So heres the scenario, I'm 19, fully aware of the typical stereotype of young males my age, want to get into swinging regardless, always maintain a mature, adult attitude and conversational style, and believe that one day, maybe just maybe I could get accepted into this adult utopian swingers paradise...
Then a few days into my membership of said community, I check the forum and come across this absolutely adult topic, where most of the esteemed, distinguished members are discussing the likeness and phallic simile of doorknobs, and the oh so funny play-on-words thats is "tits".
You should all be ashamed of yourselves! What kind of example is this setting to the younger generation of swingers?! Your all grounded, and no pocket money for a month!
Oh, oh, oh thats real mature Dino!
Besides, it's not the size of the ship it's the motion in the ocean! ner ner ner ner neeer
I am soooo sorry Bilko, I just couldn't help myself.
WOW,nipples in various states of arousal,cool,john
Ok while we're at it, I may as well show you my ass
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Blimey Sassy-Seren, that's an impressive ass....I don't know if my butt can live up to that!
Serendipity, that's a mighty fine butt you have there hunni. Want to see my nips too?