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Is there any hope for us single guys?

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Hi all,
Been around the site for a while now and it seems that the old 'fancy a shag' tactic just isn't working for the single man (shock!), so though that a little more consideration might be needed. So, any women fancy an intimate, sensual, giving session with a younger man? It'd be a fantastic experience for both...
Good God, some blokes DO read the postings!!!!!!!
I'm impressed (well nearly).
You scored a B- (room for improvement)
Just Kidding
Good Luck in your quest!
Alex x
Ouch! Thought it was all going so well, and then took the sucker punch!
Sorry, I will try to be a bit more imaginative next time though. How about I include harp playing cherubs, blue skys and rolling hills???
lol lol lol
Love your sense of humour!
Alex x
Hi formerwessexboy, you are not the only one here. It seems like cpl/fem Dont really like to go for a single males much here, certainly not for the young ones. So I just come here to take part at whatever i can and help the others instead (like talking and supporting by posting message on the board). But hey (to the cpls/fems out there) we are all not the same, Why not give us a chance. We certanly get to learn things and you might get to learn from us! you never know until you try it. lol
Having been a member of this site for some time now, I have formed the opinion that most single guys are wasting their time. This site is predominently a site for couple and fems to meet the same. Whilst enjoying the room chat i have yet to speak to any couples that are looking to meet a single guy. That of course is their right, but I have also noticed in the room an anti-single guy syndrom creeping in. In fact one couple the other day were positively rude and scathing of single guys.
Don't know what the answer is but I for one am getting very fed up and may not continue usiing the site much longer.
What does anyone else think the answer is. A seperate chat room for people looking to meet singles ?
Fellahs -
I dont think that single guys are frowned on en mass. I think it's unfortunate though that so many do seem to think that all they have to do is advertise themselves as horny and the girls/couple come running. It's more likely because of this that you genuine guys get overlooked.
Speaking for myself - I have been in recent pm and telephone contact with a really nice single bloke from on here.
So what I am saying - is everyone is different - dont assume that the attitude of every woman/couple on here is the same. I never assume that every single bloke is a moron unless he proves it in his ad or posting.
By the way - I hope you didnt take offense at my attempt at humour earlier in the thread because none was intended.
Love, Alex x x
I think you are right to a degree, single guys are always going to have less luck, there are simply to many of us, supply & demand etc.. I was hoping that once I got rolling so to speak the wife would come along to, open up a whole new world smile still hoping that will happen, who knows.
I think the best way to look at the forums are as a place to chat & meet new friends, I lurked for a long time before posting & there are some really nice genuine people on here, male, female & couples, even if you just get to make some new online friends thats got to be good news & if some more physical fun comes of it then even better!!
Out of interest, I wonder why there are less single ladies than men on forums like this or in the scene in general?
Out of interest, I wonder why there are less single ladies than men on forums like this or in the scene in general?

