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final pms sent , camp fire party

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189 replies
2 watchers
we are getting married on 28th aug after getting engaged on xmas day.
we have had our engagement party ,( village manchester 1st feb)and now its time to organise our wedding reception.
we have both decided not to have a family one as they are to boring and official.
and seeing as we both met on sh under different user names at a mini social and seeing as if it wasnt for sh then we would of never met at all ( shit, cant imagine not being with staggy ) we have decided to invite you guys.
soooooooooo we are going to hold a big wedding reception at our home and as we have a bit of land, we will have plenty of room for what we want to do.
1/ it will be on 9th sept. its a camping/caravaning/sleep over kind of do.
2/ bring your own BBQ, food and a bottle or 2. ( buffet food will also be available)
3/ bring your own bacon for breakfast. lol
4/ it might be fancy dress..not sure yet (cowboys and indians..but dont let that put you off comming, if you dont wanna dress up then you dont have to)
5/ we will be making a camp fire in the middle of the tents ( not too close though)
6/ sometime in the evening staggy and i will be wearing our wedding stuff coz we want piccys with you guys ( judy, you had better air that bridesmaids dress you said you had.. i need a bridesmaid for the piccys )
7/ while wearing our wedding stuff, we will be cutting a cake in front of you lot ( make it feel more like a wedding reception )
8/ this will be just a social party for the main part, but when you retire to your tent then you can get up to what you want as long as you are not going to streak around the fields ( we do have neighbours who wont overlook your tents but could see the rest of the field and could maybe hear you!) joannish is exempt from this ruling.....
9/ we also have a quiet field if you prefer not to be with the rowdy lot
10/ if you dont have a tent im sure there are people on here that have one you can borrow or share :shock:
11/ bathroom facilitys will be available in the morning if you are willing to queue for the showers
12/ you can arrive anytime after 11am on the sat ( but let us know ) and you must be gone by 5pm on the sunday or if you are comming a long way and want to stay over on the friday night well a few may be able to do this or you could stay in the B and B which is within walking distance of our house.
thats who wants to come
, must be known by us or friends of ours, you know the score , for security reasons no brand newbies without varification
wild rose
drop us a pm or list on here and we will contact with full details
searcher and lilac gem..........confirmed
Bazza and vicky uk.........................confirmed
MR AND MRS FC.......................confirmed
barryand rozzy
non site member details available
sleazy and NN..............confirmed

chesty bird.............................confirmed possible
non site member details available............confirmed
midlandsman and newt..............................confirmed
pebbles and demon.....................confirmed possibles
the laird and lady feebe...............confirmed
chaotic_spirit ...............................confirmed
dreamer helen...........confirmed but needs room in tent
leoni and adam....................confirmed
susan6912000 cpl
hillfolk cpl...............................confirmed
Mr D .....................confirmed
plus two? ............confirmed
stuart and tanina................confirmed
horny red and dino...............confirmedfecklar and celery.....................................confirmed
sarah and mal...................................confirmed
redhouse and emerald
bunnyk cpl.................confirmed
mr and mrs tweeky
kit and kat......................................confirmed maybes
sheddy and guest................................confirmed
joannish and mike ish
marcuso and his marquees
steveg and blonde...............................................confirmed
G & Deefarmers boy.......confirmed
well-busty-babe + the tongue......................confirmed
fallen angel
hot tart.................................................................confirmed
midlandsphil and fem
firehot cpl
BERNIE AND BASSMAN,...........confirmed
corriefem ...............confirmed
only me..................................confirmed as a possible
devondelight and phoenix....confirmed
cassiopia and starbuck
wild rose and the stag...........confirmed
anyone that isnt on here that should be please pm us

anyone that isnt on here that should be please pm us

please note this is our wedding reception its not an official munch , there will be guests from swinging heaven and our other like minded friends wink , a final list of all who are invited will be sent out with the directions etc nearer the time, any questions or concerns feel free to ask....
if this list or any of the names on it controvine any site rules please contact us and the the list will be removed or edited to suit site policies.
eulb dennab will get three x from us if she comes, you are both added
soopa doopa
Any room for a caravan, and we promise to dress accordingly wink :wink: :wink:
theres room for around a thousand caravans if you want privacy ten thousand if you dont mind being overlooked a little lol
bring the caravan , is it horse drawn? we like horse drawn ones but we dont mind these new car pulled thingys, gimmick imho cant see it catching on myself :lol:
Can you put us down please lol - and we're still on the scrounge for a tent or sharing!!
Mal and Sarah
can u add us to the list pls smile
Mal ive got a tent :)
thanks jo xx
would be great to see you again mal..its been ages.
so when i get round to doing the list you and sarah will be added.
Quote by wild rose and the stag
would be great to see you again mal..its been ages.
so when i get round to doing the list you and sarah will be added.

