mmmm booked hotel, cant wait lol
see you all there should be a good time lol
T & G xxx
Quote by freckledbird
Have you got a taste for the Munches now then Drifter?
Nice to know that people aren't scared when they go to a munch - it just shows that they really are a good, non-threatening way to meet and chat with other swingers
Quote by Sexysteph
Awwwww honey sleep o. nit a few days - I will leave your name there for the time being - it you still feel the same this time next week then I will remove it.
Munches are pretty overpowering sometimes and we all do things we wish we had not done later.
You are one of the nicest guys on site and it would be a shame for you not to come along however I will respect your wishes should you decide you wish to stay away after you have had a chance to think..
Quote by lucyweebaps
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Only 10 days to go :P
Looking forward to seeing you all again ..old and new :P can you tell ?
just got sleeping arrangments to sort and that's me Oh and something to wear :lol:
Lucy xxxxxx