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Fab's B'day Social,14 Oct,Newcastle-Pink Triangle Piss Up 2!

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112 replies
2 watchers
if we free
count us in
whats that big road to scotland am thick?
Quote by swing_with_me
if we free
count us in
whats that big road to scotland am thick?

If he's going then we wish we were too :rascal:
Have fun Fabio - sorry we can't make it :P
Quote by Bloke2005
if we free
count us in
whats that big road to scotland am thick?

If he's going then we wish we were too :rascal:
Have fun Fabio - sorry we can't make it :P
Oh no :shock: swing_with_me will be so disappointed.... Especially as he is gagging for you Bloke wink :giggle:
hi sorry change of plan for us cant make it now but have a good one sure yous all will biggrin
catch you all laters
just a bump....xxxx
Just a little bump again.
Ali x
Post us some details when your sorted mate we will be there.
Biffa (and Betty)
biggrin hi fab xx
as u know we cant make it :cry: as we explained to ya in chatroom
none the less have a great b/day n we'll b thinkin of ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx drinkies
update to the guest list on page 1....
hi fabio g_r here, can you put our names down and hopefully we can organise work n kids etcccc.........cheers m8
Hi Fabio,
Looks like we will be able to make your party on 14th (tho possibly not till the end sad ). Could you put our names on the list please.
John & Shel
yay have finally managed to book a hotel, ffs how hard could it be, you wouldnt believe
Earthy xx
Quote by earthchild
yay have finally managed to book a hotel, ffs how hard could it be, you wouldnt believe
Earthy xx

glad you managed to find a hotel hunny... hopefully it didn't cost you an arm and a leg!!!!
g_r and geordiecpl2001... you are both on the list....
I will send out the final details in the next couple of days........
sean xxxxxxxx
I've just found out I'm in town for that weekend - I'd got it incorrectly noted down as one where I'd be in Brum. Any chance I can tag along?
Quote by fabio grooverider
yay have finally managed to book a hotel, ffs how hard could it be, you wouldnt believe
Earthy xx

glad you managed to find a hotel hunny... hopefully it didn't cost you an arm and a leg!!!!
g_r and geordiecpl2001... you are both on the list....
I will send out the final details in the next couple of days........
sean xxxxxxxx
its not bloody cheap but it is a family room so could make for an interesting night afterwards wink
Earthy xx
but not walking into any gay bars on my own - someone hold my hand?
Geewhiz wrote
but not walking into any gay bars on my own - someone hold my hand?

No problem, have you any preference in regards to the man who will be holding your hand? Sure Bloke could fix you up with someone!
John & Shel
oooh cant have this on page 3
Quote by geewhizz
but not walking into any gay bars on my own - someone hold my hand?
so your boyfreinds not going lol
I am on the town that night with a fuck buddy... so would like to say hi..... will just nip away.
x x
Quote by splendid33
I am on the town that night with a fuck buddy... so would like to say hi..... will just nip away.
x x

ooooh i get to meet my neighbour :twisted:
Earthy xx
Quote by earthchild
I am on the town that night with a fuck buddy... so would like to say hi..... will just nip away.
x x

ooooh i get to meet my neighbour :twisted:
Earthy xx
:bounce: so much to look forward to......... :P :twisted: :twisted:
I have sent out details..... so if anyone else wants to come along let me know...
and if anyone who is on the list and hasn't recieved details.... again let me know..
sean xxxxxxxx
bisexy june ,tony and sexy v
smile Be nice to come to the party , new to all this so think it would be a good way to get to know people and them know me. Hope I get invited
woohoo only a week to go
Earthy xx
Sorry mate. Checked and can't get the day off work the day after sad
Since when did Newcastle have a 'pink triangle'? Where is it? I've obviously been away far too long.
Unlikely I'll be there, Fabs, but Happy Birthday anyway.
Quote by jezzay
Since when did Newcastle have a 'pink triangle'? Where is it? I've obviously been away far too long.
Unlikely I'll be there, Fabs, but Happy Birthday anyway.

Thanks hun.. long time no see.....
yep!!! you have been away too long!!!smile
If you want to come up the offer is always there, be nice to see you again....
sean xxxxxxxx
Quote by fabio grooverider
Since when did Newcastle have a 'pink triangle'? Where is it? I've obviously been away far too long.
Unlikely I'll be there, Fabs, but Happy Birthday anyway.

Thanks hun.. long time no see.....
yep!!! you have been away too long!!!smile
If you want to come up the offer is always there, be nice to see you again....
sean xxxxxxxx
Thanks baby. I can still picture your wonderful... errrmmm.... attribute,
I haven't got anything as groovy-sounding as neutrowotsit but I've had a year of chronic sciatic pain. A lot of time off work and total shut-down of my social life. Hence a stranger to SH. (I'm really not a 'lie back and think of England' girl so any form of sex has been a no-no.) But I've finally found a good combination of therapies and am improving rapidly. So my suggestion to you is - always question, always ask around, get as many second opinions as you can and one day you'll find the right healer.