Jon - I think regardless of this being a more openly sexual society, it is still more acceptable socially for a male to get into this than a female. rolleyes
By the way - I am in a similar situaltion to you. I'm married, but husband is not keen on the idea. :cry:
Alex x
Not for the first time I'm in complete agreement with Alex. There are many very genuine, pleasant and personable single men out there - and I may as well say there are quite a few on this site I would be delighted to meet for a drink.
I have no idea why there appear to be fewer single women, Jon. They obviously don't know what they're missing!
It's almost a platitude to preach patience and resignation, but it is the obvious answer. From the single woman's point of you - mine, personally - I'm extremely selective. Partly I have that luxury because to quote the song, it's raining men, but also because I prefer to choose carefully and I only liase with partners with whom I feel a common interest and a mutual respect.
The gist of this is, don't give up hope and don't give up on Swinging Heaven. Despite the occasional idiot and the frequent examples of disrespect in ads, it is a good place to be.
Love Sappho xxx
Alex, I guess you are right, for some odd reason women arent encouraged to enjoy or express themselves in a sexual way; never understood it, personally I much prefer a lady who knows what she wants & isn't afraid to say. So I guess that makes you all the braver getting into this when your husband doesnt want to, as for my wife there are good reasons that she won't play, more something that should only be discussed off the forum but still hoping she will change her mind.
As I say tho, even if as a single (on here) guy all I get is some new pals thats great, still it would be nice to at least get a sniff of a lady or couple smile
Hey Sappho, I'm no Gentleman :) & you will always get idiots in any forum whether you be in Swingers Heaven or the Online stamp collectors group (I made that group up, never collected stamps honest :))
Jon (ever hopefull)
I think you and I are at about the same stage.
So far I am all chat and no action (well a bit of failed dogging with my husband but that's all).
I do have genuine concerns over the 'action' bit. These are the normal STD/I concerns that anyone would have. I haven't really resolved these fears in my own mind yet. Perhaps when the opportunity for some 'action' arises I will have a clearer perspective.
Oh - when you said 'pals' - you inferred pals to be male - how about female pals as well? Female pals could develop into something more........... As I have said in a post in another thread - sex with friends is far better and more rewarding.
Love Alex x x
Alex, I guess thats one of the problems on-line, I didn't mean to infer that I would prefer male pals, actually I like the company of ladies better but love to chat to everyone, best thing about the internet for me is meeting new people & finding out about them, lots of nice people on-line, ok lots of not nice ppl to but you can usually spot them.
I guess to a degree I share your fears over meeting new people for play, to be honest I hope when it comes to it I'm up to the event (how many guys would admit that smile) & that thoose fears don't manifest in a physical way so to speak.
You are of course right sex with friends is far better on loads of levels, so much more relaxed & fun, after all thats what to me anyway this is all about "FUN & FRIENDS" if I'm not with someone who is having fun & laughing then its not for me, I'm certainly not a guy who takes himself very seriously.
Yes! Having fun and frolics with a good friend who you know well and care about is as good as swinging gets in my eyes, if you can call it swinging.
I have had a couple of "best friends with benefits" over the years, and its the next best thing to making love, so close if you both care for each other and respect each other to be almost indestiquishable. smile
They have moved on and are in relationships now although we are still very good friends and in contact with each other.
I am proud to say I have been on friend name terms with everyone I have been intimate with in my life. :)
I have never said "I've got a big cock, fancy a shag?" or "looking for a horny woman with big tits, pm me" LOL
It really doesnt work (I hope) and I dont know why people keep posting things like that - they say hope springs eternal, but thats ridiculous. biggrin
Get to know people - and you never know, it might be the start of a wonderfuly and erotic friendship. If you gel and the chemistry is there, it will happen if you both (or all three, four, etc of you :D) want it it to.
Couldnt agree more about what has been said. Single ladies ? my guess is that there are so few of them because they dont need to advertise or look for male partners. Still think that single guys get a raw deal though, no matter how polite or unobtrusive they are. As for the idiots who are too blunt or use obscene language, well they deserve to fail.
Yes it is nice to meet friends over the net, but if we are honest, the whole idea of joining this site and others like it, is for sex and for single guys that rarely happens.
ne andy
Quote by Alex
Speaking for myself - I have been in recent pm and telephone contact with a really nice single bloke from on here.

Bugger......somebody beat me to it! :cry:
Ahhh- now we are talking telephone support! biggrin
Thanks for your kind words yesterday Alex - greatly appreciated!
PS - you're not joking about being a thread hijacker are you! lol
Quote by adventurer
I have formed the opinion that most single guys are wasting their time. This site is predominently a site for couple and fems NEAndy

Sorry you feel that way, but I do try and help out as many young single guys as I can.
After saying that I have had to turn a few down since the New Year as I have not been feeling well.
Ive got a virus which most of the people in my village seem to have, the Doc say's it will last about three weeks.
Quote by blade001
I just come here to take part at whatever i can and help the others instead

So how about helping me as i could do with some one to talk to!!!!
Thats not all.
Quote by steveg_nw
Bugger Steve

Watch it Steve as some of us do Bugger others!!!
Hi Guys
Just to add my 5 pennorth. I have had success from this site, both from single ladies and couples. But the biggest success is making so many new friends. Look at what you are trying to achieve. Sex first, then friends? Wrong way round, guys. The blokes that come on here with the 'fancy a shag?' attitude are brilliant, because it puts other people off, who then look to their friends. If you are their friends, you suddenly appear so much better than the numpty who posted.
Patience, politeness and a sense of humour and fun will win you more hearts than boasting how big your dick is. Believe me, it does work, just don't make sex the ultimate goal. If it happens, treat it as a fabulous bonus. Don't try and make them feel sorry for you. Make them want you as a friend and the fun you can have on here will be terrific.
And above all......have fun lol
Quote by adventurer
....... I have formed the opinion that most single guys are wasting their time. This site is predominently a site for couple and fems to meet the same. NEAndy

Am i unusual then in that i would like to meet single guys ??? But i for one do find it very off putting when all i get is the 'fancy a shag' syndrome from guys .....
Single fems have to consider their own safety ... it would be a very foolish woman who meets without finding out something about that person which is why i prefer 'friendship' first - then see how things go ..
Quote by Mal609
...... Patience, politeness and a sense of humour and fun will win you more hearts ........... Make them want you as a friend and the fun you can have on here will be terrific.

So very true Mal .... I'll have you as a friend anyday lol rolleyes
Lucy smile
And you have :twisted: !! kiss
Such wise words Mal!
Well said!
Alex x x
Thanks Alex lol
Anytime! biggrin
I'm currently trying to put together some info for the newbies, so we don't get the numpty postings we have been getting lately, so any comments you have about what you, as a relatively new girl, have come across, both good and bad, can you PM them to me? Hopefully Mark will publish it at the end of the month.
By the way, I love the avatar lol :lol:
ttfn !
A friend in the hand is worth two in the bush - or something. biggrin
Join in, make friends, and then you never know what may happen.
Mal - I have sent a pm!
Alex x