and please make room for one more as Linda has asked if she may come along also...
Hugs Kisses and looking forward to seeing you all again...
Rick N Susan kiss :kiss:
he he he - looks like its going to be the usual suspects again - at least Mr2gs bum will be safe this time with no zip-line.
hellooooo yes we shall both be there again yeyyyyy
and just becoz the zip line may be outta action doesnt mean that my hand will be,lol so rics bottom bewarelol
foxxyyy and gordon xxx
Quote by 2gether
So count us both in and please make room for one more as Linda has asked if she may come along also...

Waheyyyy and fingers crossed Linda can come :twisted:
Harry Jones
hi count us in we will b there cant wait see u all soon xxxxxx tess and nigel
I've got a little list and you're all on it - shaping up to be another good'un folks!!
minor bump - gypsy tells me the list is filling up nicely
ooo i got list going toolol maybe we should compare noted, hand is in training so watch out guyslol
Quote by foxxyyy
hand is in training so watch out guyslol

Is that so you dont hurt it like last time lol
Harry Jones
beware rod is about love to be there cant think why though perhaps someone let me know nearer the would it be best to leave me in the dark :idea: :shock:
You're on the list Rod - PM sent - its shaping up to be another good 'un.
Please add me
Hi guys,
I know its been a while, with the house move and everything but book us in!!!!!
Childcare is being booked, finger crossed! lol
Accomodation very welcome! Wink Wink Gyps!
Quote by chilli112
Hi guys,
I know its been a while, with the house move and everything but book us in!!!!!
Childcare is being booked, finger crossed! lol
Accomodation very welcome! Wink Wink Gyps!

Ohh ltns helloo.
I'm too ill to get to the winter ale festival by the way :cry: this weekend.
Harry Jones
Let me know more please. Hoping to put some names to faces - or whatever bits -lol.
Pm sent snapp - the more the merrier!!!
i was hoping to come but then i saw foxxyys zip line is out of action so not sure now lol
hoping to make it but wont know till nearer the time but will let you know
Cheers hermy - we think the zip-line was only off limits while the ground around it was frozen so I'm sure the foxxx will be able to sort you out somehow he he he.
Go on Hermon you know you cant resist lol
Harry Jones
do i get a choice in who gets a slap and who doesn't?lol
Quote by foxxyyy
do i get a choice in who gets a slap and who doesn't?lol

Depends how fast your victims can run away rotflmao
Harry Jones
Just been on phone to my parents who are long due a visit, I was hoping to get a couple of weekdays off to have them over during a lull at work, but he lull has been filled I cant get any days off and the only weekend we are all free between now and 4th april is.....
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
this one. Not a done deal yet but I really cannot see a way out of this one.
Harry Jones
Thats a bummer Harry - a lot of people are going to be really disappointed - never mind , there'll be others through the summer (if we get one).
Hello, we didn't know about this till just now (well that's what you get for missing staff meetings !! ). Please put us down, we would love to come along !
L&T x
Quote by juscruzin
Thats a bummer Harry - a lot of people are going to be really disappointed - never mind , there'll be others through the summer (if we get one).

Not least of all me, do you think they would notice if disappeared for five hours?
Harry Jones
You're on the list av2acc - I've sent a PM with the details. There are over 30 singles and couples so far - looks like its going to be another good one.