Quote by LondonPlaything
can't miss that one Bassman... puts my little one to shame!
Is OK London Plaything - I accept all sizes........
of tattoo that is
Quote by handh
Hi there.
We would have loved to catch up with you on tuesday but sadly Mr H is working
:( :( :( :(
Bernie, Try and organise another one you both are well
Mr & Mrs H
Quote by fembernie
OK - here is the latest.....
So far, for the drinks night out we have the following mix of people:
3 couples
2 females
17 single males!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Quote by HarryJones
OK - here is the latest.....
So far, for the drinks night out we have the following mix of people:
3 couples
2 females
17 single males!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Quote by pdic500
Hi just seen this ad.............hope I'm not too late to be included or that you have to many single men...................If all OK please let me have details................Cheers Paul