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XTASIA - This friday 11th July

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11 replies
2 watchers
Hi peeps
A few peeps in the mids room (server 3) have expressed an interest in going to Xtasia this friday.
It is not an arranged social or exclusive, just wanted to find out how many may come... (& cum wink ) lol I like it when its busy... so many to choose from hehehe :grin:
P.s. Im hoping to arrive about 10pm what about you?
(Bux has to work, bloody fridays!!)
subject to rose being well enuf ...shes been poorly, still is, we will be there
staggy n rose
ohh i'm off work this friday night, was going to chameleons but may go if theres a few going, i'll keep my eye on the thread lol
Cooooool, I know others are coming but haven't put names down??
Come on.. let us know lol And we'll see ya there!!
Minx :rascal: xx
wish we could be there sad
Have fun all those that go xxxx
Warming the Bed
hi not chatted before but often go in mids room and are going xtasia fri nite! be great too see u all there if we recognise anyone lol
sammyansteve xx
Davidsanction... I wish you were coming too sad
But WILL be seein ya soon :grin:
Sammyansteve... Your very welcome biggrin Your bound to find me.. just follow the noise haha (or look for the tit tatt lol)
Anymore then????
Minx :rascal: xx
Hi smile
Just to let ya know I'll be going straight inside cos more than likely arriving alone
See ya all laterzzzzzzzz
Minx :rascal: xx
Warming the Bed
hi buxom im phil 37 im going 2 xtasia 2nite if u fancy meeting up ive got a good athletic body blonde hair & very easy going hope 2 c u there xxx