Don't miss this hot and horny bbw's 2nd bareback gangbang. She had her first two weeks ago and we got around 10 guys but she wants more this tome. More cock, cum and fucking so come on let's make it best gangbang. Other couples and fems is in Salford Quays in a nice house in a quiet estate from approximately. The guys who came to the first one are still talking about it lol. NO timewaster oe dreamers!!!
hi meggo id love to join yr gang bang
Hi Meggo
I would luv to join you if you have room for one more.
please let me know?
Come on guys mrs yosser wants lots of cocks and cum to share with the other fem
well a big ty to all especially ken for hosting it all and to the guys that turned up and were very patiant due to the other fem not turning up ty again the yossers xxx
Gutted i missed another one if only it had been tonight, glad you all hhad fun anyway..
hi meggo,
please put me down to come again!
how annoying, just returned from uni in manchester