Fang Q!!!
I'm sure we'll be meeting up again sooner, though!! lol
Mal and Sarah
aaawww congrats on the wedding! and hope all goes well..
Congrats to you both. I know you dont know myself and my partner Bassman (at least I dont think we have met redface - although could have passed each other at some munch somewhere along the line) Anyway, we would love to come along and join in the celebrations - and I am sure my good friend Corriefem can vouch for us biggrin
Best of luck to you both smile
Quote by fembernie
Congrats to you both. I know you dont know myself and my partner Bassman (at least I dont think we have met redface - although could have passed each other at some munch somewhere along the line) Anyway, we would love to come along and join in the celebrations - and I am sure my good friend Corriefem can vouch for us biggrin
Best of luck to you both smile

I'm happy to vouch for Bernie and Bassman WRATS, they are lovely and respectful and just generally great to have around....
so adding bassman, fembernie, ginge and lee we make that around 45 so far , now we look like we have the makings of one hell of a ging gang gooly round the old camp fire,
I would have loved to have come and net the Well meet again crew but I will be in the states unfortunately :cry:
Congratulations to you both and I hope you all have a great time wink
I'm on the list...............ain't i :shock: ,,,, I hope so especially as its a CAMP fire party the CAMPER the better :happy:
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: rotflmao :laughabove:
becky that made me giggle...of course you are on the list, how could i forget you. i just havent put the list up yet, but will be doing that in the next few days..
if anyone should be on the list and i dont put your name up then send me a pm and tell me. ive got a bit mixed up and have to rely on my memory
Myself and (maybe a fem partner) would love to be invited.
And.... Congratulations of course!!
My tent hunt didn't go as well as planned.
Dawn: Dad when you moved the other week, did you keep one of the smaller tents?
Dawns Dad: Yes love, why?
Dawn: well I've asked Mum if you will have the kids in September and we are all going to put up tents in a mates field
Dawns Dad: That sounds like fun. Why don't you take the old 6 birth tent and take the kids with you. They love camping.
Dawn: well you know how it is. People have a few too many drinks, start swearing and telling dirty jokes. You know what I'm like, I hate people using bad language in front of the kids.
Dawns Dad: Talking about yourself there Dawn?
Dawn: redface surprisedops: :oops:
Dawns Dad: ask your Mum, she has the list of all the other dates you want us to have the kids rolleyes
So I still don't know if we are coming or not but I am trying :lol2:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
So I still don't know if we are coming or not but I am trying :lol2:

I'm sure there are lots of people on this site who could help you, all you have to do is ask
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Sarah

So I still don't know if we are coming or not but I am trying :lol2:

I'm sure there are lots of people on this site who could help you, all you have to do is ask
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
That is not what I meant but now you come to mention it :giggle:
*wanders off thinking about placing an ad for over the easter break
we would love to come , sounds great fun biggrin :D
sam and lucyxxx
Like I said before I have 4 places in a tent - anyone want space - PM me
Quote by tameside_couple
we would love to come , sounds great fun biggrin :D
sam and lucyxxx

then come lol
you are on the list
Congratulations to you both kiss
Would love to have been able to come ....but am already away that weekend.
Hope you all have a brilliant nite :rascal:
Lucy :kiss:
Quote by Dawn_Mids

So I still don't know if we are coming or not but I am trying :lol2:

I'm sure there are lots of people on this site who could help you, all you have to do is ask
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
That is not what I meant but now you come to mention it :giggle:
*wanders off thinking about placing an ad for over the easter break
dawn if you cant get a tent rose says she may double up, well actually she didntsay that and as of yet has no idea im suggesting it, but hey gve a guy the pleasure for just the few minutes till she knees me in the balls wont you?
from small acorns do large oaks grow......................... wink
Dawn and Ian you are welcome to share my tent but you need to help me put it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sleeps 4 - 6 smile
Quote by lucyslovely
Congratulations to you both kiss
Would love to have been able to come ....but am already away that weekend.
Hope you all have a brilliant nite :rascal:
Lucy :kiss:

thank you ,, next time eh