I believe you mentioned this to me now I come to think of it.
Having been to w*rk today, for the first time in about 3 or 4 months, I apologize for not being here to answer the Q as to what I will be wearing. Well, as it's bloody cold down here, I bet it's brass monkeys up there, so sorry... gonna be in me jeans. Also a nice little white vest top and a black jacket. Overall effect? Think Sharon Watts. (But fatter)
Well folks
Hope u all have a good time tomorrow.
Dont misbehave now!!
And hope to hear some stories when it is all over?
Well i can dream?
can't wait,i'm like a boy with a new toy if you know what i mean :twisted: :twisted:
Well mate judging by the list it looks like u will have a few toys to play with!!
Anyway happy birthday and have a good day.
Totally, utterly and absolutely devastated. Eldest lad is ill and we were almost there and had to come back as he was asking for us at the mom-in-laws. Not a very good first time is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway we hope everyone has a good time and has plenty of drinks on us. Im really sorry I couldnt give Steve his birthday kiss, that is the biggest disappointment of all.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: