Quote by dambuster
Kettle ?
Pot ??
Grimey Arse ???
surreal menu planning.............sorry dammy i somehow think you're unlikely to make it onto the shortlist :lol2:
Quote by mik69
Its like blind date in here Drac mate but without our Cilla "now will you choose number 1 NWC who has a cracking pair of sparrows legs or prehaps number 2 winchwench who is no good at domestic chores but provides more suction than a Dyson or will you go for the offers of marmite or dairylee on toast the choice Dracae is all yours"
Quote by dracae
in walks cplbbw with a brecky from the union rooms ......whos top of the list now
Quote by cplbbw
in walks cplbbw with a brecky from the union rooms ......whos top of the list now
Quote by dracae
in walks cplbbw with a brecky from the union rooms ......whos top of the list now